import app from "../../";
import { ConfigurationError } from "@pipedream/platform";
export default {
type: "action",
key: "alpaca-list-orders",
version: "0.0.1",
name: "List Orders",
description: "Retrieves a list of orders for the account, filtered by the supplied query parameters, if no filter given all will be returned, [See the docs](",
props: {
isPaperAPI: {
propDefinition: [
symbols: {
type: "string[]",
label: "Symbols",
description: "A list of symbols to filter by (ex. `AAPL,TSLA,MSFT`). A currency pair is required for crypto orders (ex. `BTC/USD,BCH/USD,LTC/USDT,ETC/USDT`).",
optional: true,
side: {
propDefinition: [
description: "Filters down to orders that have a matching `side` field set.",
optional: true,
status: {
type: "string",
label: "Status",
description: "Order status to be queried. `open`, `closed` or `all`. Defaults to `open`.",
optional: true,
options: [
after: {
type: "string",
label: "After",
description: "The response will include only ones submitted after this time, in ISO 8601 format, e.g. `2022-09-07` or `2022-09-07T13:26:53`",
optional: true,
until: {
type: "string",
label: "Until",
description: "The response will include only ones submitted until this time, in ISO 8601 format, e.g. `2022-09-07` or `2022-09-07T13:26:53`",
optional: true,
nested: {
type: "string",
label: "Nested",
description: "If true, the result will roll up multi-leg orders under the `legs` field of primary order.",
optional: true,
async run ({ $ }) {
const after = this.after && Date.parse(this.after);
if (this.after && isNaN(after))
throw new ConfigurationError("`After` should be in ISO 8601 format!");
const until = this.until && Date.parse(this.until);
if (this.until && isNaN(until))
throw new ConfigurationError("`Until` should be in ISO 8601 format!");
let pageSize = 25, orders = [], nextAfter = after && new Date(after).toISOString();
while (true) {
const response = await{
isPaperAPI: this.isPaperAPI,
params: {
symbols: this.symbols && this.symbols.join(),
side: this.side,
status: this.status,
after: nextAfter,
until: until && new Date(until).toISOString(),
nested: this.nested,
direction: "asc",
limit: pageSize,
if (response.length < pageSize) {
} else {
nextAfter = response.pop().updated_at;
$.export("$summary", `${orders.length} order${orders.length == 1 ? "" : "s"} has been retrieved.`);
return orders;