← Discord Bot + Verifalia integrations

Verify Email Address with Verifalia API on New Message in Channel from Discord Bot API

Pipedream makes it easy to connect APIs for Verifalia, Discord Bot and 2,200+ other apps remarkably fast.

Trigger workflow on
New Message in Channel from the Discord Bot API
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Verify Email Address with the Verifalia API
No credit card required
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Developers Pipedream

Getting Started

This integration creates a workflow with a Discord Bot trigger and Verifalia action. When you configure and deploy the workflow, it will run on Pipedream's servers 24x7 for free.

  1. Select this integration
  2. Configure the New Message in Channel trigger
    1. Connect your Discord Bot account
    2. Select a Guild
    3. Select one or more Channels
    4. Optional- Configure Emit messages as a single event
    5. Configure timer
  3. Configure the Verify Email Address action
    1. Connect your Verifalia account
    2. Configure Email address
    3. Optional- Select a Quality Level
    4. Optional- Configure Data Retention Period
  4. Deploy the workflow
  5. Send a test event to validate your setup
  6. Turn on the trigger


This integration uses pre-built, source-available components from Pipedream's GitHub repo. These components are developed by Pipedream and the community, and verified and maintained by Pipedream.

To contribute an update to an existing component or create a new component, create a PR on GitHub. If you're new to Pipedream component development, you can start with quickstarts for trigger span and action development, and then review the component API reference.


Description:Emit new event for each message posted to one or more channels

Discord Bot Overview

The Discord Bot API unlocks the power to interact with Discord users and channels programmatically, making it possible to automate messages, manage servers, and integrate with other services. With Pipedream's serverless platform, you can create complex workflows that respond to events in Discord, process data, and trigger actions in other apps. This opens up opportunities for community engagement, content moderation, analytics, and more, without the overhead of managing infrastructure.

Trigger Code

import { DEFAULT_POLLING_SOURCE_TIMER_INTERVAL } from "@pipedream/platform";
import maxBy from "lodash.maxby";
import common from "../common.mjs";
import sampleEmit from "./test-event.mjs";

const { discord } = common.props;

export default {
  key: "discord_bot-new-message-in-channel",
  name: "New Message in Channel",
  description: "Emit new event for each message posted to one or more channels",
  type: "source",
  version: "0.0.18",

  dedupe: "unique", // Dedupe events based on the Discord message ID
  props: {
    db: "$.service.db",
    channels: {
      type: "string[]",
      label: "Channels",
      description: "The channels you'd like to watch for new messages",
      propDefinition: [
        ({ guildId }) => ({
    emitEventsInBatch: {
      type: "boolean",
      label: "Emit messages as a single event",
        "If `true`, all messages are emitted as an array, within a single Pipedream event. Defaults to `false`, emitting each Discord message as its own event in Pipedream",
      optional: true,
      default: false,
    timer: {
      type: "$.interface.timer",
      default: {
  async run({ $ }) {
    // We store a cursor to the last message ID
    let lastMessageIDs = this._getLastMessageIDs();

    // If this is our first time running this source,
    // get the last N messages, emit them, and checkpoint
    for (const channelId of this.channels) {
      let lastMessageID;
      let messages = [];

      if (!lastMessageID) {
        messages = await this.discord.getMessages({
          params: {
            limit: 100,

        lastMessageID = messages.length
          ? maxBy(messages, (message) => message.id).id
          : 1;

      } else {
        let newMessages = [];

        do {
          newMessages = await this.discord.getMessages({
            params: {
              after: lastMessageIDs[channelId],

          messages = messages.concat(newMessages);

          lastMessageID = newMessages.length
            ? maxBy(newMessages, (message) => message.id).id
            : lastMessageIDs[channelId];

        } while (newMessages.length);

      // Set the new high water mark for the last message ID
      // for this channel
      lastMessageIDs[channelId] = lastMessageID;

      if (!messages.length) {
        console.log(`No new messages in channel ${channelId}`);

      console.log(`${messages.length} new messages in channel ${channelId}`);

      // Batched emits do not take advantage of the built-in deduper
      if (this.emitEventsInBatch) {
        const suffixChar =
          messages.length > 1
            ? "s"
            : "";

        this.$emit(messages, {
          summary: `${messages.length} new message${suffixChar}`,
          id: lastMessageID,

      } else {
        messages.forEach((message) => {
          this.$emit(message, {
            summary: message.content,
            id: message.id, // dedupes events based on this ID

    // Set the last message ID for the next run

Trigger Configuration

This component may be configured based on the props defined in the component code. Pipedream automatically prompts for input values in the UI and CLI.
Discord BotdiscordappThis component uses the Discord Bot app.
GuildguildIdstringSelect a value from the drop down menu.
N/Adb$.service.dbThis component uses $.service.db to maintain state between executions.
Channelschannelsstring[]Select a value from the drop down menu.
Emit messages as a single eventemitEventsInBatchboolean

If true, all messages are emitted as an array, within a single Pipedream event. Defaults to false, emitting each Discord message as its own event in Pipedream


Trigger Authentication

Discord Bot uses API keys for authentication. When you connect your Discord Bot account, Pipedream securely stores the keys so you can easily authenticate to Discord Bot APIs in both code and no-code steps.

This app allows you to use the Discord API using your own Discord bot. If you don't want to use a custom bot, and you just need to use the Discord API, exit this screen and use the Discord app, instead.

If you want to use your own Discord bot, but haven't created one yet, see these instructions or watch this video. You'll need to add this bot to your server(s) to make successful API requests.

Once you've created your bot, you'll find the Bot token within the Bot section of your app. Enter that token below.

About Discord Bot

Use this app to interact with the Discord API using a bot in your account


Description:Verify an email address and check if it is properly formatted, really exists and can accept mails, flagging spam traps, disposable emails and much more. [See the docs](https://verifalia.com/developers#email-validations-creating) for more information

Verifalia Overview

Verifalia's API provides robust email validation and verification services, ensuring that email addresses in your lists are accurate and deliverable. Leveraging Verifalia within Pipedream workflows can automate the process of cleaning up email lists, improve email marketing efficiency, and maintain communication channel integrity. By integrating Verifalia's capabilities, you can cut down on bounces, identify disposable email addresses, and segment lists based on quality scores.

Action Code

import { axios } from "@pipedream/platform";
import verifalia from "../../verifalia.app.mjs";
import common from "../../common.mjs";

import {
} from "verifalia";

export default {
  name: "Verify Email Address",
  description: "Verify an email address and check if it is properly formatted, really exists and can accept mails, " +
        "flagging spam traps, disposable emails and much more. [See the docs](https://verifalia.com/developers#email-validations-creating) for more information",
  key: "verifalia-verify-email",
  version: "1.1.0",
  type: "action",
  props: {
    emailAddress: {
      type: "string",
      label: "Email address",
      description: "Enter the email address to verify (e.g. `batman@gmail.com`)",
      optional: false,
    quality: {
      type: "string",
      label: "Quality Level",
      description: "The higher the quality level the longer it could take to complete the verification; by default, we use the configured default quality level for your Verifalia user.",
      optional: true,
      options: common.qualityLevelOptions,
    retention: {
      type: "string",
      label: "Data Retention Period",
      description: "The data retention period to observe for the validation job, expressed in the format `dd.hh:mm:ss` " +
                "(where dd: days, hh: hours, mm: minutes, ss: seconds); the initial `dd.` part is added only for periods of " +
                "more than 24 hours. The value has a minimum of 5 minutes (`0:5:0`) and a maximum of 30 days (`30.0:0:0`): " +
                "Verifalia will delete the job and its data once its data retention period is over, starting to count when " +
                "it gets completed.",
      optional: true,

  async run({ $ }) {
    const { run } = $.context;
    const verifaliaClient = this.verifalia.buildVerifaliaRestClient();

    // This component takes advantage of the new Pipedream's flow suspension: we handle
    // the first run vs. callback scenarios hereafter.

    if (run.runs === 1) {
      // Check the format of the data retention period and report a user-friendly error

      if (this.retention && !this.verifalia.isValidTimeSpan(this.retention)) {
        throw new Error(`The specified data retention period '${this.retention}' is incorrect: must be in the ` +
                    "format dd.hh:mm:ss (where dd: days, hh: hours, mm: minutes, ss: seconds).");

      // HACK: Pausing a workflow is not supported in test mode, as the editor would just
      // output the message "Would have paused until...". To overcome this, we are *not*
      // suspending runs in test mode and, in that case, proceed with a standard polling
      // to the API, backed by the usual Promise support. If the execution time approaches
      // the one we are allowed by Pipedream, we just let the user know.

      let resumeUrl = null;
      let waitForResults = false;
      let cancellationToken = null;

      if ($.context.test) {
        // In test mode, we will wait for the verification results during this execution
        // and cancel the token after 20s (the actual lowest limit is 30s).
        // See: https://pipedream.com/docs/limits/#time-per-execution

        waitForResults = true;
        cancellationToken = new CancellationToken();
        setTimeout(() => cancellationToken.cancel(), 20 * 1000);
      } else {
        // In deployment mode, we won't wait for the verification results during this
        // execution and, instead, rely on the Verifalia completion callback support and
        // on the Pipedream's new ability to suspend execution flows.

        resumeUrl = $.flow.rerun(86400 * 1000, {}, 1).resume_url;

      // Submit the verification to Verifalia

      let job;

      try {
        job = await this.verifalia.wrapVerifaliaApiInvocation(async () => {
          return await verifaliaClient
              quality: this.quality,
              entries: [
                  inputData: this.emailAddress,
              retention: this.retention,
              callback: {
                url: resumeUrl,
      } catch (error) {
        // If the error is an OperationCanceledError it means that we are in test mode and
        // have manually cancelled the submission: just let the user know why that happened.

        if (error instanceof OperationCanceledError) {
          // Had to replace the word req*ire with a synonym because of https://github.com/PipedreamHQ/pipedream/issues/3187 :)

          throw new Error("This operation would need some more time to complete and that would not work properly in " +
                        "Pipedream's test mode. Please deploy your workflow to get a meaningful email verification result.");

        throw error;

      // Handle the verification outcome, if available

      if (job.overview.status === "Completed") {
        if (!resumeUrl) {
          // We are in test mode and the validation just completed in a single request

          return job;

        // TODO: If the validation completed, abort the suspension and return the results
        // Blocked by https://github.com/PipedreamHQ/pipedream/issues/3151

        // We are *not* in test mode and the job is complete: simulate an instantaneous
        // webhook completion callback, as the external one may take a few seconds to
        // fire and we wish to continue the flow as fast as possible.

        return axios($, {
          method: "POST",
          url: resumeUrl,
          data: {
            event: {
              type: "email-validation.completed",
              data: {
                id: job.overview.id,
          returnFullResponse: true,

      // If we are here, the validation is not yet completed and the flow is going to
      // be suspended by Pipedream.
    } else {
      const callbackRequest = run.callback_request;

      // We are only interested in a specific callback type

      if (callbackRequest.body.event.type === "email-validation.completed") {
        // Retrieve and return the job

        const jobId = callbackRequest.body.event.data.id;

        return await this.verifalia.wrapVerifaliaApiInvocation(() => verifaliaClient

      // We have just received a callback we weren't waiting for :/

      throw new Error("An error occurred while processing your request, sorry.");

Action Configuration

This component may be configured based on the props defined in the component code. Pipedream automatically prompts for input values in the UI.

VerifaliaverifaliaappThis component uses the Verifalia app.
Email addressemailAddressstring

Enter the email address to verify (e.g. batman@gmail.com)

Quality LevelqualitystringSelect a value from the drop down menu:{ "label": "Standard quality", "value": "standard" }{ "label": "High quality", "value": "high" }{ "label": "Extreme quality", "value": "extreme" }
Data Retention Periodretentionstring

The data retention period to observe for the validation job, expressed in the format dd.hh:mm:ss (where dd: days, hh: hours, mm: minutes, ss: seconds); the initial dd. part is added only for periods of more than 24 hours. The value has a minimum of 5 minutes (0:5:0) and a maximum of 30 days (30.0:0:0): Verifalia will delete the job and its data once its data retention period is over, starting to count when it gets completed.

Action Authentication

Verifalia uses API keys for authentication. When you connect your Verifalia account, Pipedream securely stores the keys so you can easily authenticate to Verifalia APIs in both code and no-code steps.

In order to connect Verifalia with Pipedream, enter your Verifalia username and password below.

  • To learn more about how Verifalia handles authentication, see their documentation.
  • Make sure to use a strong and unique password for Verifalia.

About Verifalia

Verifalia is a fast and accurate email verification service which identifies deliverable, invalid, or otherwise risky email addresses in real-time: it stops bad and low-quality emails getting into your systems, reduces bounce rates and keeps your campaigns deliverable.

More Ways to Connect Verifalia + Discord Bot

Verify Email Address with Verifalia API on New Guild Member from Discord Bot API
Discord Bot + Verifalia
Try it
Delete Email Verification Job with Verifalia API on New Message in Channel from Discord Bot API
Discord Bot + Verifalia
Try it
Delete Email Verification Job with Verifalia API on New Guild Member from Discord Bot API
Discord Bot + Verifalia
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Get Credits Balance with Verifalia API on New Message in Channel from Discord Bot API
Discord Bot + Verifalia
Try it
Get Credits Balance with Verifalia API on New Guild Member from Discord Bot API
Discord Bot + Verifalia
Try it
New Message in Channel from the Discord Bot API

Emit new event for each message posted to one or more channels

Try it
New Forum Thread Message from the Discord Bot API

Emit new event for each forum thread message posted. Note that your bot must have the MESSAGE_CONTENT privilege intent to see the message content, see the docs here.

Try it
New Guild Member from the Discord Bot API

Emit new event for every member added to a guild. See docs here

Try it
New Thread Message from the Discord Bot API

Emit new event for each thread message posted.

Try it
Add Role with the Discord Bot API

Assign a role to a user. Remember that your bot requires the MANAGE_ROLES permission. See the docs here

Try it
Change Nickname with the Discord Bot API

Modifies the nickname of the current user in a guild.

Try it
Create Channel Invite with the Discord Bot API

Create a new invite for the channel. See the docs here

Try it
Create Guild Channel with the Discord Bot API

Create a new channel for the guild. See the docs here

Try it
Delete Channel with the Discord Bot API

Delete a Channel.

Try it

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