← Google Postmaster Tools + Stripe integrations

Create Product with Stripe API on New Matched Traffic Stats from Google Postmaster Tools API

Pipedream makes it easy to connect APIs for Stripe, Google Postmaster Tools and 2,400+ other apps remarkably fast.

Trigger workflow on
New Matched Traffic Stats from the Google Postmaster Tools API
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Create Product with the Stripe API
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Developers Pipedream

Getting Started

This integration creates a workflow with a Google Postmaster Tools trigger and Stripe action. When you configure and deploy the workflow, it will run on Pipedream's servers 24x7 for free.

  1. Select this integration
  2. Configure the New Matched Traffic Stats trigger
    1. Connect your Google Postmaster Tools account
    2. Configure timer
    3. Select a Domain Name
    4. Configure filterInfo
    5. Optional- Configure Match All Filters
    6. Optional- Select one or more IP Reputation
    7. Optional- Select one or more Domain Reputation
    8. Optional- Configure User Reported Spam Ratio Greater Than or Equal To
    9. Optional- Configure SPF Success Ratio Less Than
    10. Optional- Configure DKIM Success Ratio Less Than
    11. Optional- Configure DMARC Success Ratio Less Than
    12. Optional- Configure Outbound Encryption Ratio Less Than
    13. Optional- Configure Inbound Encryption Ratio Less Than
    14. Optional- Configure Error Ratio Greater Than or Equal To
    15. Optional- Select a Error Categories
  3. Configure the Create Product action
    1. Connect your Stripe account
    2. Configure Product Name
    3. Optional- Configure Unit Amount
    4. Optional- Configure Unit Amount Decimal
    5. Optional- Configure Active
    6. Optional- Configure Unit Label
    7. Optional- Select a Country
    8. Optional- Select a Currency
    9. Optional- Select a Default Price Recurring Interval
  4. Deploy the workflow
  5. Send a test event to validate your setup
  6. Turn on the trigger


This integration uses pre-built, source-available components from Pipedream's GitHub repo. These components are developed by Pipedream and the community, and verified and maintained by Pipedream.

To contribute an update to an existing component or create a new component, create a PR on GitHub. If you're new to Pipedream component development, you can start with quickstarts for trigger span and action development, and then review the component API reference.


Description:Emits a new event when traffic stats match certain criteria. [See the documentation](https://developers.google.com/gmail/postmaster/reference/rest)

Google Postmaster Tools Overview

The Google Postmaster Tools API offers insights into the performance and deliverability of emails sent to Gmail users. It provides data on spam rates, feedback loops, delivery errors, and more, allowing senders to optimize email campaigns and enhance inbox placement. In Pipedream, you can harness this data to automate monitoring, analyze sending patterns, and integrate email performance metrics with other services for comprehensive analysis and action.

Trigger Code

import { DEFAULT_POLLING_SOURCE_TIMER_INTERVAL } from "@pipedream/platform";
import googlePostmasterToolsApi from "../../google_postmaster_tools_api.app.mjs";
import sampleEmit from "./test-event.mjs";

export default {
  key: "google_postmaster_tools_api-new-matched-traffic-stats",
  name: "New Matched Traffic Stats",
    "Emits a new event when traffic stats match certain criteria. [See the documentation](https://developers.google.com/gmail/postmaster/reference/rest)",
  version: "0.1.0",
  type: "source",
  dedupe: "unique",
  props: {
    db: "$.service.db",
    timer: {
      type: "$.interface.timer",
      default: {
    domain: {
      propDefinition: [
    filterInfo: {
      type: "alert",
      alertType: "info",
      content: "By default, events will be emitted when matching **any** of the configured filters. If you want **all** configured filters to be required instead, you can use the `Match All Filters` prop below.",
    matchAllFilters: {
      propDefinition: [
    ipReputation: {
      propDefinition: [
    domainReputation: {
      propDefinition: [
    userReportedSpamRatio: {
      propDefinition: [
    spfSuccessRatio: {
      propDefinition: [
    dkimSuccessRatio: {
      propDefinition: [
    dmarcSuccessRatio: {
      propDefinition: [
    outboundEncryptionRatio: {
      propDefinition: [
    inboundEncryptionRatio: {
      propDefinition: [
    errorRatio: {
      propDefinition: [
    errorCategories: {
      propDefinition: [
  methods: {
    _getSavedItems() {
      return this.db.get("savedItems") ?? [];
    _setSavedItems(value) {
      this.db.set("savedItems", value);
    getDateValues(date) {
      const [
      ] = date.toISOString().split("T")[0].split("-").map((i) => Number(i));
      return {
    async getTrafficStats() {
      const today = new Date();
      const oneDayAgo = new Date(today);
      oneDayAgo.setDate(oneDayAgo.getDate() - 7);
      const endDate = this.getDateValues(today);
      const startDate = this.getDateValues(oneDayAgo);

      return this.googlePostmasterToolsApi.getDomainTrafficStats({
        domainName: this.domain,
        params: {
          "startDate.day": startDate.day,
          "startDate.month": startDate.month,
          "startDate.year": startDate.year,
          "endDate.day": endDate.day,
          "endDate.month": endDate.month,
          "endDate.year": endDate.year,
    filterIpReputation(item) {
      let { ipReputation } = this;
      if (typeof ipReputation === "string")
        ipReputation = ipReputation.split(",");
      if (!ipReputation?.length) return undefined;
      return item.ipReputations.some(
          reputation, ipCount,
        }) =>
          ipReputation.includes(reputation) && ipCount > 0,
    filterDomainReputation(item) {
      let { domainReputation } = this;
      if (typeof domainReputation === "string")
        domainReputation = domainReputation.split(",");
      if (!domainReputation?.length) return undefined;
      return domainReputation.includes(item.domainReputation);
    filterRatio(prop, value, greaterOrEqual = false) {
      if (prop?.endsWith("%")) prop = Number(prop.slice(0, -1)) / 100;
      const ratio = Number(prop);
      if (isNaN(ratio) || value === undefined) return undefined;
      return greaterOrEqual
        ? value >= ratio
        : value < ratio;
    filterSpamRatio(item) {
      return this.filterRatio(
    filterSpfSuccessRatio(item) {
      return this.filterRatio(this.spfSuccessRatio, item.spfSuccessRatio);
    filterDkimSuccessRatio(item) {
      return this.filterRatio(this.dkimSuccessRatio, item.dkimSuccessRatio);
    filterDmarcSuccessRatio(item) {
      return this.filterRatio(this.dmarcSuccessRatio, item.dmarcSuccessRatio);
    filterOutboundEncryptionRatio(item) {
      return this.filterRatio(
    filterInboundEncryptionRatio(item) {
      return this.filterRatio(
    filterErrorRatio(item) {
      const ratio = Number(this.errorRatio);
      if (isNaN(ratio)) return undefined;

      let { errorCategories } = this;
      if (typeof errorCategories === "string")
        errorCategories = errorCategories.split(",");

      return item.deliveryErrors.some(
          errorType, errorRatio,
        }) =>
          (!errorCategories || errorCategories.includes(errorType)) && errorRatio > ratio,
    matchesCriteria(item) {
      // Filters return undefined if the prop is not set, or true/false otherwise
      // Filters are a logical AND - if any filter returns false, the item is not emitted
      const filters = [

      let hasMatch = false;

      for (let filter of filters) {
        const result = filter(item);
        if (result === true) {
          if (!this.matchAllFilters) return true;
          hasMatch = true;
        } else if (result === false && this.matchAllFilters) {
          return false;

      return hasMatch;
  async run() {
    const savedItems = this._getSavedItems();
    const ts = Date.now();
    const stats = await this.getTrafficStats();
    stats?.trafficStats?.filter(({ name }) => !savedItems.includes(name)).forEach((item) => {
      const id = item.name;
      if (this.matchesCriteria(item)) {
        this.$emit(item, {
          summary: `Matched Traffic Stats: ${id}`,

Trigger Configuration

This component may be configured based on the props defined in the component code. Pipedream automatically prompts for input values in the UI and CLI.
Google Postmaster ToolsgooglePostmasterToolsApiappThis component uses the Google Postmaster Tools app.
N/Adb$.service.dbThis component uses $.service.db to maintain state between executions.
Domain NamedomainstringSelect a value from the drop down menu.
Match All FiltersmatchAllFiltersboolean

If true, events will only be emitted if they match all of the selected criteria. The default behavior is matching any of them.

IP ReputationipReputationstring[]Select a value from the drop down menu:{ "label": "High", "value": "HIGH" }{ "label": "Medium", "value": "MEDIUM" }{ "label": "Low", "value": "LOW" }{ "label": "Bad", "value": "BAD" }
Domain ReputationdomainReputationstring[]Select a value from the drop down menu:{ "label": "High", "value": "HIGH" }{ "label": "Medium", "value": "MEDIUM" }{ "label": "Low", "value": "LOW" }{ "label": "Bad", "value": "BAD" }
User Reported Spam Ratio Greater Than or Equal TouserReportedSpamRatiostring

Emit events only when the user reported spam ratio is greater than, or equal to, the specified value (can be a percentage, e.g. 10% or a ratio between 0 and 1, e.g. 0.1)

SPF Success Ratio Less ThanspfSuccessRatiostring

Emit events only when the SPF success ratio is less than the specified value (can be a percentage, e.g. 10% or a ratio between 0 and 1, e.g. 0.1)

DKIM Success Ratio Less ThandkimSuccessRatiostring

Emit events only when the DKIM success ratio is less than the specified value (can be a percentage, e.g. 10% or a ratio between 0 and 1, e.g. 0.1)

DMARC Success Ratio Less ThandmarcSuccessRatiostring

Emit events only when the DMARC success ratio is less than the specified value (can be a percentage, e.g. 10% or a ratio between 0 and 1, e.g. 0.1)

Outbound Encryption Ratio Less ThanoutboundEncryptionRatiostring

Emit events only when the outbound encryption ratio is less than the specified value (can be a percentage, e.g. 10% or a ratio between 0 and 1, e.g. 0.1)

Inbound Encryption Ratio Less ThaninboundEncryptionRatiostring

Emit events only when the inbound encryption ratio is less than the specified value (can be a percentage, e.g. 10% or a ratio between 0 and 1, e.g. 0.1)

Error Ratio Greater Than or Equal ToerrorRatiostring

Emit events only when the error ratio (in the specified Error Categories, or any if not specified) is greater than, or equal to, the specified value (can be a percentage, e.g. 10% or a ratio between 0 and 1, e.g. 0.1)

Error CategorieserrorCategoriesstringSelect a value from the drop down menu:{ "value": "RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED", "label": "The Domain or IP is sending traffic at a suspiciously high rate, due to which temporary rate limits have been imposed. The limit will be lifted when Gmail is confident enough of the nature of the traffic." }{ "value": "SUSPECTED_SPAM", "label": "The traffic is suspected to be spam, by Gmail, for various reasons." }{ "value": "CONTENT_SPAMMY", "label": "The traffic is suspected to be spammy, specific to the content." }{ "value": "BAD_ATTACHMENT", "label": "Traffic contains attachments not supported by Gmail." }{ "value": "BAD_DMARC_POLICY", "label": "The sender domain has set up a DMARC rejection policy." }{ "value": "LOW_IP_REPUTATION", "label": "The IP reputation of the sending IP is very low." }{ "value": "LOW_DOMAIN_REPUTATION", "label": "The Domain reputation of the sending domain is very low." }{ "value": "IP_IN_RBL", "label": "The IP is listed in one or more public Real-time Blackhole Lists. Work with the RBL to get your IP delisted." }{ "value": "DOMAIN_IN_RBL", "label": "The Domain is listed in one or more public Real-time Blackhole Lists. Work with the RBL to get your domain delisted." }{ "value": "BAD_PTR_RECORD", "label": "The sending IP is missing a PTR record." }

Trigger Authentication

Google Postmaster Tools uses OAuth authentication. When you connect your Google Postmaster Tools account, Pipedream will open a popup window where you can sign into Google Postmaster Tools and grant Pipedream permission to connect to your account. Pipedream securely stores and automatically refreshes the OAuth tokens so you can easily authenticate any Google Postmaster Tools API.

Pipedream requests the following authorization scopes when you connect your account:


About Google Postmaster Tools

Use Postmaster Tools to analyze your email performance, and help Gmail route your messages to the right place


Description:Creates a new product object in Stripe. [See the documentation](https://stripe.com/docs/api/products/create)

Stripe Overview

The Stripe API is a powerful tool for managing online payments, subscriptions, and invoices. With Pipedream, you can leverage this API to automate payment processing, monitor transactions, and sync billing data with other services. Pipedream's no-code platform allows for quick integration and creation of serverless workflows that react to Stripe events in real-time. For instance, you might automatically update customer records, send personalized emails after successful payments, or escalate failed transactions to your support team.

Action Code

import app from "../../stripe.app.mjs";

export default {
  key: "stripe-create-product",
  name: "Create Product",
  description: "Creates a new product object in Stripe. [See the documentation](https://stripe.com/docs/api/products/create)",
  version: "0.0.1",
  type: "action",
  props: {
    name: {
      label: "Product Name",
      optional: false,
      propDefinition: [
    defaultPriceDataUnitAmount: {
      description: "A positive integer in cents (or `0` for a free price) representing how much to charge. One of **Unit Amount** or **Unit Amount Decimal** is required.",
      propDefinition: [
    defaultPriceDataUnitAmountDecimal: {
      propDefinition: [
    active: {
      propDefinition: [
    unitLabel: {
      type: "string",
      label: "Unit Label",
      description: "A label that represents units of this product. When set, this will be included in customers receipts, invoices, Checkout, and the customer portal.",
      optional: true,
    country: {
      propDefinition: [
    defaultPriceDataCurrency: {
      propDefinition: [
        ({ country }) => ({
    defaultPriceDataRecurringInterval: {
      label: "Default Price Recurring Interval",
      optional: true,
      propDefinition: [
  methods: {
    createProduct(args = {}) {
      return this.app.sdk().products.create(args);
  async run({ $ }) {
    const {
    } = this;

    const response = await createProduct({
      unit_label: unitLabel,
      default_price_data: {
        currency: defaultPriceDataCurrency,
        recurring: {
          interval: defaultPriceDataRecurringInterval,
        unit_amount: defaultPriceDataUnitAmount,
        unit_amount_decimal: defaultPriceDataUnitAmountDecimal,

    $.export("$summary", `Successfully created a new product with ID ${response.id}`);

    return response;

Action Configuration

This component may be configured based on the props defined in the component code. Pipedream automatically prompts for input values in the UI.

StripeappappThis component uses the Stripe app.
Product Namenamestring
Unit AmountdefaultPriceDataUnitAmountinteger

A positive integer in cents (or 0 for a free price) representing how much to charge. One of Unit Amount or Unit Amount Decimal is required.

Unit Amount DecimaldefaultPriceDataUnitAmountDecimalstring

Same as Unit Amount, but accepts a decimal value in cents with at most 12 decimal places. Only one of Unit Amount and Unit Amount Decimal can be set.


Whether the product is currently available for purchase. Defaults to true

Unit LabelunitLabelstring

A label that represents units of this product. When set, this will be included in customers receipts, invoices, Checkout, and the customer portal.

CountrycountrystringSelect a value from the drop down menu.
CurrencydefaultPriceDataCurrencystringSelect a value from the drop down menu.
Default Price Recurring IntervaldefaultPriceDataRecurringIntervalstringSelect a value from the drop down menu:dayweekmonthyear

Action Authentication

Stripe uses API keys for authentication. When you connect your Stripe account, Pipedream securely stores the keys so you can easily authenticate to Stripe APIs in both code and no-code steps.

Stripe uses API keys to authenticate requests (more info in their docs here).

To connect Pipedream to your Stripe account,

  1. Create a Stripe API key
  2. Click "Create Restricted Key"
  3. Enter the Restricted API key below.

To help ensure proper security, we recommend you create a Restricted key with scopes relevant to the specific operations you will use in Pipedream.

About Stripe

Stripe powers online and in-person payment processing and financial solutions for businesses of all sizes.

More Ways to Connect Stripe + Google Postmaster Tools

Create Price with Stripe API on New Matched Traffic Stats from Google Postmaster Tools API
Google Postmaster Tools + Stripe
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Create Subscription with Stripe API on New Matched Traffic Stats from Google Postmaster Tools API
Google Postmaster Tools + Stripe
Try it
Cancel Or Reverse a Payout with Stripe API on New Matched Traffic Stats from Google Postmaster Tools API
Google Postmaster Tools + Stripe
Try it
Cancel a Payment Intent with Stripe API on New Matched Traffic Stats from Google Postmaster Tools API
Google Postmaster Tools + Stripe
Try it
Capture a Payment Intent with Stripe API on New Matched Traffic Stats from Google Postmaster Tools API
Google Postmaster Tools + Stripe
Try it
New Matched Traffic Stats from the Google Postmaster Tools API

Emits a new event when traffic stats match certain criteria. See the documentation

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New Custom Webhook Events from the Stripe API

Emit new event on each webhook event

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Canceled Subscription from the Stripe API

Emit new event for each new canceled subscription

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New Abandoned Cart from the Stripe API

Emit new event when a customer abandons their cart.

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New Customer from the Stripe API

Emit new event for each new customer

Try it
Cancel a Payment Intent with the Stripe API

Cancel a payment intent. Once canceled, no additional charges will be made by the payment intent and any operations on the payment intent will fail with an error. For payment intents with status=requires_capture, the remaining amount_capturable will automatically be refunded. See the docs for more information

Try it
Cancel Or Reverse a Payout with the Stripe API

Cancel or reverse a payout. A payout can be canceled only if it has not yet been paid out. A payout can be reversed only if it has already been paid out. Funds will be refunded to your available balance. See the docs for more information

Try it
Capture a Payment Intent with the Stripe API

Capture the funds of an existing uncaptured payment intent. See the docs for more information

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Confirm a Payment Intent with the Stripe API

Confirm that your customer intends to pay with current or provided payment method. Upon confirmation, Stripe will attempt to initiate a payment. See the docs for more information

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Create a Customer with the Stripe API

Create a customer. See the docs for more information

Try it

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