
Anything you can do in Python can be done in a Pipedream Workflow. This includes using any of the 350,000+ PyPi packages available in your Python powered workflows.

Integrate the Python API with the Zendesk API

Setup the Python API trigger to run a workflow which integrates with the Zendesk API. Pipedream's integration platform allows you to integrate Python and Zendesk remarkably fast. Free for developers.

Run Python Code with Python API on New Ticket (Instant) from Zendesk API
Zendesk + Python
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Run Python Code with Python API on New Ticket Added to View (Instant) from Zendesk API
Zendesk + Python
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Run Python Code with Python API on Ticket Closed (Instant) from Zendesk API
Zendesk + Python
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Run Python Code with Python API on Ticket Pended (Instant) from Zendesk API
Zendesk + Python
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Run Python Code with Python API on Ticket Solved (Instant) from Zendesk API
Zendesk + Python
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New Ticket (Instant) from the Zendesk API

Emit new event when a ticket is created

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New Ticket Added to View (Instant) from the Zendesk API

Emit new event when a ticket is added to the specified view

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Ticket Closed (Instant) from the Zendesk API

Emit new event when a ticket has changed to closed status

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Ticket Pending (Instant) from the Zendesk API

Emit new event when a ticket has changed to pending status

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Ticket Solved (Instant) from the Zendesk API

Emit new event when a ticket has changed to solved status

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Run Python Code with the Python API

Write Python and use any of the 350k+ PyPi packages available. Refer to the Pipedream Python docs to learn more.

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Create Ticket with the Zendesk API

Creates a ticket. See the documentation.

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Delete Ticket with the Zendesk API

Deletes a ticket. See the documentation.

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Update Ticket with the Zendesk API

Updates a ticket. See the documentation.

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Overview of Python

Develop, run and deploy your Python code in Pipedream workflows. Integrate seamlessly between no-code steps, with connected accounts, or integrate Data Stores and manipulate files within a workflow.

This includes installing PyPI packages, within your code without having to manage a requirements.txt file or running pip.

Below is an example of using Python to access data from the trigger of the workflow, and sharing it with subsequent workflow steps:

Connect Python

def handler(pd: "pipedream"):
  # Reference data from previous steps
  # Return data for use in future steps
  return {"foo": {"test":True}}

Overview of Zendesk

The Zendesk API enables seamless integration of Zendesk's customer service platform with your existing business processes and third-party applications. By leveraging this API with Pipedream, you can automate ticket tracking, sync customer data, escalate issues, and streamline communication across multiple channels. This can significantly increase efficiency, accelerate response times, and enhance the overall customer experience. Automations can range from simple notifications to complex workflows involving data transformation and multi-step actions across various services.

Connect Zendesk

import { axios } from "@pipedream/platform"
export default defineComponent({
  props: {
    zendesk: {
      type: "app",
      app: "zendesk",
  async run({steps, $}) {
    return await axios($, {
      url: `https://${this.zendesk.$auth.subdomain}`,
      headers: {
        Authorization: `Bearer ${this.zendesk.$auth.oauth_access_token}`,