
Customer service software

Integrate the Trengo API with the HTTP / Webhook API

Setup the Trengo API trigger to run a workflow which integrates with the HTTP / Webhook API. Pipedream's integration platform allows you to integrate Trengo and HTTP / Webhook remarkably fast. Free for developers.

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Create Contact with Trengo API on New Requests from HTTP / Webhook API
HTTP / Webhook + Trengo
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Find Contacts with Trengo API on New Requests from HTTP / Webhook API
HTTP / Webhook + Trengo
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Log A Voice Call with Trengo API on New Requests from HTTP / Webhook API
HTTP / Webhook + Trengo
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Send A Message with Trengo API on New Requests from HTTP / Webhook API
HTTP / Webhook + Trengo
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Send A Team Chat Message with Trengo API on New Requests from HTTP / Webhook API
HTTP / Webhook + Trengo
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New Requests from the HTTP / Webhook API

Get a URL and emit the full HTTP event on every request (including headers and query parameters). You can also configure the HTTP response code, body, and more.

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New Requests (Payload Only) from the HTTP / Webhook API

Get a URL and emit the HTTP body as an event on every request

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New Inbound Message Event from the Trengo API

Emit new events when an inbound message received. See the docs here

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New Internal Note Event from the Trengo API

Emit new events when a internal note added. See the docs here

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New Outbound Message Event from the Trengo API

Emit new events when an outbound message sent. See the docs here

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Create Contact with the Trengo API

Creates a contact. If a contact with given identifier already exists, returns it. See the docs

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Find Contacts with the Trengo API

Finds contacts with the given term. See the docs

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Log A Voice Call with the Trengo API

Logs a phone call from external VOIP applications, See the docs

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Send any HTTP Request with the HTTP / Webhook API

Send an HTTP request using any method and URL. Optionally configure query string parameters, headers, and basic auth.

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Send GET Request with the HTTP / Webhook API

Send an HTTP GET request to any URL. Optionally configure query string parameters, headers and basic auth.

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Overview of Trengo

The Trengo API provides programmatic access to Trengo's multi-channel communication platform, allowing for the streamlining of customer interactions across various channels such as email, SMS, social media, and chat. By leveraging the Trengo API on Pipedream, you can automate customer support workflows, sync communication data with CRM systems, and trigger alerts or actions based on specific customer queries or events.

Connect Trengo

import { axios } from "@pipedream/platform"
export default defineComponent({
  props: {
    trengo: {
      type: "app",
      app: "trengo",
  async run({steps, $}) {
    return await axios($, {
      url: ``,
      headers: {
        Authorization: `Bearer ${this.trengo.$auth.access_token}`,

Overview of HTTP / Webhook

Build, test, and send HTTP requests without code using your Pipedream workflows. The HTTP / Webhook action is a tool to build HTTP requests with a Postman-like graphical interface.

An interface for configuring an HTTP request within Pipedream's workflow system. The current selection is a GET request with fields for the request URL, authorization type (set to 'None' with a note explaining "This request does not use authorization"), parameters, headers (with a count of 1, though the detail is not visible), and body. Below the main configuration area is an option to "Include Response Headers," and a button labeled "Configure to test." The overall layout suggests a user-friendly, no-code approach to setting up custom HTTP requests.

Point and click HTTP requests

Define the target URL, HTTP verb, headers, query parameters, and payload body without writing custom code.

A screenshot of Pipedream's HTTP Request Configuration interface with a GET request type selected. The request URL is set to ''. The 'Auth' tab is highlighted, indicating that authentication is required for this request. In the headers section, there are two headers configured: 'User-Agent' is set to 'pipedream/1', and 'Authorization' is set to 'Bearer {{openai_api_key}}', showing how the OpenAI account's API key is dynamically inserted into the headers to handle authentication automatically.

Here's an example workflow that uses the HTTP / Webhook action to send an authenticated API request to OpenAI.

Focus on integrating, not authenticating

This action can also use your connected accounts with third-party APIs. Selecting an integrated app will automatically update the request’s headers to authenticate with the app properly, and even inject your token dynamically.

This GIF depicts the process of selecting an application within Pipedream's HTTP Request Builder. A user hovers the cursor over the 'Auth' tab and clicks on a dropdown menu labeled 'Authorization Type', then scrolls through a list of applications to choose from for authorization purposes. The interface provides a streamlined and intuitive method for users to authenticate their HTTP requests by selecting the relevant app in the configuration settings.

Pipedream integrates with thousands of APIs, but if you can’t find a Pipedream integration simply use Environment Variables in your request headers to authenticate with.

Compatible with no code actions or Node.js and Python

The HTTP/Webhook action exports HTTP response data for use in subsequent workflow steps, enabling easy data transformation, further API calls, database storage, and more.

Response data is available for both coded (Node.js, Python) and no-code steps within your workflow.

An image showing the Pipedream interface where the HTTP Webhook action has returned response data as a step export. The interface highlights a structured view of the returned data with collapsible sections. We can see 'steps.custom_request1' expanded to show 'return_value' which is an object containing a 'list'. Inside the list, an item 'data' is expanded to reveal an element with an 'id' of 'whisper-1', indicating a model created by and owned by 'openai-internal'. Options to 'Copy Path' and 'Copy Value' are available for easy access to the data points.

Connect HTTP / Webhook

// To use any npm package on Pipedream, just import it
import axios from "axios"

export default defineComponent({
  async run({ steps, $ }) {
    const { data } = await axios({
      method: "GET",
      url: "",
    return data.species

Community Posts

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A Look at Pipedream
I'm going to build a workflow that will search Twitter every hour for a keyword. It will take the results, format them nicely, and then email it.
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Normally I don't like to blog about stuff that isn't generally available to all, but as it will be available sometime soon, I decided to go ahead anyway. And I built something really cool I want to share so that's another reason to talk about this now!

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