import {
} from "../../common/methods.mjs";
import imagekitIo from "../../";
export default {
key: "imagekit_io-upload-image",
name: "Upload Image",
version: "0.0.2",
description: "Upload a new image to [See the documentation](",
type: "action",
props: {
file: {
type: "string",
label: "File",
description: "The file you want to upload. It can be **binnary**, **base64** or **url** or **a file path in the `/tmp` directory.** [See the documentation on working with files](",
fileName: {
type: "string",
label: "File Name",
description: "The name with which the file has to be uploaded. The file name can contain: - Alphanumeric Characters: **a-z , A-Z , 0-9** (including unicode letters, marks, and numerals in other languages) - Special Characters: **.** and **-** Any other character including space will be replaced by **_**",
useUniqueFileName: {
type: "boolean",
label: "Use Unique Filename",
description: "Whether to use a unique filename for this file or not. If set **true**, will add a unique suffix to the filename parameter to get a unique filename. If set **false**, then the image is uploaded with the provided filename parameter, and any existing file with the same name is replaced. Default Value is **True**",
optional: true,
tags: {
type: "string[]",
label: "Tags",
description: "Set the tags while uploading the file. `%` is not allowed. If this field is not specified and the file is overwritten then the tags will be removed.",
optional: true,
folder: {
type: "string",
label: "Folder",
description: "The folder path **(e.g. /images/folder/)** in which the image has to be uploaded. If the folder(s) didn't exist before, a new folder(s) is created. The nesting of folders can be at most 50 levels deep. The folder name can contain: - Alphanumeric Characters: **a-z , A-Z , 0-9** (including unicode letters, marks, and numerals in other languages). - Special Characters: **/**, **_** and **-**. - Using multiple / creates a nested folder.",
optional: true,
isPrivateFile: {
type: "boolean",
label: "Is Private File",
description: "Whether to mark the file as private or not. This is only relevant for image type files.",
optional: true,
isPublished: {
type: "boolean",
label: "Is Published",
description: "Whether to upload file as published or not. If set **false**, the file is marked as unpublished, which restricts access to the file only via the media library. Files in [draft or unpublished]( state can only be publicly accessed after being published. - The option to upload in draft state is only available in custom enterprise pricing plans.",
optional: true,
customCoordinates: {
type: "string",
label: "Custom Coordinates",
description: "Define an important area in the image. This is only relevant for image type files. The the format **x,y,width,height**. For example - **10,10,100,100**.",
optional: true,
responseFields: {
type: "string[]",
label: "Response Fields",
description: "A list of the fields that you want the API to return in the response. For example, set the value of this field to **tags**, **customCoordinates**, **isPrivateFile** to get the value of **tags**, **customCoordinates**, **isPublished** and **isPrivateFile** in the response. Accepts combination of **tags**, **customCoordinates**, **isPrivateFile**, **embeddedMetadata**, **customMetadata**, and **metadata**.",
optional: true,
extensions: {
type: "string[]",
label: "Extensions",
description: "An array of stringified object extensions to be applied to the image. For reference about extensions [read here](",
optional: true,
webhookUrl: {
type: "string",
label: "Webhook URL",
description: "The final status of pending extensions will be sent to this URL. To learn more about how ImageKit uses webhooks, [refer here](",
optional: true,
overwriteFile: {
type: "boolean",
label: "Overwrite File",
description: "Default is **true**. If **overwriteFile** is set to **false** and **useUniqueFileName** is also **false**, and a file already exists at the exact location, upload API will return an error immediately.",
optional: true,
overwriteAITags: {
type: "boolean",
label: "Overwrite AI Tags",
description: "Default is **true**. If the request does not have **tags**, **overwriteTags** is set to **true** and a file already exists at the exact location, exiting **tags** will be removed. In case the request body has **tags**, setting **overwriteTags** to **false** has no effect and request's **tags** are set on the asset.",
optional: true,
overwriteCustomMetadata: {
type: "boolean",
label: "Overwrite Custom Metadata",
description: "Default is **true**. If the request does not have **customMetadata**, **overwriteCustomMetadata** is set to **true** and a file already exists at the exact location, exiting **customMetadata** will be removed. In case the request body has **customMetadata**, setting **overwriteCustomMetadata** to **false** has no effect and request's **customMetadata** is set on the asset.",
optional: true,
customMetadata: {
type: "object",
label: "customMetadata",
description: "A JSON key-value data to be associated with the asset. Checkout **overwriteCustomMetadata** parameter to understand default behaviour. Before setting any custom metadata on an asset you have to create the field using [custom metadata fields API](",
optional: true,
async run({ $ }) {
const {
} = this;
const data = getFileFormData(file);
let newExt = extensions;
if (Array.isArray(newExt)) {
newExt = => {
if (typeof item === "object") {
return JSON.stringify(item);
return item;
newExt = `[${newExt.toString()}]`;
data.append("extensions", newExt);
for (const [
] of Object.entries(appendData)) {
data.append(label, value.toString());
if (customMetadata) {
data.append("customMetadata", fieldToString(customMetadata));
const response = await imagekitIo.uploadImage({
headers: {,
$.export("$summary", `The file with Id: ${response.fileId} was successfully uploaded!`);
return response;