import app from "../../";
export default {
type: "action",
key: "noticeable-create-publication",
version: "0.0.1",
name: "Create Publication",
description: "Creates a publication, [See the docs](",
props: {
projectId: {
propDefinition: [
authorFullname: {
type: "string",
label: "Author Fullname",
description: "The full name of the author.",
authorEmail: {
type: "string",
label: "Author Email",
description: "The email address of the author.",
optional: true,
postContent: {
type: "string",
label: "Post Content",
description: "The publication content. Supports markdown, max 1500 characters.",
excerpt: {
type: "string",
label: "Excerpt",
description: "A short extract of the publication content. Max 240 characters.",
optional: true,
image: {
type: "string",
label: "Featured Image",
description: "The URL of an image that represents the contents, mood, or theme of the publication, if any",
optional: true,
labels: {
type: "string",
label: "Labels",
description: "Publication labels. Must be a Label object array string, e.g. `[{name: \"New Feature\", slug: \"new-feature\", backgroundColor: \"#cccccc\", textColor: \"#111111\"}]`",
publishedAt: {
type: "string",
label: "Published At",
description: "Identifies the date and time when the object is published. The value can be in the future. Must be in ISO 8601 standard, e.g. `2022-12-23T20:24:46Z`",
title: {
type: "string",
label: "Title",
description: "A descriptive or general heading of the publication content. Max 80 characters.",
async run ({ $ }) {
const resp = await{
query: `mutation {
input: {
projectId: "${this.projectId}",
author: { fullName: "${this.authorFullname}"${this.authorEmail ? ", email: \"" + this.authorEmail + "\"" : ""} },
content: """${this.postContent}""",
${this.excerpt ? "excerpt: \"" + this.excerpt + "\"," : ""}
${this.image ? "featuredImage: \"" + this.image + "\"," : ""}
isDraft: false,
labels: ${this.labels},
publishedAt: "${this.publishedAt}",
title: "${this.title}",
) {
publication {
if (resp.errors) {
throw new Error(resp.errors[0]?.message);
$.export("$summary", `Publication has been created. ID:${resp?.data?.createPublication?.publication?.id} LINK:${resp?.data?.createPublication?.publication?.permalink}`);
return resp;