import app from "../../";
import utils from "../../common/utils.mjs";
import constants from "../../common/constants.mjs";
export default {
key: "craftboxx-create-article",
name: "Create Article",
description: "Creates a new article in Craftboxx. [See the documentation](",
version: "0.0.1",
type: "action",
props: {
name: {
type: "string",
label: "Name",
description: "The name of the article",
manufacturer: {
type: "string",
label: "Manufacturer",
description: "The manufacturer of the article",
optional: true,
manufacturerArticleNr: {
type: "string",
label: "Manufacturer Article Number",
description: "The manufacturer article number of the article",
optional: true,
ean: {
type: "string",
label: "EAN",
description: "The EAN of the article",
optional: true,
supplierArticleNr: {
type: "string",
label: "Supplier Article Number",
description: "The supplier article number of the article",
optional: true,
unitPrice: {
type: "string",
label: "Unit Price",
description: "The price of the article. Eg. `2.5`",
optional: true,
currency: {
type: "string",
label: "Currency",
description: "The currency of the article",
optional: true,
options: constants.CURRENCIES,
vatRate: {
type: "string",
label: "VAT Rate",
description: "The VAT rate of the article. Eg. `19`",
optional: true,
vatIncluded: {
type: "boolean",
label: "VAT Included",
description: "Whether the price is VAT included",
optional: true,
unit: {
type: "string",
label: "Unit",
description: "The unit of the article",
optional: true,
options: constants.UNITS,
priceDate: {
type: "string",
label: "Price Date",
description: "The date of the price. Eg. `2024-04-21`",
optional: true,
articleUrl: {
type: "string",
label: "Article URL",
description: "The URL of the article",
optional: true,
info: {
type: "string",
label: "Info",
description: "The description of the article",
optional: true,
dangerousMaterial: {
type: "boolean",
label: "Dangerous Material",
description: "Whether the article is dangerous material",
optional: true,
methods: {
createArticle(args = {}) {
path: "/articles",
async run({ $ }) {
const {
} = this;
const response = await createArticle({
data: utils.keysToSnakeCase(data),
$.export("$summary", `Successfully created article with ID \`${}\``);
return response;