import digitalOceanApp from "../../";
export default {
key: "digital_ocean-create-droplet",
name: "Create Droplet",
description: "Creates a droplet. [See the docs here](",
version: "0.1.2",
type: "action",
props: {
name: {
label: "Name",
type: "string",
description: "Human-readable string to use when displaying the Droplet name.",
region: {
label: "Region",
type: "string",
description: "Unique slug identifier for the region to deploy this Droplet in.",
reloadProps: true,
async options() {
return this.digitalOceanApp.fetchRegionsOpts();
async additionalProps() {
if (!this.region) {
return {};
return {
image: {
label: "Image",
type: "string",
description: "The image ID of a public or private image, or the unique slug identifier for a public image. This image will be the base image for this Droplet.",
reloadProps: false,
options: async () => {
return this.digitalOceanApp.fetchImageOpts(this.region);
size: {
label: "Size",
type: "string",
description: "Unique slug identifier for the size to select for this Droplet.",
reloadProps: false,
options: async () => {
return this.digitalOceanApp.fetchSizeOpts(this.region);
volumes: {
label: "Volumes",
type: "string[]",
description: "A flat array including the unique string identifier for each Block Storage volume to be attached to the Droplet. At the moment a volume can only be attached to a single Droplet.",
optional: true,
reloadProps: false,
options: async () => {
return this.digitalOceanApp.fetchVolumeOpts(this.region);
sshKeys: {
label: "SSH keys",
type: "string[]",
description: "An array containing the IDs or fingerprints of the SSH keys that you wish to embed in the Droplet's root account upon creation.",
optional: true,
reloadProps: false,
options: async () => {
return this.digitalOceanApp.fetchSshKeys();
backups: {
label: "Enable Automated Backup",
type: "boolean",
description: "A boolean indicating whether automated backups should be enabled for the Droplet. Automated backups can only be enabled when the Droplet is created.",
optional: true,
ipv6: {
label: "Enable IPv6",
type: "boolean",
description: "A boolean indicating whether IPv6 is enabled on the Droplet.",
optional: true,
userData: {
label: "User Data",
type: "string",
description: "A string containing 'user data' which may be used to configure the Droplet on first boot, often a 'cloud-config' file or Bash script. It must be plain text and may not exceed 64 KiB in size.",
optional: true,
privateNetworking: {
label: "Enable Private Networking",
type: "boolean",
description: "A boolean indicating whether private networking is enabled for the Droplet. Private networking is currently only available in certain regions.",
optional: true,
monitoring: {
label: "Enable Monitoring",
type: "boolean",
description: "A boolean indicating whether to install the DigitalOcean agent for monitoring.",
optional: true,
tags: {
label: "Tags",
type: "string[]",
description: "A flat array of tag names as strings to apply to the Droplet after it is created. Tag names can either be existing or new tags.",
optional: true,
async run({ $ }) {
const api = this.digitalOceanApp.digitalOceanWrapper();
const newDropletData = {
region: this.region,
size: this.size,
image: this.image,
ssh_keys: this.sshKeys,
backups: this.backups,
ipv6: this.ipv6,
user_data: this.userData,
private_networking: this.privateNetworking,
volumes: this.volumes,
tags: this.tags,
monitoring: this.monitoring,
const response = await api.droplets.create(newDropletData);
$.export("$summary", `Successfully created droplet ${}.`);
return response;