
Pipedream Registry

When developing workflows with pre-built actions and triggers, under the hood you're using components from the Pipedream Registry Github Repository.

Components contributed to the Pipedream Registry Github Repository are published to the Pipedream marketplace and are listed in the Pipedream UI when building workflows.

What is a component?

If you haven't yet, we recommend starting with our Component Development Quickstart Guides for sources and actions to learn how to build components and privately publish them to your account.

Registry Components Structure

All Pipedream registry components live in this GitHub repo under the components directory.

Every integrated app on Pipedream has a corresponding directory that defines the actions and sources available for that app. Below is a simplified version of the Airtable app directory within the registry:

    • package.json
        • get-record.mjs
      • be dragons
        • new-records.mjs
  • In the example above, the components/airtable/actions/get-record/get-record.mjs component is published as the Get Record action under the Airtable app within the workflow builder in Pipedream.

    The repository is missing the app directory I'd like to add components for

    You can request to have new apps integrated into Pipedream.

    Once the Pipedream team integrates the app, we'll create a directory for the app in the components directory of the GitHub repo.

    Contribution Process

    Anyone from the community can build sources and actions for integrated apps.

    To submit new components or update existing components:

    1. Fork the public Pipedream Registry Github Repository.
    2. Create a new component within the corresponding app's directory within the components directory (if applicable).
    3. Create a PR for the Pipedream team to review.
    4. Address any feedback provided by Pipedream based on the best practice Component Guidelines & Patterns.
    5. Once the review is complete and approved, Pipedream will merge the PR to the master branch
    6. The component will be available for use within workflows for all Pipedream developers! 🎉

    Component Development Discussion

    Join the discussion with other Pipedream component developers at the #contribute channel in Slack or on Discourse.

    Not sure what to build?

    Need inspiration? Check out sources and actions requested by the community!

    Reference Components

    The following components are references for developing sources and actions for Pipedream's registry.

    Reference Sources

    New CardTrelloWebhook
    New or Modified FilesGoogle DriveWebhook + Polling
    New SubmissionJotformWebhook (with no unique hook ID)

    Reference Actions

    Add Multiple RowsGoogle Sheets
    Send MessageDiscord
    Append TextGoogle Docs
    GET requestHTTP