API Reference
API Reference



Use the REST API to create and manage sources, workflows, subscriptions, and more.

Base URL

The base URL for all requests is https://api.pipedream.com/v1.


You authenticate to the REST API using your Pipedream API key. When you make API requests, pass an Authorization header of the following format:

Authorization: Bearer <api key>

For example, here's how you can use cURL to fetch profile information for the authenticated user:

curl 'https://api.pipedream.com/v1/users/me' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_key>'

Learn more about API authentication

Required headers

The Authorization header is required on all endpoints for authentication.

POST or PUT requests that accept JSON payloads also require a Content-Type header set to application/json. For example:

curl https://api.pipedream.com/v1/components \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <api_key>" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"component_url": "https://github.com/PipedreamHQ/pipedream/blob/master/components/rss/sources/new-item-in-feed/new-item-in-feed.js"}'

Common Parameters

The following parameters can be passed to any endpoint. They can be included as query string params for GET requests, or in the body of the payload of POST requests.

include string

The fields in the API response you'd like to include (defaults to all fields). Pass as a string of comma-separated values:


exclude string

The fields in the API response you'd like to exclude (defaults to none, including all fields). Pass as a string of comma-separated values:


workspace_id string

Some endpoints require you to specify your workspace ID you want the operation to take effect in. For example, if you're creating a new event source in a specific workspace, you'll want to pass the workspace ID in the workspace_id query string parameter.

Find your workspace's ID here.

If your organization is on one of our legacy plans like the Free Teams or Teams plan, the workspace_id is synonymous with your org_id. Just pass your organization ID as the same parameter.

Working with resources owned by a workspace

If you're interacting with resources owned by a workspace, you may need to specify the workspace ID as a part of the request's query string parameter or route:

  • When fetching specific resources (for example, when you retrieve events for a specific source), you should not need to pass your workspace's ID. If your user is a part of the workspace, you should have access to that resource, and the API will return the details of the resource.
  • When creating new resources, you'll need to specify the org_id where you want the resource to live as a query string parameter (?org_id=o_abc123). Read more about the org_id parameter in the Common Parameters section.
  • When listing resources, use the workspace-specific endpoints here.


Most API endpoints below support pagination, with a default page size of 10 items. You can vary the size of pages, and set a before or after cursor on the results, using the following parameters. They can be included as query string params for GET requests, or in the body of the payload of POST requests.

limit integer

The number of items to return in the requested page of results.

  • Default: 10
  • Min: 1
  • Max: 100

after string

A cursor, specifying you'd like to retrieve items after this cursor.

Cursor strings are returned with all paginated responses.

before string

A cursor, specifying you'd like to retrieve items before this cursor.

Cursor strings are returned with all paginated responses.

Example Paginated Request

This request fetches a page of 5 sources in the authenticated account, after a specific cursor (returned with a previous request):

curl https://api.pipedream.com/v1/users/me/sources\?limit\=3\&after\=ZGNfSzB1QWVl \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <api key>"

Example Paginated Response

The response from the request above will have a shape that looks like:

  "page_info": {
    "total_count": 3,
    "count": 3,
    "start_cursor": "ZGNfSzB1QWVl",
    "end_cursor": "ZGNfclhhdTZv"
  "data": [
      "id": "dc_5YGuMo"
      "id": "dc_5v3unr"
      "id": "dc_rXau6o"


Pipedream uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. Codes in the 2xx range indicate success. Codes in the 4xx range indicate an error that failed (e.g., a required parameter was omitted). Codes in the 5xx range indicate an error with Pipedream’s server.


Connected accounts let you manage credentials for integrated APIs.

Get account

By default, this route returns metadata for a specific connected account. Set include_credentials=1 to return credentials that you can use in any app where you need auth. See this guide to learn more.


GET /accounts/{account_id}


account_id string

To retrieve your account ID:

  1. Connect your account
  2. On https://pipedream.com/accounts, find your account and click the ... to the right of the account,
  3. Copy Account ID

include_credentials number

Default 0: Response only contains account metadata, no credentials. Pass 1 to include credentials.

Example Request — Get account metadata

curl 'https://api.pipedream.com/v1/accounts/<account_id>' \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <api_key>" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Example Response — Get account metadata

  "data": {
    "id": "apn_abc123",
    "created_at": "2022-07-27T20:37:52.000Z",
    "updated_at": "2024-02-11T04:18:46.000Z",
    "name": "Google Sheets — pipedream.com", // account nickname, if set
    "app": {
      "id": "app_abc123",
      "name": "Google Sheets"
    "healthy": true // true if Pipedream can make a successful test request

Example Request — Get account credentials

curl 'https://api.pipedream.com/v1/accounts/<account_id>?include_credentials=1' \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <api_key>" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Example Response — Get account credentials

  "data": {
    "id": "apn_abc123",
    "created_at": "2022-07-27T20:37:52.000Z",
    "updated_at": "2024-02-11T04:18:46.000Z",
    "expires_at": "2024-02-11T05:18:46.000Z",
    "name": "Google Sheets — pipedream.com", // account nickname, if set
    "app": {
      "id": "app_abc123",
      "name": "Google Sheets"
    "credentials": {
      // Properties are specific to the app — see below

The credentials object

The properties of the credentials object are specific to the app.

All OAuth apps expose the following properties:

  • oauth_access_token — A fresh OAuth access token
  • oauth_client_id — The client ID of the OAuth app
  • oauth_refresh_token — The latest OAuth refresh token for your grant
  • oauth_uid — A unique identifier in the third party API's system, typically a user ID or email address

Apps with static credentials expose fields specific to the API, e.g. api_key. Review the response for specific apps to see the app-specific response.


Components are objects that represent the code for an event source.

Create a component

Before you can create a source using the REST API, you must first create a component - the code for the source.

This route returns the components id, code, configurable_props, and other metadata you'll need to deploy a source from this component.


POST /components


component_code string (optional)

The full code for a Pipedream component.

component_url string (optional)

A reference to the URL where the component is hosted.

For example, to create an RSS component, pass https://github.com/PipedreamHQ/pipedream/blob/master/components/rss/sources/new-item-in-feed/new-item-in-feed.js.

One of component_code or component_url is required. If both are present, component_code is preferred and component_url will be used only as metadata to identify the location of the code.

Example Request

Here's an example of how to create an RSS component from a Github URL:

curl https://api.pipedream.com/v1/components \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <api_key>" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"component_url": "https://github.com/PipedreamHQ/pipedream/blob/master/components/rss/sources/new-item-in-feed/new-item-in-feed.js"}'

Example Response

  "data": {
    "id": "sc_JDi8EB",
    "code": "component code here",
    "code_hash": "685c7a680d055eaf505b08d5d814feef9fabd516d5960837d2e0838d3e1c9ed1",
    "name": "rss",
    "version": "0.0.1",
    "configurable_props": [
        "name": "url",
        "type": "string",
        "label": "Feed URL",
        "description": "Enter the URL for any public RSS feed."
        "name": "timer",
        "type": "$.interface.timer",
        "default": {
          "intervalSeconds": 900
    "created_at": 1588866900,
    "updated_at": 1588866900

Get a component

Retrieve a component saved or published in your account using its saved component ID or key.

This endpoint returns the component's metadata and configurable props.


GET /components/{key|id}


key string

The component key (identified by the key property within the component's source code) you'd like to fetch metadata for (example: my-component)


id string

The saved component ID you'd like to fetch metadata for (example: sc_JDi8EB)

Example Request

curl https://api.pipedream.com/v1/components/my-component \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <api_key>"

Example Response

  "data": {
    "id": "sc_JDi8EB",
    "code": "component code here",
    "code_hash": "685c7a680d055eaf505b08d5d814feef9fabd516d5960837d2e0838d3e1c9ed1",
    "name": "rss",
    "version": "0.0.1",
    "configurable_props": [
        "name": "url",
        "type": "string",
        "label": "Feed URL",
        "description": "Enter the URL for any public RSS feed."
        "name": "timer",
        "type": "$.interface.timer",
        "default": {
          "intervalSeconds": 900
    "created_at": 1588866900,
    "updated_at": 1588866900

Get a component from the global registry

Pipedream operates a global registry of all public components (for example, for apps like Github, Google Calendar, and more). This endpoint returns the same data as the endpoint for retrieving metadata on a component you own, but allows you to fetch data for any globally-published component.


GET /components/registry/{key}


key string

The component key (identified by the key property within the component's source code) you'd like to fetch metadata for (example: my-component)

Example Request

curl https://api.pipedream.com/v1/components/registry/github-new-repository \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <api_key>"

Example Response

  "data": {
    "id": "sc_JDi8EB",
    "code": "component code here",
    "code_hash": "685c7a680d055eaf505b08d5d814feef9fabd516d5960837d2e0838d3e1c9ed1",
    "name": "rss",
    "version": "0.0.1",
    "configurable_props": [
        "name": "url",
        "type": "string",
        "label": "Feed URL",
        "description": "Enter the URL for any public RSS feed."
        "name": "timer",
        "type": "$.interface.timer",
        "default": {
          "intervalSeconds": 900
    "created_at": 1588866900,
    "updated_at": 1588866900


Get Source Events

Retrieve up to the last 100 events emitted by a source.


GET /sources/{id}/event_summaries

Notes and Examples

The event data for events larger than 1KB may get truncated in the response. If you're processing larger events, and need to see the full event data, pass ?expand=event:

GET /sources/{id}/event_summaries?expand=event

Pass ?limit=N to retrieve the last N events:

GET /sources/{id}/event_summaries?limit=10

Delete source events

Deletes all events, or a specific set of events, tied to a source.

By default, making a DELETE request to this endpoint deletes all events associated with a source. To delete a specific event, or a range of events, you can use the start_id and end_id parameters.

These IDs can be retrieved by using the GET /sources/{id}/event_summaries endpoint, and are tied to the timestamp at which the event was emitted — e.g. 1589486981597-0. They are therefore naturally ordered by time.


DELETE /sources/{id}/events


start_id string

The event ID from which you'd like to start deleting events.

If start_id is passed without end_id, the request will delete all events starting with and including this event ID. For example, if your source has 3 events:

  • 1589486981597-0
  • 1589486981598-0
  • 1589486981599-0

and you issue a DELETE request like so:

curl -X DELETE \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <api key>" \

The request will delete the last two events.

end_id string

The event ID from which you'd like to end the range of deletion.

If end_id is passed without start_id, the request will delete all events up to and including this event ID. For example, if your source has 3 events:

  • 1589486981597-0
  • 1589486981598-0
  • 1589486981599-0

and you issue a DELETE request like so:

curl -X DELETE \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <api key>" \

The request will delete the first two events.

Example Request

You can delete a single event by passing its event ID in both the value of the start_id and end_id params:

curl -X DELETE \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <api key>" \

Example Response

Deletion happens asynchronously, so you'll receive a 202 Accepted HTTP status code in response to any deletion requests.

List Projects

Programmatically list the workspace's projects.


GET /v1/workspaces/<workspace_id>/projects

Path Parameters

workspaces_id string

Switch to your workspace's context and find your org's ID.

Example Responses

  "data": [
      "id": "proj_kYRs18",
      "hid": "proj_kYRs18",
      "name": "Sample Project",
      "repository_id": null,
      "repository_path": null,
      "created_at": "2024-02-05T21:47:24.000Z",
      "updated_at": "2024-02-06T16:13:07.000Z",
      "org_id": 1,
      "exceptions": null,
      "allow_support": false


Event sources run code to collect events from an API, or receive events via webhooks, emitting those events for use on Pipedream. Event sources can function as workflow triggers. Read more here.

List Current User Sources


GET /users/me/sources/


No parameters

Example Request

curl 'https://api.pipedream.com/v1/users/me/sources' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_key>'

Example Response

  "page_info": {
    "total_count": 19,
    "count": 10,
    "start_cursor": "ZGNfSzB1QWVl",
    "end_cursor": "ZGNfeUx1alJx"
  "data": [
      "id": "dc_abc123",
      "component_id": "sc_def456",
      "configured_props": {
        "http": {
          "endpoint_url": "https://myendpoint.m.pipedream.net"
      "active": true,
      "created_at": 1587679599,
      "updated_at": 1587764467,
      "name": "test",
      "name_slug": "test"

Create a Source


POST /sources/


component_id string (optional)

The ID of a component previously created in your account. See the component endpoints for information on how to retrieve this ID.

component_code string (optional)

The full code for a Pipedream component.

component_url string (optional)

A reference to the URL where the component is hosted.

For example, to create an RSS component, pass https://github.com/PipedreamHQ/pipedream/blob/master/components/rss/sources/new-item-in-feed/new-item-in-feed.js.

One of component_id, component_code, or component_url is required. If all are present, component_id is preferred and component_url will be used only as metadata to identify the location of the code.

name string (optional)

The name of the source.

If absent, this defaults to using the name slug of the component used to create the source.

Example Request

curl https://api.pipedream.com/v1/sources \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <api_key>" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"component_url": "https://github.com/PipedreamHQ/pipedream/blob/master/components/rss/sources/new-item-in-feed/new-item-in-feed.js", "name": "your-name-here", "configured_props": { "url": "https://rss.m.pipedream.net", "timer": { "intervalSeconds": 60 }}}'

Example Response

Example response from creating an RSS source that runs once a minute:

  "data": {
    "id": "dc_abc123",
    "user_id": "u_abc123",
    "component_id": "sc_abc123",
    "configured_props": {
      "url": "https://rss.m.pipedream.net",
      "timer": {
        "cron": null,
        "interval_seconds": 60
    "active": true,
    "created_at": 1589486978,
    "updated_at": 1589486978,
    "name": "your-name-here",
    "name_slug": "your-name-here"

Update a source


PUT /sources/{id}


component_id string (optional)

The ID of a component previously created in your account. See the component endpoints for information on how to retrieve this ID.

component_code string (optional)

The full code for a Pipedream component.

component_url string (optional)

A reference to the URL where the component is hosted.

For example, to create an RSS component, pass https://github.com/PipedreamHQ/pipedream/blob/master/components/rss/sources/new-item-in-feed/new-item-in-feed.js.

One of component_id, component_code, or component_url is required. If all are present, component_id is preferred and component_url will be used only as metadata to identify the location of the code.

name string (optional)

The name of the source.

If absent, this defaults to using the name slug of the component used to create the source.

active boolean (optional)

The active state of a component. To disable a component, set to false. To enable a component, set to true.

Default: true.

Delete a source


DELETE /sources/{id}


Listen for events from another source or workflow

You can configure a source or workflow to receive events from any number of other workflows or sources. For example, if you want a single workflow to run on 10 different RSS sources, you can configure the workflow to listen for events from those 10 sources.


POST /subscriptions?emitter_id={emitting_component_id}&event_name={event_name}&listener_id={receiving_source_id}


emitter_id string

The ID of the workflow or component emitting events. Events from this component trigger the receiving component / workflow.

emitter_id also accepts glob patterns that allow you to subscribe to all workflows or components:

  • p_*: Listen to events from all workflows
  • dc_*: Listen to events from all event sources

See the component endpoints for information on how to retrieve the ID of existing components. You can retrieve the ID of your workflow in your workflow's URL - it's the string p_2gCPml in https://pipedream.com/@dylan/example-rss-sql-workflow-p_2gCPml/edit.

event_name string (optional)

Only pass event_name when you're listening for events on a custom channel, with the name of the custom channel:


See the this.$emit docs for more information on how to emit events on custom channels.

Pipedream also exposes channels for logs and errors:

  • $errors: Any errors thrown by workflows or sources are emitted to this stream
  • $logs: Any logs produced by event sources are emitted to this stream

listener_id string

The ID of the component or workflow you'd like to receive events.

See the component endpoints for information on how to retrieve the ID of existing components. You can retrieve the ID of your workflow in your workflow's URL - it's the string p_2gCPml in https://pipedream.com/@dylan/example-rss-sql-workflow-p_2gCPml/edit.

Example Request

You can configure workflow p_abc123 to listen to events from the source dc_def456 using the following command:

curl "https://api.pipedream.com/v1/subscriptions?emitter_id=dc_def456&listener_id=p_abc123" \
  -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <api_key>" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Automatically subscribe a listener to events from new workflows / sources

You can use this endpoint to automatically receive events, like workflow errors, in another listening workflow or event source. Once you setup the auto-subscription, any new workflows or event sources you create will automatically deliver the specified events to the listener.

Note: this will configure subscriptions for new workflows and sources after the time you configure the subscription. To deliver events to your listener from existing workflows or sources, use the POST /subscriptions endpoint.

Currently, this feature is enabled only on the API. The Pipedream UI will not display the sources configured as listeners using this API.


POST /auto_subscriptions?event_name={event_name}&listener_id={receiving_source_id}


event_name string

The name of the event stream whose events you'd like to receive:

  • $errors: Any errors thrown by workflows or sources are emitted to this stream
  • $logs: Any logs produced by event sources are emitted to this stream

listener_id string

The ID of the component or workflow you'd like to receive events.

See the component endpoints for information on how to retrieve the ID of existing components. You can retrieve the ID of your workflow in your workflow's URL - it's the string p_2gCPml in https://pipedream.com/@dylan/example-rss-sql-workflow-p_2gCPml/edit.

Example Request

You can configure workflow p_abc123 to listen to events from the source dc_def456 using the following command:

curl "https://api.pipedream.com/v1/auto_subscriptions?event_name=$errors&listener_id=p_abc123" \
  -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <api_key>" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Delete a subscription

Use this endpoint to delete an existing subscription. This endpoint accepts the same parameters as the POST /subscriptions endpoint for creating subscriptions.


DELETE /subscriptions?emitter_id={emitting_component_id}&listener_id={receiving_source_id}&event_name={event_name}


emitter_id string

The ID of the workflow or component emitting events. Events from this component trigger the receiving component / workflow.

emitter_id also accepts glob patterns that allow you to subscribe to all workflows or components:

  • p_*: Listen to events from all workflows
  • dc_*: Listen to events from all event sources

See the component endpoints for information on how to retrieve the ID of existing components. You can retrieve the ID of your workflow in your workflow's URL - it's the string p_2gCPml in https://pipedream.com/@dylan/example-rss-sql-workflow-p_2gCPml/edit.

listener_id string

The ID of the component or workflow you'd like to receive events.

See the component endpoints for information on how to retrieve the ID of existing components. You can retrieve the ID of your workflow in your workflow's URL - it's the string p_2gCPml in https://pipedream.com/@dylan/example-rss-sql-workflow-p_2gCPml/edit.

event_name string

The name of the event stream tied to your subscription. If you didn't specify an event_name when creating your subscription, pass event_name=.

You'll find the event_name that's tied to your subscription when listing your subscriptions:

  "id": "sub_abc123",
  "emitter_id": "dc_abc123",
  "listener_id": "dc_def456",
  "event_name": "test"
  "id": "sub_def456",
  "emitter_id": "dc_abc123",
  "listener_id": "wh_abc123",
  "event_name": ""

Example Request

You can delete a subscription you configured for workflow p_abc123 to listen to events from the source dc_def456 using the following command:

curl "https://api.pipedream.com/v1/subscriptions?emitter_id=dc_def456&listener_id=p_abc123" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <api_key>" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"


Get Current User Info

Retrieve information on the authenticated user.


GET /users/me


No parameters

Example Request

curl 'https://api.pipedream.com/v1/users/me' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_key>'

Example Response

Free user:

  "data": {
    "id": "u_abc123",
    "username": "dylburger",
    "email": "dylan@pipedream.com",
    "daily_compute_time_quota": 95400000,
    "daily_compute_time_used": 8420300,
    "daily_invocations_quota": 27344,
    "daily_invocations_used": 24903
    "orgs": [
        "name": "MyWorkspace",
        "id": "o_abc123",
        "orgname": "myworkspace",
        "email": "workspace@pipedream.com",
        "daily_credits_quota": 100,
        "daily_credits_used": 0
        "name": "MyTeam",
        "id": "o_edf456",
        "orgname": "myteam",
        "email": "team@pipedream.com",
        "daily_credits_quota": 100,
        "daily_credits_used": 0,
        "daily_compute_time_quota": 1800000,
        "daily_compute_time_used": 0,
        "daily_invocations_quota": 100,
        "daily_invocations_used": 0

Paid user:

  "data": {
    "id": "u_abc123",
    "username": "user-35b7389db9e5222d42df6b3f0cfa8143"
    "email": "dylan@pipedream.com",
    "billing_period_start_ts": 1610154978,
    "billing_period_end_ts": 1612833378,
    "billing_period_credits": 12345

Get Current User's Subscriptions

Retrieve all the subscriptions configured for the authenticated user.


GET /users/me/subscriptions


No parameters

Example Request

curl 'https://api.pipedream.com/v1/users/me/subscriptions' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_key>'

Example Response

  "data": [
      "id": "sub_abc123",
      "emitter_id": "dc_abc123",
      "listener_id": "p_abc123",
      "event_name": ""
      "id": "sub_def456",
      "emitter_id": "dc_def456",
      "listener_id": "p_def456",
      "event_name": ""

Get Current User's Webhooks

Retrieve all the webhooks configured for the authenticated user.


GET /users/me/webhooks


No parameters

Example Request

curl 'https://api.pipedream.com/v1/users/me/webhooks' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_key>'

Example Response

  "page_info": {
    "total_count": 2,
    "count": 2,
    "start_cursor": "d2hfMjlsdUd6",
    "end_cursor": "d2hfb3dHdWVv"
  "data": [
      "id": "wh_abc123",
      "name": null,
      "description": null,
      "url": "https://endpoint.m.pipedream.net",
      "active": true,
      "created_at": 1611964025,
      "updated_at": 1611964025
      "id": "wh_def456",
      "name": "Test webhook",
      "description": "just a test",
      "url": "https://endpoint2.m.pipedream.net",
      "active": true,
      "created_at": 1605835136,
      "updated_at": 1605835136


Pipedream supports webhooks as a way to deliver events to a endpoint you own. Webhooks are managed at an account-level, and you send data to these webhooks using subscriptions.

For example, you can run a Twitter event source that listens for new tweets. If you subscribe the webhook to this source, Pipedream will deliver those tweets directly to your webhook's URL without running a workflow.

See these tutorials for examples.

Create a webhook

Creates a webhook pointing to a URL. Configure a subscription to deliver events to this webhook.


POST /webhooks?url={your_endpoint_url}&name={name}&description={description}


url string

The endpoint URL where you'd like to deliver events. Any events sent to this webhook object will be delivered to this endpoint URL.

This URL must contain, at a minimum, a protocol — one of http or https — and hostname, but can specify resources or ports. For example, these URLs work:


but these do not:

# No protocol - needs http(s)://

# mysql protocol not supported. Must be an HTTP(S) endpoint

name string

The name you'd like to assign to this webhook, which will appear when listing your webhooks.

description string

The description you'd like to assign to this webhook, which will appear when listing your webhooks.

Example Request

You can create a webhook that delivers events to https://endpoint.m.pipedream.net using the following command:

curl "https://api.pipedream.com/v1/webhooks?url=https://endpoint.m.pipedream.net&name=name&description=description" \
  -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <api_key>" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Example Response

Successful API responses contain a webhook ID for the webhook that was created in data.id — the string that starts with wh_ — which you can reference when creating subscriptions.

  "data": {
    "id": "wh_abc123",
    "user_id": "u_abc123",
    "name": null,
    "description": null,
    "url": "https://endpoint.m.pipedream.net",
    "active": true,
    "created_at": 1611964025,
    "updated_at": 1611964025

List webhooks

You can list webhooks you've created in your account using the /users/me/webhooks endpoint

Delete a webhook

Use this endpoint to delete a webhook in your account.


DELETE /webhooks/{id}

Path Parameters

id string

The ID of a webhook in your account.

Example Request

curl "https://api.pipedream.com/v1/webhooks/wh_abc123" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <api_key>" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"


Create a Workflow

Creates a new workflow within an organization's project. This endpoint allows defining workflow steps, triggers, and settings, based on a supplied template.


POST /workflows

Request Body

org_id string

Switch to your workspace's context and find your org's ID.

project_id string

The ID of the project where the new workflow will be created. To find your project ID, switch to your desired worksapce, and click on Projects in the top left of the Pipedream dashboard.

Click on the project where you'd like to create the new workflow, and the project ID can be found in the URL, starting with proj_.

If the URL is https://pipedream.com/@pd-testing/projects/proj_GzsRY5N/tree, your project_id is proj_GzsRY5N.

template_id string

The ID of the workflow template to base the workflow on. To find a workflow's template_id, navigate to your workflow that you'd like to create a template for, and click "Create share link". If the URL created is https://pipedream.com/new?h=tch_Vdfl0l, your template_id is tch_Vdfl01.

steps array: Definitions of the steps to include in the workflow. Each item in the array represents a step, with its namespace and props.

triggers array: Definitions of the triggers that will start the workflow. Each item in the array represents a trigger, with its type and props.

settings object: Additional settings for the workflow, such as name and auto_deploy.

Example Request

  "project_id": "proj_wx9sgy",
  "org_id": "o_BYDI5y",
  "template_id": "tch_3BXfWO",
  "steps": [
      "namespace": "code",
      "props": {
        "stringProp": "asdf"
      "namespace": "keyauth_hello_world",
      "props": {
        "keyauth": {
          "authProvisionId": "apn_Nb6h9v"
  "triggers": [
      "props": {
        "oauth": {
          "authProvisionId": "apn_qZWh4A"
        "string": "jkl"
  "settings": {
    "name": "example workflow name",
    "auto_deploy": true

Example Response

  "data": {
    "id": "p_48rCxZ",
    "name": "example workflow name",
    "active": true,
    "steps": [
        "id": "c_bDf10L",
        "type": "CodeCell",
        "namespace": "code",
        "disabled": false,
        "code_raw": null,
        "codeRaw": null,
        "codeConfigJson": null,
        "lang": "nodejs20.x",
        "text_raw": null,
        "appConnections": [],
        "flat_params_visibility_json": null,
        "params_json": "{}",
        "component": true,
        "savedComponent": {
          "id": "sc_PRYiAZ",
          "code": "export default defineComponent({\n  props: {\n    stringProp: {\n      type: \"string\"\n    },\n    intProp: {\n      type: \"integer\",\n    }\n  },\n  async run({ steps, $ }) {\n    console.log(this.stringProp)\n    return steps.trigger.event\n  },\n})",
          "codeHash": "1908045950f3c1a861e538b20d70732adb701a81174dc59f809398e43f85d132",
          "configurableProps": [
              "name": "stringProp",
              "type": "string"
              "name": "intProp",
              "type": "integer"
          "key": null,
          "description": null,
          "entryPath": null,
          "version": "",
          "apps": []
        "component_key": null,
        "component_owner_id": null,
        "configured_props_json": "{\"intProp\":5,\"stringProp\":\"asdf\"}",
        "authProvisionIdMap": {},
        "authProvisionIds": []
        "id": "c_W3f0YV",
        "type": "CodeCell",
        "namespace": "python",
        "disabled": false,
        "code_raw": null,
        "codeRaw": null,
        "codeConfigJson": null,
        "lang": "python3.12",
        "text_raw": null,
        "appConnections": [],
        "flat_params_visibility_json": null,
        "params_json": "{}",
        "component": true,
        "savedComponent": {
          "id": "sc_mweiWO",
          "code": "def handler(pd: \"pipedream\"):\n    # Reference data from previous steps\n    print(pd.steps[\"trigger\"][\"context\"][\"id\"])\n    # Return data for use in future steps\n    return {\"foo\": {\"test\": True}}\n",
          "codeHash": "63b32f00f1bc0b594e7a109cced4bda5011ab4420e358f743058dc46de8c5270",
          "configurableProps": [],
          "key": null,
          "description": null,
          "entryPath": null,
          "version": "",
          "apps": []
        "component_key": null,
        "component_owner_id": null,
        "configured_props_json": null,
        "authProvisionIdMap": {},
        "authProvisionIds": []
        "id": "c_D7feVN",
        "type": "CodeCell",
        "namespace": "keyauth_hello_world",
        "disabled": false,
        "code_raw": null,
        "codeRaw": null,
        "codeConfigJson": null,
        "lang": "nodejs20.x",
        "text_raw": null,
        "appConnections": [],
        "flat_params_visibility_json": null,
        "params_json": "{}",
        "component": true,
        "savedComponent": {
          "id": "sc_71Li4l",
          "code": "const keyauth = {\n  type: \"app\",\n  app: \"keyauth\",\n  propDefinitions: {},\n}\n\nexport default {\n  name: \"Key auth hello world\",\n  version: \"0.0.1\",\n  key: \"keyauth-hello-world\",\n  type: \"action\",\n  description: \"simple hello world with dev keyauth app.\",\n  props: {\n    keyauth,\n  },\n  async run() {\n    console.log(\"hello world\")\n    return \"hello world\"\n  },\n}\n",
          "codeHash": "b7d5c6540f60e63174a96d5e5ba4aa89bf45b7b9d9fdc01db0ee64c905962415",
          "configurableProps": [
              "name": "keyauth",
              "type": "app",
              "app": "keyauth"
          "key": "keyauth-hello-world",
          "description": "simple hello world with dev keyauth app.",
          "entryPath": null,
          "version": "0.0.1",
          "apps": [
              "appId": "app_1xohQx",
              "nameSlug": "keyauth",
              "authType": "keys"
        "component_key": "keyauth-hello-world",
        "component_owner_id": null,
        "configured_props_json": "{\"keyauth\":{\"authProvisionId\":\"apn_Nb6h9v\"}}",
        "authProvisionIdMap": {},
        "authProvisionIds": []
    "triggers": [
        "id": "hi_0R3HKG",
        "key": "eohq5aaq8yr4sye",
        "endpoint_url": "http://eojq5abv8yr4sye.m.d.pipedream.net",
        "custom_response": false,
        "created_at": 1707418403,
        "updated_at": 1707418403
        "id": "dc_rmXuv3",
        "owner_id": "o_BYDI5y",
        "component_id": "sc_PgliBJ",
        "configured_props": {},
        "active": true,
        "created_at": 1707241571,
        "updated_at": 1707241571,
        "name": "Emit hello world",
        "name_slug": "emit-hello-world-6"
        "id": "ti_aPxTPY",
        "interval_seconds": 3600,
        "cron": null,
        "timezone": "America/New_York",
        "schedule_changed_at": 1707418408,
        "created_at": 1707418404,
        "updated_at": 1707418404
        "id": "dc_5nvuPv",
        "owner_id": "o_BYDI5y",
        "component_id": "sc_XGBiLw",
        "configured_props": {
          "oauth": {
            "authProvisionId": "apn_qZWh4A"
          "string": "jkl"
        "active": true,
        "created_at": 1707418404,
        "updated_at": 1707418404,
        "name": "oauth-test-source",
        "name_slug": "oauth-test-source-3"
        "id": "ei_QbGT3D",
        "email_address": "em5tdwgfgbw9piv@upload.pipedream.net",
        "created_at": 1707418407,
        "updated_at": 1707418407

Update a Workflow

Updates the workflow's activation status. If you need to modify the workflow's steps, triggers, or connected accounts consider making a new workflow.


PUT /workflows/{id}

Path Parameters

id string The ID of the workflow to update.

To find your workflow ID, navigate to your workflow.

If the URL is https://pipedream.com/@michael-testing/api-p_13CDnxK/inspect, your workflow_id begins with p_ and would be p_13CDnxK.

Request Body

active boolean The activation status of a workflow. Set to true to activate the workflow, or false to deactivate it.

org_id string Find your org's ID.

Example Request

curl -X PUT 'https://api.pipedream.com/v1/workflows/p_abc123' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_key>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{"active": false, "org_id": "o_BYDI5y"}'

Get a Workflow's details

Retrieves the details of a specific workflow within an organization's project.


GET /workflows/{workflow_id}

Path Parameters

workflow_id string: The ID of the workflow to retrieve.

Example Request

curl 'https://api.pipedream.com/v1/workflows/p_abc123?org_id=o_abc123' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_key>'

Example Response

  "triggers": [
      "id": "hi_ABpHKz",
      "key": "eabcdefghiklmnop",
      "endpoint_url": "http://eabcdefghiklmnop.m.d.pipedream.net",
      "custom_response": false
  "steps": [
      "id": "c_abc123",
      "namespace": "code",
      "disabled": false,
      "lang": "nodejs20.x",
      "appConnections": [],
      "component": true,
      "savedComponent": {
        "id": "sc_abc123",
        "codeHash": "long-hash-here",
        "configurableProps": [
            "name": "channelId",
            "type": "string"
            "name": "message",
            "type": "string"
            "name": "slack",
            "type": "app",
            "app": "slack"
        "version": ""
      "component_key": null,
      "component_owner_id": "o_abc123",
      "configured_props_json": "{}"

Get Workflow Emits

Retrieve up to the last 100 events emitted from a workflow using $send.emit().


GET /workflows/{workflow_id}/event_summaries

Notes and Examples

The event data for events larger than 1KB may get truncated in the response. If you're retrieving larger events, and need to see the full event data, pass ?expand=event:

GET /workflows/{workflow_id}/event_summaries&expand=event

Pass ?limit=N to retrieve the last N events:

GET /v1/workflows/{workflow_id}/event_summaries?expand=event&limit=1

Example Request

curl 'https://api.pipedream.com/v1/workflows/p_abc123/event_summaries?expand=event&limit=1' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_key>'

Example Response

  "page_info": {
    "total_count": 1,
    "start_cursor": "1606511826306-0",
    "end_cursor": "1606511826306-0",
    "count": 1
  "data": [
      "id": "1606511826306-0",
      "indexed_at_ms": 1606511826306,
      "event": {
        "raw_event": {
          "name": "Luke",
          "title": "Jedi"
      "metadata": {
        "emit_id": "1ktF96gAMsLqdYSRWYL9KFS5QqW",
        "name": "",
        "emitter_id": "p_abc123"

Get Workflow Errors

Retrieve up to the last 100 events for a workflow that threw an error. The details of the error, along with the original event data, will be included


GET /workflows/{workflow_id}/$errors/event_summaries

Notes and Examples

The event data for events larger than 1KB may get truncated in the response. If you're processing larger events, and need to see the full event data, pass ?expand=event:

GET /workflows/{workflow_id}/$errors/event_summaries&expand=event

Pass ?limit=N to retrieve the last N events:

GET /v1/workflows/{workflow_id}/$errors/event_summaries?expand=event&limit=1

Example Request

curl 'https://api.pipedream.com/v1/workflows/p_abc123/$errors/event_summaries?expand=event&limit=1' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_key>'

Example Response

  "page_info": {
    "total_count": 100,
    "start_cursor": "1606370816223-0",
    "end_cursor": "1606370816223-0",
    "count": 1
  "data": [
      "id": "1606370816223-0",
      "indexed_at_ms": 1606370816223,
      "event": {
        "original_event": {
          "name": "Luke",
          "title": "Jedi"
        "original_context": {
          "id": "1kodJIW7jVnKfvB2yp1OoPrtbFk",
          "ts": "2020-11-26T06:06:44.652Z",
          "workflow_id": "p_abc123",
          "deployment_id": "d_abc123",
          "source_type": "SDK",
          "verified": false,
          "owner_id": "u_abc123",
          "platform_version": "3.1.20"
        "error": {
          "code": "InternalFailure",
          "cellId": "c_abc123",
          "ts": "2020-11-26T06:06:56.077Z",
          "stack": "    at Request.extractError ..."
        "metadata": {
          "emitter_id": "p_abc123",
          "emit_id": "1kodKnAdWGeJyhqYbqyW6lEXVAo",
          "name": "$errors"


Workspaces provide your team a way to manage resources in a shared workspace. Any resources created by the workspace are owned by the workspace and accessible to its members.

Get a Workspace

Programmatically view your workspace's current credit usage for the billing period in real time.


GET /v1/workspaces/<workspace_id>

Path Parameters

workspaces_id string

Switch to your workspace's context and find your org's ID.

Example Response

	"data": {
		"id": "o_Qa8I1Z",
		"orgname": "asdf",
		"name": "asdf",
		"email": "dev@pipedream.com",
		"daily_credits_quota": 100,
		"daily_credits_used": 0

Get Workspaces's Connected Accounts

Retrieve all the connected accounts for a specific workspace.


GET /workspaces/<workspace_id>/accounts

Path Parameters

workspace_id string

Switch to your workspace's context and find your org's ID.

Query Parameters

query string (optional)

To look up the connected account information for a specific app, use the query query parameter to filter results for that app. You can find a given app's query from the Explore page by selecting the app, and looking at the prop definition for the app.

Example Request

curl 'https://api.pipedream.com/v1/workspaces/o_abc123/accounts?query=google_sheets' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_key>'

Example Response

  "page_info": {
    "total_count": 1,
    "count": 1,
    "start_cursor": "YXBuXzJrVmhMUg",
    "end_cursor": "YXBuXzJrVmhMUg"
  "data": [
      "id": "apn_2kVhLR",
      "name": "Google Sheets #1"

Get Workspaces's Subscriptions

Retrieve all the subscriptions configured for a specific workspace.


GET /workspaces/<workspace_id>/subscriptions

Path Parameters

workspaces_id string

Switch to your workspace's context and find your org's ID.

Example Request

curl 'https://api.pipedream.com/v1/workspaces/o_abc123/subscriptions' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_key>'

Example Response

  "data": [
      "id": "sub_abc123",
      "emitter_id": "dc_abc123",
      "listener_id": "p_abc123",
      "event_name": ""
      "id": "sub_def456",
      "emitter_id": "dc_def456",
      "listener_id": "p_def456",
      "event_name": ""

Get Workspaces's Sources

Retrieve all the event sources configured for a specific workspace.


GET /orgs/<workspace_id>/sources

Path Parameters

org_id string

Switch to your workspace's context and find your org's ID.

Example Request

curl 'https://api.pipedream.com/v1/orgs/o_abc123/sources' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_key>'

Example Response

  "page_info": {
    "total_count": 19,
    "count": 10,
    "start_cursor": "ZGNfSzB1QWVl",
    "end_cursor": "ZGNfeUx1alJx"
  "data": [
      "id": "dc_abc123",
      "component_id": "sc_def456",
      "configured_props": {
        "http": {
          "endpoint_url": "https://myendpoint.m.pipedream.net"
      "active": true,
      "created_at": 1587679599,
      "updated_at": 1587764467,
      "name": "test",
      "name_slug": "test"