import niftyimages from "../../app/";
import { defineAction } from "@pipedream/types";
export default defineAction({
name: "Update Timer Target Date",
description: "Create or update a Data Store Record [See docs here](",
key: "niftyimages-update-timer-target-date",
version: "0.0.1",
type: "action",
props: {
timerApiKey: {
label: "Timer API Key",
description: `The API Key for the Timer you want to update.
To find this, choose a timer image, click on **More Options**, scroll to **Target Date Automation** and click on **"Show API Key"**.`,
type: "string",
timerImageUrl: {
label: "Timer Image URL",
description: "URL of the image to update.",
type: "string",
targetDate: {
label: "Target Date",
description: "Date/Time of the new Target Date for the timer.",
type: "string",
format: {
label: "Date Format",
description: "The format of the `TargetDate` property, if it's not in **ISO 8601** format *(e.g. 2016-03-12T12:00Z)*.",
type: "string",
optional: true,
isUtc: {
label: "Is UTC",
description: "If TRUE, NiftyImages will adjust the `TargetDate` to the Timezone you setup when creating the timer. If FALSE, the `TargetDate` will not be adjusted.",
type: "boolean",
optional: true,
addHours: {
label: "Add Hours",
description: "Number of hours to add to the `TargetDate` parameter.",
type: "integer",
optional: true,
addDays: {
label: "Add Days",
description: "Number of days to add to the `TargetDate` parameter.",
type: "integer",
optional: true,
addMonths: {
label: "Add Months",
description: "Number of months to add to the `TargetDate` parameter.",
type: "integer",
optional: true,
async run({ $ }) {
const params = {
apiKey: this.timerApiKey,
data: {
TimerImageUrl: this.timerImageUrl,
TargetDate: this.targetDate,
Format: this.format,
IsUtc: this.isUtc,
AddHours: this.addHours,
AddDays: this.addDays,
AddMonths: this.addMonths,
const response = await this.niftyimages.updateTimerTargetDate(params);
$.export("$summary", "Updated timer target date successfully");
return response;