import profitwell from "../../app/";
import { defineAction } from "@pipedream/types";
import { EffectiveDateDescription } from "../../common/propDescriptions.mjs";
export default defineAction({
name: "Create Subscription",
description: "Create a subscription [See docs here](",
key: "profitwell-create-subscription",
version: "0.0.1",
type: "action",
props: {
userId: {
type: "string",
label: "User ID",
description: "Only use if you are referencing an existing user for whom you need to create an additional subscription.",
optional: true,
userAlias: {
type: "string",
label: "User Alias",
description: "For a new user, you can include your own identifier here. If creating a subscription for an existing user, this can be used instead of `User ID`.",
optional: true,
subscriptionAlias: {
type: "string",
label: "Subscription Alias",
description: `If included, you can use this to reference the subscription later, instead of its ID.
Note that this alias must be **unique** across all users in your company, and cannot contain more than **36 characters**.`,
optional: true,
email: {
type: "string",
label: "Email Address",
description: "The email address of the user. This will be the display text that is used on the Customers tab.",
planId: {
propDefinition: [
planInterval: {
propDefinition: [
planCurrency: {
type: "string",
label: "Plan Currency",
description: "The currency in which users of this plan are charged. [See the docs]( for the full list of accepted currency codes.",
optional: true,
default: "usd",
status: {
type: "string",
label: "Status",
optional: true,
options: [
default: "active",
value: {
propDefinition: [
effectiveDate: {
propDefinition: [
description: EffectiveDateDescription("the subscription starts"),
async run({ $ }) {
const params = {
data: {
effective_date: this.profitwell.getUnixTimestamp(this.effectiveDate),
plan_id: this.planId,
plan_interval: this.planInterval,
value: this.value,
plan_currency: this.planCurrency,
status: this.status,
subscription_alias: this.subscriptionAlias,
user_alias: this.userAlias,
user_id: this.userId,
const data = await this.profitwell.createSubscription(params);
const label = this.profitwell.getSubscriptionLabel(data);
$.export("$summary", `Successfully created subscription ${label}`);
return data;