← Typeform + Deftship integrations

Create Parcel Order with Deftship API on New Submission from Typeform API

Pipedream makes it easy to connect APIs for Deftship, Typeform and 2,200+ other apps remarkably fast.

Trigger workflow on
New Submission from the Typeform API
Next, do this
Create Parcel Order with the Deftship API
No credit card required
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Developers Pipedream

Getting Started

This integration creates a workflow with a Typeform trigger and Deftship action. When you configure and deploy the workflow, it will run on Pipedream's servers 24x7 for free.

  1. Select this integration
  2. Configure the New Submission trigger
    1. Connect your Typeform account
    2. Select a Form
  3. Configure the Create Parcel Order action
    1. Connect your Deftship account
    2. Configure From Address: Name
    3. Configure From Address: Street
    4. Configure From Address: City
    5. Select a From Address: State
    6. Configure From Address: Zip Code
    7. Select a From Address: Country
    8. Configure From Address: Telephone
    9. Configure To Address: Name
    10. Configure To Address: Street
    11. Configure To Address: City
    12. Select a To Address: State
    13. Configure To Address: Zip Code
    14. Select a To Address: Country
    15. Configure From Address: Telephone
    16. Configure Count
    17. Configure Length
    18. Configure Width
    19. Configure Height
    20. Optional- Select a Length Unit
    21. Configure Weight
    22. Optional- Select a Weight Unit
    23. Optional- Configure Additional Fields
  4. Deploy the workflow
  5. Send a test event to validate your setup
  6. Turn on the trigger


This integration uses pre-built, source-available components from Pipedream's GitHub repo. These components are developed by Pipedream and the community, and verified and maintained by Pipedream.

To contribute an update to an existing component or create a new component, create a PR on GitHub. If you're new to Pipedream component development, you can start with quickstarts for trigger span and action development, and then review the component API reference.


Description:Emit new submission

Typeform Overview

The Typeform API furnishes you with the means to create dynamic forms and collect user responses in real-time. By leveraging this API within Pipedream's serverless platform, you can automate workflows to process this data, integrate seamlessly with other services, and react to form submissions instantaneously. This empowers you to craft tailored responses, synchronize with databases, trigger email campaigns, or even manage event registrations without manual intervention.

Trigger Code

import { createHmac } from "crypto";
import sampleEmit from "./test-event.mjs";
import { uuid } from "uuidv4";
import common from "../common/common.mjs";
import constants from "../../constants.mjs";
import utils from "../common/utils.mjs";

const { typeform } = common.props;
const { parseIsoDate } = utils;

export default {
  key: "typeform-new-submission",
  name: "New Submission",
  version: "0.0.8",
  type: "source",
  description: "Emit new submission",
  props: {
    http: {
      type: "$.interface.http",
      customResponse: true,
    db: "$.service.db",
    formId: {
      propDefinition: [
  methods: {
    generateSecret() {
      return "" + Math.random();
  hooks: {
    async activate() {
      const secret = this.generateSecret();

      let tag = this._getTag();
      if (!tag) {
        tag = uuid();

      return await this.typeform.createHook({
        endpoint: this.http.endpoint,
        formId: this.formId,
    async deactivate() {
      const tag = this._getTag();

      return await this.typeform.deleteHook({
        formId: this.formId,
  async run(event) {
    const {
    } = event;

    const { [constants.TYPEFORM_SIGNATURE]: typeformSignature } = headers;

    if (typeformSignature) {
      const secret = this._getSecret();

      const hmac =
        createHmac(constants.ALGORITHM, secret)

      const signature = `${constants.ALGORITHM}=${hmac}`;

      if (typeformSignature !== signature) {
        throw new Error("signature mismatch");

    let formResponseString = "";
    const data = Object.assign({}, body.form_response);
    data.form_response_parsed = {};

    for (let i = 0; i < body.form_response.answers.length; i++) {
      const field = body.form_response.definition.fields[i];
      const answer = body.form_response.answers[i];

      let parsedAnswer;
      let value = answer[answer.type];

      if (value.label) {
        parsedAnswer = value.label;

      } else if (value.labels) {
        parsedAnswer = value.labels.join();

      } else if (value.choice) {
        parsedAnswer = value.choice;

      } else if (value.choices) {
        parsedAnswer = value.choices.join();

      } else {
        parsedAnswer = value;

      data.form_response_parsed[field.title] = parsedAnswer;
      formResponseString += `### ${field.title}\n${parsedAnswer}\n`;

    data.form_response_string = formResponseString;
    data.raw_webhook_event = body;

    if (data.landed_at) {
      data.landed_at = parseIsoDate(data.landed_at);

    if (data.submitted_at) {
      data.submitted_at = parseIsoDate(data.submitted_at);

    data.form_title = body.form_response.definition.title;
    delete data.answers;
    delete data.definition;

    this.$emit(data, {
      summary: JSON.stringify(data),
      id: data.token,

      status: 200,

Trigger Configuration

This component may be configured based on the props defined in the component code. Pipedream automatically prompts for input values in the UI and CLI.
TypeformtypeformappThis component uses the Typeform app.
N/Ahttp$.interface.httpThis component uses $.interface.http to generate a unique URL when the component is first instantiated. Each request to the URL will trigger the run() method of the component.
N/Adb$.service.dbThis component uses $.service.db to maintain state between executions.
FormformIdstringSelect a value from the drop down menu.

Trigger Authentication

Typeform uses OAuth authentication. When you connect your Typeform account, Pipedream will open a popup window where you can sign into Typeform and grant Pipedream permission to connect to your account. Pipedream securely stores and automatically refreshes the OAuth tokens so you can easily authenticate any Typeform API.

Pipedream requests the following authorization scopes when you connect your account:


About Typeform

Typeform lets you build no-code forms, quizzes, and surveys - and get more responses.


Description:Initializes a new parcel order within Deftship. [See the documentation](https://developer.deftship.com/parcel/create-parcel)

Action Code

import deftship from "../../deftship.app.mjs";

export default {
  key: "deftship-create-parcel-order",
  name: "Create Parcel Order",
  description: "Initializes a new parcel order within Deftship. [See the documentation](https://developer.deftship.com/parcel/create-parcel)",
  version: "0.0.1",
  type: "action",
  props: {
    fromName: {
      propDefinition: [
    fromStreet: {
      propDefinition: [
    fromCity: {
      propDefinition: [
    fromState: {
      propDefinition: [
    fromZip: {
      propDefinition: [
    fromCountry: {
      propDefinition: [
    fromTelephone: {
      propDefinition: [
    toName: {
      propDefinition: [
    toStreet: {
      propDefinition: [
    toCity: {
      propDefinition: [
    toState: {
      propDefinition: [
    toZip: {
      propDefinition: [
    toCountry: {
      propDefinition: [
    toTelephone: {
      propDefinition: [
    itemCount: {
      propDefinition: [
    length: {
      type: "string",
      label: "Length",
      description: "Length of the parcel",
    width: {
      type: "string",
      label: "Width",
      description: "Width of the parcel",
    height: {
      type: "string",
      label: "Height",
      description: "Height of the parcel",
    lengthUnit: {
      type: "string",
      label: "Length Unit",
      description: "By default, length unit is taken from your preferences. However, it can be overwritten using this field.",
      optional: true,
      options: [
    weight: {
      type: "string",
      label: "Weight",
      description: "Weight of the parcel",
    weightUnit: {
      type: "string",
      label: "Weight Unit",
      description: "By default, weight unit is taken from your preferences. However, it can be overwritten using this field.",
      optional: true,
      options: [
    additionalFields: {
      propDefinition: [
  async run({ $ }) {
    const additionalFields = !this.additionalFields
      ? {}
      : typeof this.additionalFields === "string"
        ? JSON.parse(this.additionalFields)
        : this.additionalFields;
    const response = await this.deftship.createParcelOrder({
      data: {
        from_address: {
          name: this.fromName,
          street_1: this.fromStreet,
          city: this.fromCity,
          state: this.fromState,
          zip: this.fromZip,
          country: this.fromCountry,
          telephone: this.fromTelephone,
        to_address: {
          name: this.toName,
          street_1: this.toStreet,
          city: this.toCity,
          state: this.toState,
          zip: this.toZip,
          country: this.toCountry,
          telephone: this.toTelephone,
        weight_unit: this.weightUnit,
        length_unit: this.lengthUnit,
        package_list: [
            count: this.itemCount,
            length: +this.length,
            width: +this.width,
            height: +this.height,
            weight: +this.weight,
    $.export("$summary", `Successfully created parcel order with ID: ${response.data.shipment_order_id}`);
    return response;

Action Configuration

This component may be configured based on the props defined in the component code. Pipedream automatically prompts for input values in the UI.

DeftshipdeftshipappThis component uses the Deftship app.
From Address: NamefromNamestring

The name in the sender address

From Address: StreetfromStreetstring

The street address of the sender

From Address: CityfromCitystring

The city address of the sender

From Address: StatefromStatestringSelect a value from the drop down menu:{ "label": "Alabama", "value": "AL" }{ "label": "Alaska", "value": "AK" }{ "label": "American Samoa", "value": "AS" }{ "label": "Arizona", "value": "AZ" }{ "label": "Arkansas", "value": "AR" }{ "label": "California", "value": "CA" }{ "label": "Colorado", "value": "CO" }{ "label": "Connecticut", "value": "CT" }{ "label": "Delaware", "value": "DE" }{ "label": "District Of Columbia", "value": "DC" }{ "label": "Federated States Of Micronesia", "value": "FM" }{ "label": "Florida", "value": "FL" }{ "label": "Georgia", "value": "GA" }{ "label": "Guam", "value": "GU" }{ "label": "Hawaii", "value": "HI" }{ "label": "Idaho", "value": "ID" }{ "label": "Illinois", "value": "IL" }{ "label": "Indiana", "value": "IN" }{ "label": "Iowa", "value": "IA" }{ "label": "Kansas", "value": "KS" }{ "label": "Kentucky", "value": "KY" }{ "label": "Louisiana", "value": "LA" }{ "label": "Maine", "value": "ME" }{ "label": "Marshall Islands", "value": "MH" }{ "label": "Maryland", "value": "MD" }{ "label": "Massachusetts", "value": "MA" }{ "label": "Michigan", "value": "MI" }{ "label": "Minnesota", "value": "MN" }{ "label": "Mississippi", "value": "MS" }{ "label": "Missouri", "value": "MO" }{ "label": "Montana", "value": "MT" }{ "label": "Nebraska", "value": "NE" }{ "label": "Nevada", "value": "NV" }{ "label": "New Hampshire", "value": "NH" }{ "label": "New Jersey", "value": "NJ" }{ "label": "New Mexico", "value": "NM" }{ "label": "New York", "value": "NY" }{ "label": "North Carolina", "value": "NC" }{ "label": "North Dakota", "value": "ND" }{ "label": "Northern Mariana Islands", "value": "MP" }{ "label": "Ohio", "value": "OH" }{ "label": "Oklahoma", "value": "OK" }{ "label": "Oregon", "value": "OR" }{ "label": "Palau", "value": "PW" }{ "label": "Pennsylvania", "value": "PA" }{ "label": "Puerto Rico", "value": "PR" }{ "label": "Rhode Island", "value": "RI" }{ "label": "South Carolina", "value": "SC" }{ "label": "South Dakota", "value": "SD" }{ "label": "Tennessee", "value": "TN" }{ "label": "Texas", "value": "TX" }{ "label": "Utah", "value": "UT" }{ "label": "Vermont", "value": "VT" }{ "label": "Virgin Islands", "value": "VI" }{ "label": "Virginia", "value": "VA" }{ "label": "Washington", "value": "WA" }{ "label": "West Virginia", "value": "WV" }{ "label": "Wisconsin", "value": "WI" }{ "label": "Wyoming", "value": "WY" }{ "label": "AA", "value": "AA" }{ "label": "AE", "value": "AE" }{ "label": "AP", "value": "AP" }{ "label": "Alberta", "value": "AB" }{ "label": "British Colombia", "value": "BC" }{ "label": "Manitoba", "value": "MB" }{ "label": "New Brunswick", "value": "NB" }{ "label": "Newfoundland and Labrador", "value": "NL" }{ "label": "Nova Scotia", "value": "NS" }{ "label": "Northwest Territories", "value": "NT" }{ "label": "Nunavut", "value": "NU" }{ "label": "Ontario", "value": "ON" }{ "label": "Prince Edward Island", "value": "PE" }{ "label": "Québec", "value": "QC" }{ "label": "Saskatchewan", "value": "SK" }{ "label": "Yukon", "value": "YT" }
From Address: Zip CodefromZipstring

The zip code of the sender

From Address: CountryfromCountrystringSelect a value from the drop down menu:{ "label": "Afghanistan", "value": "AF" }{ "label": "Åland Islands", "value": "AX" }{ "label": "Albania", "value": "AL" }{ "label": "Algeria", "value": "DZ" }{ "label": "American Samoa", "value": "AS" }{ "label": "Andorra", "value": "AD" }{ "label": "Angola", "value": "AO" }{ "label": "Anguilla", "value": "AI" }{ "label": "Antarctica", "value": "AQ" }{ "label": "Antigua and Barbuda", "value": "AG" }{ "label": "Argentina", "value": "AR" }{ "label": "Armenia", "value": "AM" }{ "label": "Aruba", "value": "AW" }{ "label": "Australia", "value": "AU" }{ "label": "Austria", "value": "AT" }{ "label": "Azerbaijan", "value": "AZ" }{ "label": "Bahamas", "value": "BS" }{ "label": "Bahrain", "value": "BH" }{ "label": "Bangladesh", "value": "BD" }{ "label": "Barbados", "value": "BB" }{ "label": "Belarus", "value": "BY" }{ "label": "Belgium", "value": "BE" }{ "label": "Belize", "value": "BZ" }{ "label": "Benin", "value": "BJ" }{ "label": "Bermuda", "value": "BM" }{ "label": "Bhutan", "value": "BT" }{ "label": "Bolivia, Plurinational State of", "value": "BO" }{ "label": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba", "value": "BQ" }{ "label": "Bosnia and Herzegovina", "value": "BA" }{ "label": "Botswana", "value": "BW" }{ "label": "Bouvet Island", "value": "BV" }{ "label": "Brazil", "value": "BR" }{ "label": "British Indian Ocean Territory", "value": "IO" }{ "label": "Brunei Darussalam", "value": "BN" }{ "label": "Bulgaria", "value": "BG" }{ "label": "Burkina Faso", "value": "BF" }{ "label": "Burundi", "value": "BI" }{ "label": "Cambodia", "value": "KH" }{ "label": "Cameroon", "value": "CM" }{ "label": "Canada", "value": "CA" }{ "label": "Cape Verde", "value": "CV" }{ "label": "Cayman Islands", "value": "KY" }{ "label": "Central African Republic", "value": "CF" }{ "label": "Chad", "value": "TD" }{ "label": "Chile", "value": "CL" }{ "label": "China", "value": "CN" }{ "label": "Christmas Island", "value": "CX" }{ "label": "Cocos (Keeling) Islands", "value": "CC" }{ "label": "Colombia", "value": "CO" }{ "label": "Comoros", "value": "KM" }{ "label": "Congo", "value": "CG" }{ "label": "Congo, the Democratic Republic of the", "value": "CD" }{ "label": "Cook Islands", "value": "CK" }{ "label": "Costa Rica", "value": "CR" }{ "label": "Côte d'Ivoire", "value": "CI" }{ "label": "Croatia", "value": "HR" }{ "label": "Cuba", "value": "CU" }{ "label": "Curaçao", "value": "CW" }{ "label": "Cyprus", "value": "CY" }{ "label": "Czech Republic", "value": "CZ" }{ "label": "Denmark", "value": "DK" }{ "label": "Djibouti", "value": "DJ" }{ "label": "Dominica", "value": "DM" }{ "label": "Dominican Republic", "value": "DO" }{ "label": "Ecuador", "value": "EC" }{ "label": "Egypt", "value": "EG" }{ "label": "El Salvador", "value": "SV" }{ "label": "Equatorial Guinea", "value": "GQ" }{ "label": "Eritrea", "value": "ER" }{ "label": "Estonia", "value": "EE" }{ "label": "Ethiopia", "value": "ET" }{ "label": "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)", "value": "FK" }{ "label": "Faroe Islands", "value": "FO" }{ "label": "Fiji", "value": "FJ" }{ "label": "Finland", "value": "FI" }{ "label": "France", "value": "FR" }{ "label": "French Guiana", "value": "GF" }{ "label": "French Polynesia", "value": "PF" }{ "label": "French Southern Territories", "value": "TF" }{ "label": "Gabon", "value": "GA" }{ "label": "Gambia", "value": "GM" }{ "label": "Georgia", "value": "GE" }{ "label": "Germany", "value": "DE" }{ "label": "Ghana", "value": "GH" }{ "label": "Gibraltar", "value": "GI" }{ "label": "Greece", "value": "GR" }{ "label": "Greenland", "value": "GL" }{ "label": "Grenada", "value": "GD" }{ "label": "Guadeloupe", "value": "GP" }{ "label": "Guam", "value": "GU" }{ "label": "Guatemala", "value": "GT" }{ "label": "Guernsey", "value": "GG" }{ "label": "Guinea", "value": "GN" }{ "label": "Guinea-Bissau", "value": "GW" }{ "label": "Guyana", "value": "GY" }{ "label": "Haiti", "value": "HT" }{ "label": "Heard Island and McDonald Islands", "value": "HM" }{ "label": "Holy See (Vatican City State)", "value": "VA" }{ "label": "Honduras", "value": "HN" }{ "label": "Hong Kong", "value": "HK" }{ "label": "Hungary", "value": "HU" }{ "label": "Iceland", "value": "IS" }{ "label": "India", "value": "IN" }{ "label": "Indonesia", "value": "ID" }{ "label": "Iraq", "value": "IQ" }{ "label": "Ireland", "value": "IE" }{ "label": "Isle of Man", "value": "IM" }{ "label": "Israel", "value": "IL" }{ "label": "Italy", "value": "IT" }{ "label": "Jamaica", "value": "JM" }{ "label": "Japan", "value": "JP" }{ "label": "Jersey", "value": "JE" }{ "label": "Jordan", "value": "JO" }{ "label": "Kazakhstan", "value": "KZ" }{ "label": "Kenya", "value": "KE" }{ "label": "Kiribati", "value": "KI" }{ "label": "Korea, Democratic People's Republic of", "value": "KP" }{ "label": "Korea, Republic of", "value": "KR" }{ "label": "Kuwait", "value": "KW" }{ "label": "Kyrgyzstan", "value": "KG" }{ "label": "Lao People's Democratic Republic", "value": "LA" }{ "label": "Latvia", "value": "LV" }{ "label": "Lebanon", "value": "LB" }{ "label": "Lesotho", "value": "LS" }{ "label": "Liberia", "value": "LR" }{ "label": "Libya", "value": "LY" }{ "label": "Liechtenstein", "value": "LI" }{ "label": "Lithuania", "value": "LT" }{ "label": "Luxembourg", "value": "LU" }{ "label": "Macao", "value": "MO" }{ "label": "Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of", "value": "MK" }{ "label": "Madagascar", "value": "MG" }{ "label": "Malawi", "value": "MW" }{ "label": "Malaysia", "value": "MY" }{ "label": "Maldives", "value": "MV" }{ "label": "Mali", "value": "ML" }{ "label": "Malta", "value": "MT" }{ "label": "Marshall Islands", "value": "MH" }{ "label": "Martinique", "value": "MQ" }{ "label": "Mauritania", "value": "MR" }{ "label": "Mauritius", "value": "MU" }{ "label": "Mayotte", "value": "YT" }{ "label": "Mexico", "value": "MX" }{ "label": "Micronesia, Federated States of", "value": "FM" }{ "label": "Moldova, Republic of", "value": "MD" }{ "label": "Monaco", "value": "MC" }{ "label": "Mongolia", "value": "MN" }{ "label": "Montenegro", "value": "ME" }{ "label": "Montserrat", "value": "MS" }{ "label": "Morocco", "value": "MA" }{ "label": "Mozambique", "value": "MZ" }{ "label": "Myanmar", "value": "MM" }{ "label": "Namibia", "value": "NA" }{ "label": "Nauru", "value": "NR" }{ "label": "Nepal", "value": "NP" }{ "label": "Netherlands", "value": "NL" }{ "label": "New Caledonia", "value": "NC" }{ "label": "New Zealand", "value": "NZ" }{ "label": "Nicaragua", "value": "NI" }{ "label": "Niger", "value": "NE" }{ "label": "Nigeria", "value": "NG" }{ "label": "Niue", "value": "NU" }{ "label": "Norfolk Island", "value": "NF" }{ "label": "Northern Mariana Islands", "value": "MP" }{ "label": "Norway", "value": "NO" }{ "label": "Oman", "value": "OM" }{ "label": "Pakistan", "value": "PK" }{ "label": "Palau", "value": "PW" }{ "label": "Palestine, State of", "value": "PS" }{ "label": "Panama", "value": "PA" }{ "label": "Papua New Guinea", "value": "PG" }{ "label": "Paraguay", "value": "PY" }{ "label": "Peru", "value": "PE" }{ "label": "Philippines", "value": "PH" }{ "label": "Pitcairn", "value": "PN" }{ "label": "Poland", "value": "PL" }{ "label": "Portugal", "value": "PT" }{ "label": "Puerto Rico", "value": "PR" }{ "label": "Qatar", "value": "QA" }{ "label": "Réunion", "value": "RE" }{ "label": "Romania", "value": "RO" }{ "label": "Russian Federation", "value": "RU" }{ "label": "Rwanda", "value": "RW" }{ "label": "Saint Barthélemy", "value": "BL" }{ "label": "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha", "value": "SH" }{ "label": "Saint Kitts and Nevis", "value": "KN" }{ "label": "Saint Lucia", "value": "LC" }{ "label": "Saint Martin (French part)", "value": "MF" }{ "label": "Saint Pierre and Miquelon", "value": "PM" }{ "label": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "value": "VC" }{ "label": "Samoa", "value": "WS" }{ "label": "San Marino", "value": "SM" }{ "label": "Sao Tome and Principe", "value": "ST" }{ "label": "Saudi Arabia", "value": "SA" }{ "label": "Senegal", "value": "SN" }{ "label": "Serbia", "value": "RS" }{ "label": "Seychelles", "value": "SC" }{ "label": "Sierra Leone", "value": "SL" }{ "label": "Singapore", "value": "SG" }{ "label": "Sint Maarten (Dutch part)", "value": "SX" }{ "label": "Slovakia", "value": "SK" }{ "label": "Slovenia", "value": "SI" }{ "label": "Solomon Islands", "value": "SB" }{ "label": "Somalia", "value": "SO" }{ "label": "South Africa", "value": "ZA" }{ "label": "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands", "value": "GS" }{ "label": "South Sudan", "value": "SS" }{ "label": "Spain", "value": "ES" }{ "label": "Sri Lanka", "value": "LK" }{ "label": "Sudan", "value": "SD" }{ "label": "Suriname", "value": "SR" }{ "label": "Svalbard and Jan Mayen", "value": "SJ" }{ "label": "Swaziland", "value": "SZ" }{ "label": "Sweden", "value": "SE" }{ "label": "Switzerland", "value": "CH" }{ "label": "Taiwan, Province of China", "value": "TW" }{ "label": "Tajikistan", "value": "TJ" }{ "label": "Tanzania, United Republic of", "value": "TZ" }{ "label": "Thailand", "value": "TH" }{ "label": "Timor-Leste", "value": "TL" }{ "label": "Togo", "value": "TG" }{ "label": "Tokelau", "value": "TK" }{ "label": "Tonga", "value": "TO" }{ "label": "Trinidad and Tobago", "value": "TT" }{ "label": "Tunisia", "value": "TN" }{ "label": "Turkey", "value": "TR" }{ "label": "Turkmenistan", "value": "TM" }{ "label": "Turks and Caicos Islands", "value": "TC" }{ "label": "Tuvalu", "value": "TV" }{ "label": "Uganda", "value": "UG" }{ "label": "Ukraine", "value": "UA" }{ "label": "United Arab Emirates", "value": "AE" }{ "label": "United Kingdom", "value": "GB" }{ "label": "United States", "value": "US" }{ "label": "United States Minor Outlying Islands", "value": "UM" }{ "label": "Uruguay", "value": "UY" }{ "label": "Uzbekistan", "value": "UZ" }{ "label": "Vanuatu", "value": "VU" }{ "label": "Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of", "value": "VE" }{ "label": "Viet Nam", "value": "VN" }{ "label": "Virgin Islands, British", "value": "VG" }{ "label": "Virgin Islands, U.S.", "value": "VI" }{ "label": "Wallis and Futuna", "value": "WF" }{ "label": "Western Sahara", "value": "EH" }{ "label": "Yemen", "value": "YE" }{ "label": "Zambia", "value": "ZM" }{ "label": "Zimbabwe", "value": "ZW" }
From Address: TelephonefromTelephonestring

The telephone number of the sender

To Address: NametoNamestring

The name in the receiver address

To Address: StreettoStreetstring

The street address of the receiver

To Address: CitytoCitystring

The city address of the receiver

To Address: StatetoStatestringSelect a value from the drop down menu:{ "label": "Alabama", "value": "AL" }{ "label": "Alaska", "value": "AK" }{ "label": "American Samoa", "value": "AS" }{ "label": "Arizona", "value": "AZ" }{ "label": "Arkansas", "value": "AR" }{ "label": "California", "value": "CA" }{ "label": "Colorado", "value": "CO" }{ "label": "Connecticut", "value": "CT" }{ "label": "Delaware", "value": "DE" }{ "label": "District Of Columbia", "value": "DC" }{ "label": "Federated States Of Micronesia", "value": "FM" }{ "label": "Florida", "value": "FL" }{ "label": "Georgia", "value": "GA" }{ "label": "Guam", "value": "GU" }{ "label": "Hawaii", "value": "HI" }{ "label": "Idaho", "value": "ID" }{ "label": "Illinois", "value": "IL" }{ "label": "Indiana", "value": "IN" }{ "label": "Iowa", "value": "IA" }{ "label": "Kansas", "value": "KS" }{ "label": "Kentucky", "value": "KY" }{ "label": "Louisiana", "value": "LA" }{ "label": "Maine", "value": "ME" }{ "label": "Marshall Islands", "value": "MH" }{ "label": "Maryland", "value": "MD" }{ "label": "Massachusetts", "value": "MA" }{ "label": "Michigan", "value": "MI" }{ "label": "Minnesota", "value": "MN" }{ "label": "Mississippi", "value": "MS" }{ "label": "Missouri", "value": "MO" }{ "label": "Montana", "value": "MT" }{ "label": "Nebraska", "value": "NE" }{ "label": "Nevada", "value": "NV" }{ "label": "New Hampshire", "value": "NH" }{ "label": "New Jersey", "value": "NJ" }{ "label": "New Mexico", "value": "NM" }{ "label": "New York", "value": "NY" }{ "label": "North Carolina", "value": "NC" }{ "label": "North Dakota", "value": "ND" }{ "label": "Northern Mariana Islands", "value": "MP" }{ "label": "Ohio", "value": "OH" }{ "label": "Oklahoma", "value": "OK" }{ "label": "Oregon", "value": "OR" }{ "label": "Palau", "value": "PW" }{ "label": "Pennsylvania", "value": "PA" }{ "label": "Puerto Rico", "value": "PR" }{ "label": "Rhode Island", "value": "RI" }{ "label": "South Carolina", "value": "SC" }{ "label": "South Dakota", "value": "SD" }{ "label": "Tennessee", "value": "TN" }{ "label": "Texas", "value": "TX" }{ "label": "Utah", "value": "UT" }{ "label": "Vermont", "value": "VT" }{ "label": "Virgin Islands", "value": "VI" }{ "label": "Virginia", "value": "VA" }{ "label": "Washington", "value": "WA" }{ "label": "West Virginia", "value": "WV" }{ "label": "Wisconsin", "value": "WI" }{ "label": "Wyoming", "value": "WY" }{ "label": "AA", "value": "AA" }{ "label": "AE", "value": "AE" }{ "label": "AP", "value": "AP" }{ "label": "Alberta", "value": "AB" }{ "label": "British Colombia", "value": "BC" }{ "label": "Manitoba", "value": "MB" }{ "label": "New Brunswick", "value": "NB" }{ "label": "Newfoundland and Labrador", "value": "NL" }{ "label": "Nova Scotia", "value": "NS" }{ "label": "Northwest Territories", "value": "NT" }{ "label": "Nunavut", "value": "NU" }{ "label": "Ontario", "value": "ON" }{ "label": "Prince Edward Island", "value": "PE" }{ "label": "Québec", "value": "QC" }{ "label": "Saskatchewan", "value": "SK" }{ "label": "Yukon", "value": "YT" }
To Address: Zip CodetoZipstring

The zip code of the receiver

To Address: CountrytoCountrystringSelect a value from the drop down menu:{ "label": "Afghanistan", "value": "AF" }{ "label": "Åland Islands", "value": "AX" }{ "label": "Albania", "value": "AL" }{ "label": "Algeria", "value": "DZ" }{ "label": "American Samoa", "value": "AS" }{ "label": "Andorra", "value": "AD" }{ "label": "Angola", "value": "AO" }{ "label": "Anguilla", "value": "AI" }{ "label": "Antarctica", "value": "AQ" }{ "label": "Antigua and Barbuda", "value": "AG" }{ "label": "Argentina", "value": "AR" }{ "label": "Armenia", "value": "AM" }{ "label": "Aruba", "value": "AW" }{ "label": "Australia", "value": "AU" }{ "label": "Austria", "value": "AT" }{ "label": "Azerbaijan", "value": "AZ" }{ "label": "Bahamas", "value": "BS" }{ "label": "Bahrain", "value": "BH" }{ "label": "Bangladesh", "value": "BD" }{ "label": "Barbados", "value": "BB" }{ "label": "Belarus", "value": "BY" }{ "label": "Belgium", "value": "BE" }{ "label": "Belize", "value": "BZ" }{ "label": "Benin", "value": "BJ" }{ "label": "Bermuda", "value": "BM" }{ "label": "Bhutan", "value": "BT" }{ "label": "Bolivia, Plurinational State of", "value": "BO" }{ "label": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba", "value": "BQ" }{ "label": "Bosnia and Herzegovina", "value": "BA" }{ "label": "Botswana", "value": "BW" }{ "label": "Bouvet Island", "value": "BV" }{ "label": "Brazil", "value": "BR" }{ "label": "British Indian Ocean Territory", "value": "IO" }{ "label": "Brunei Darussalam", "value": "BN" }{ "label": "Bulgaria", "value": "BG" }{ "label": "Burkina Faso", "value": "BF" }{ "label": "Burundi", "value": "BI" }{ "label": "Cambodia", "value": "KH" }{ "label": "Cameroon", "value": "CM" }{ "label": "Canada", "value": "CA" }{ "label": "Cape Verde", "value": "CV" }{ "label": "Cayman Islands", "value": "KY" }{ "label": "Central African Republic", "value": "CF" }{ "label": "Chad", "value": "TD" }{ "label": "Chile", "value": "CL" }{ "label": "China", "value": "CN" }{ "label": "Christmas Island", "value": "CX" }{ "label": "Cocos (Keeling) Islands", "value": "CC" }{ "label": "Colombia", "value": "CO" }{ "label": "Comoros", "value": "KM" }{ "label": "Congo", "value": "CG" }{ "label": "Congo, the Democratic Republic of the", "value": "CD" }{ "label": "Cook Islands", "value": "CK" }{ "label": "Costa Rica", "value": "CR" }{ "label": "Côte d'Ivoire", "value": "CI" }{ "label": "Croatia", "value": "HR" }{ "label": "Cuba", "value": "CU" }{ "label": "Curaçao", "value": "CW" }{ "label": "Cyprus", "value": "CY" }{ "label": "Czech Republic", "value": "CZ" }{ "label": "Denmark", "value": "DK" }{ "label": "Djibouti", "value": "DJ" }{ "label": "Dominica", "value": "DM" }{ "label": "Dominican Republic", "value": "DO" }{ "label": "Ecuador", "value": "EC" }{ "label": "Egypt", "value": "EG" }{ "label": "El Salvador", "value": "SV" }{ "label": "Equatorial Guinea", "value": "GQ" }{ "label": "Eritrea", "value": "ER" }{ "label": "Estonia", "value": "EE" }{ "label": "Ethiopia", "value": "ET" }{ "label": "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)", "value": "FK" }{ "label": "Faroe Islands", "value": "FO" }{ "label": "Fiji", "value": "FJ" }{ "label": "Finland", "value": "FI" }{ "label": "France", "value": "FR" }{ "label": "French Guiana", "value": "GF" }{ "label": "French Polynesia", "value": "PF" }{ "label": "French Southern Territories", "value": "TF" }{ "label": "Gabon", "value": "GA" }{ "label": "Gambia", "value": "GM" }{ "label": "Georgia", "value": "GE" }{ "label": "Germany", "value": "DE" }{ "label": "Ghana", "value": "GH" }{ "label": "Gibraltar", "value": "GI" }{ "label": "Greece", "value": "GR" }{ "label": "Greenland", "value": "GL" }{ "label": "Grenada", "value": "GD" }{ "label": "Guadeloupe", "value": "GP" }{ "label": "Guam", "value": "GU" }{ "label": "Guatemala", "value": "GT" }{ "label": "Guernsey", "value": "GG" }{ "label": "Guinea", "value": "GN" }{ "label": "Guinea-Bissau", "value": "GW" }{ "label": "Guyana", "value": "GY" }{ "label": "Haiti", "value": "HT" }{ "label": "Heard Island and McDonald Islands", "value": "HM" }{ "label": "Holy See (Vatican City State)", "value": "VA" }{ "label": "Honduras", "value": "HN" }{ "label": "Hong Kong", "value": "HK" }{ "label": "Hungary", "value": "HU" }{ "label": "Iceland", "value": "IS" }{ "label": "India", "value": "IN" }{ "label": "Indonesia", "value": "ID" }{ "label": "Iraq", "value": "IQ" }{ "label": "Ireland", "value": "IE" }{ "label": "Isle of Man", "value": "IM" }{ "label": "Israel", "value": "IL" }{ "label": "Italy", "value": "IT" }{ "label": "Jamaica", "value": "JM" }{ "label": "Japan", "value": "JP" }{ "label": "Jersey", "value": "JE" }{ "label": "Jordan", "value": "JO" }{ "label": "Kazakhstan", "value": "KZ" }{ "label": "Kenya", "value": "KE" }{ "label": "Kiribati", "value": "KI" }{ "label": "Korea, Democratic People's Republic of", "value": "KP" }{ "label": "Korea, Republic of", "value": "KR" }{ "label": "Kuwait", "value": "KW" }{ "label": "Kyrgyzstan", "value": "KG" }{ "label": "Lao People's Democratic Republic", "value": "LA" }{ "label": "Latvia", "value": "LV" }{ "label": "Lebanon", "value": "LB" }{ "label": "Lesotho", "value": "LS" }{ "label": "Liberia", "value": "LR" }{ "label": "Libya", "value": "LY" }{ "label": "Liechtenstein", "value": "LI" }{ "label": "Lithuania", "value": "LT" }{ "label": "Luxembourg", "value": "LU" }{ "label": "Macao", "value": "MO" }{ "label": "Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of", "value": "MK" }{ "label": "Madagascar", "value": "MG" }{ "label": "Malawi", "value": "MW" }{ "label": "Malaysia", "value": "MY" }{ "label": "Maldives", "value": "MV" }{ "label": "Mali", "value": "ML" }{ "label": "Malta", "value": "MT" }{ "label": "Marshall Islands", "value": "MH" }{ "label": "Martinique", "value": "MQ" }{ "label": "Mauritania", "value": "MR" }{ "label": "Mauritius", "value": "MU" }{ "label": "Mayotte", "value": "YT" }{ "label": "Mexico", "value": "MX" }{ "label": "Micronesia, Federated States of", "value": "FM" }{ "label": "Moldova, Republic of", "value": "MD" }{ "label": "Monaco", "value": "MC" }{ "label": "Mongolia", "value": "MN" }{ "label": "Montenegro", "value": "ME" }{ "label": "Montserrat", "value": "MS" }{ "label": "Morocco", "value": "MA" }{ "label": "Mozambique", "value": "MZ" }{ "label": "Myanmar", "value": "MM" }{ "label": "Namibia", "value": "NA" }{ "label": "Nauru", "value": "NR" }{ "label": "Nepal", "value": "NP" }{ "label": "Netherlands", "value": "NL" }{ "label": "New Caledonia", "value": "NC" }{ "label": "New Zealand", "value": "NZ" }{ "label": "Nicaragua", "value": "NI" }{ "label": "Niger", "value": "NE" }{ "label": "Nigeria", "value": "NG" }{ "label": "Niue", "value": "NU" }{ "label": "Norfolk Island", "value": "NF" }{ "label": "Northern Mariana Islands", "value": "MP" }{ "label": "Norway", "value": "NO" }{ "label": "Oman", "value": "OM" }{ "label": "Pakistan", "value": "PK" }{ "label": "Palau", "value": "PW" }{ "label": "Palestine, State of", "value": "PS" }{ "label": "Panama", "value": "PA" }{ "label": "Papua New Guinea", "value": "PG" }{ "label": "Paraguay", "value": "PY" }{ "label": "Peru", "value": "PE" }{ "label": "Philippines", "value": "PH" }{ "label": "Pitcairn", "value": "PN" }{ "label": "Poland", "value": "PL" }{ "label": "Portugal", "value": "PT" }{ "label": "Puerto Rico", "value": "PR" }{ "label": "Qatar", "value": "QA" }{ "label": "Réunion", "value": "RE" }{ "label": "Romania", "value": "RO" }{ "label": "Russian Federation", "value": "RU" }{ "label": "Rwanda", "value": "RW" }{ "label": "Saint Barthélemy", "value": "BL" }{ "label": "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha", "value": "SH" }{ "label": "Saint Kitts and Nevis", "value": "KN" }{ "label": "Saint Lucia", "value": "LC" }{ "label": "Saint Martin (French part)", "value": "MF" }{ "label": "Saint Pierre and Miquelon", "value": "PM" }{ "label": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "value": "VC" }{ "label": "Samoa", "value": "WS" }{ "label": "San Marino", "value": "SM" }{ "label": "Sao Tome and Principe", "value": "ST" }{ "label": "Saudi Arabia", "value": "SA" }{ "label": "Senegal", "value": "SN" }{ "label": "Serbia", "value": "RS" }{ "label": "Seychelles", "value": "SC" }{ "label": "Sierra Leone", "value": "SL" }{ "label": "Singapore", "value": "SG" }{ "label": "Sint Maarten (Dutch part)", "value": "SX" }{ "label": "Slovakia", "value": "SK" }{ "label": "Slovenia", "value": "SI" }{ "label": "Solomon Islands", "value": "SB" }{ "label": "Somalia", "value": "SO" }{ "label": "South Africa", "value": "ZA" }{ "label": "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands", "value": "GS" }{ "label": "South Sudan", "value": "SS" }{ "label": "Spain", "value": "ES" }{ "label": "Sri Lanka", "value": "LK" }{ "label": "Sudan", "value": "SD" }{ "label": "Suriname", "value": "SR" }{ "label": "Svalbard and Jan Mayen", "value": "SJ" }{ "label": "Swaziland", "value": "SZ" }{ "label": "Sweden", "value": "SE" }{ "label": "Switzerland", "value": "CH" }{ "label": "Taiwan, Province of China", "value": "TW" }{ "label": "Tajikistan", "value": "TJ" }{ "label": "Tanzania, United Republic of", "value": "TZ" }{ "label": "Thailand", "value": "TH" }{ "label": "Timor-Leste", "value": "TL" }{ "label": "Togo", "value": "TG" }{ "label": "Tokelau", "value": "TK" }{ "label": "Tonga", "value": "TO" }{ "label": "Trinidad and Tobago", "value": "TT" }{ "label": "Tunisia", "value": "TN" }{ "label": "Turkey", "value": "TR" }{ "label": "Turkmenistan", "value": "TM" }{ "label": "Turks and Caicos Islands", "value": "TC" }{ "label": "Tuvalu", "value": "TV" }{ "label": "Uganda", "value": "UG" }{ "label": "Ukraine", "value": "UA" }{ "label": "United Arab Emirates", "value": "AE" }{ "label": "United Kingdom", "value": "GB" }{ "label": "United States", "value": "US" }{ "label": "United States Minor Outlying Islands", "value": "UM" }{ "label": "Uruguay", "value": "UY" }{ "label": "Uzbekistan", "value": "UZ" }{ "label": "Vanuatu", "value": "VU" }{ "label": "Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of", "value": "VE" }{ "label": "Viet Nam", "value": "VN" }{ "label": "Virgin Islands, British", "value": "VG" }{ "label": "Virgin Islands, U.S.", "value": "VI" }{ "label": "Wallis and Futuna", "value": "WF" }{ "label": "Western Sahara", "value": "EH" }{ "label": "Yemen", "value": "YE" }{ "label": "Zambia", "value": "ZM" }{ "label": "Zimbabwe", "value": "ZW" }
From Address: TelephonetoTelephonestring

The telephone number of the sender


Pieces count


Length of the parcel


Width of the parcel


Height of the parcel

Length UnitlengthUnitstringSelect a value from the drop down menu:INCM

Weight of the parcel

Weight UnitweightUnitstringSelect a value from the drop down menu:LBSKG
Additional FieldsadditionalFieldsobject

An object of key/value pairs containing additional fields to add to the order

Action Authentication

Deftship uses API keys for authentication. When you connect your Deftship account, Pipedream securely stores the keys so you can easily authenticate to Deftship APIs in both code and no-code steps.

About Deftship

DeftShip: Free Multi-carrier Shipping Software.

More Ways to Connect Deftship + Typeform

Create Freight Order with Deftship API on New Submission from Typeform API
Typeform + Deftship
Try it
Get Insurance Rate with Deftship API on New Submission from Typeform API
Typeform + Deftship
Try it
New Submission from the Typeform API

Emit new submission

Try it
Create a Form with the Typeform API

Creates a form with its corresponing fields. See the docs here

Try it
Create an Image with the Typeform API

Adds an image in your Typeform account. See the docs here

Try it
Delete an Image with the Typeform API

Deletes an image from your Typeform account. See the docs here

Try it
Delete Form with the Typeform API

Select a form to be deleted. See the docs here.

Try it
Duplicate a Form with the Typeform API

Duplicates an existing form in your Typeform account and adds "(copy)" to the end of the title. See the docs here

Try it

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HTTP / Webhook
HTTP / Webhook
Get a unique URL where you can send HTTP or webhook requests
Anything you can do with Node.js, you can do in a Pipedream workflow. This includes using most of npm's 400,000+ packages.
Anything you can do in Python can be done in a Pipedream Workflow. This includes using any of the 350,000+ PyPi packages available in your Python powered workflows.
OpenAI (ChatGPT)
OpenAI (ChatGPT)
OpenAI is an AI research and deployment company with the mission to ensure that artificial general intelligence benefits all of humanity. They are the makers of popular models like ChatGPT, DALL-E, and Whisper.
Web services API for interacting with Salesforce
HubSpot's CRM platform contains the marketing, sales, service, operations, and website-building software you need to grow your business.
Zoho CRM
Zoho CRM
Zoho CRM is an online Sales CRM software that manages your sales, marketing, and support in one CRM platform.
Stripe powers online and in-person payment processing and financial solutions for businesses of all sizes.
Shopify is a complete commerce platform that lets anyone start, manage, and grow a business. You can use Shopify to build an online store, manage sales, market to customers, and accept payments in digital and physical locations.
WooCommerce is the open-source ecommerce platform for WordPress.
A data warehouse built for the cloud
MongoDB is an open source NoSQL database management program.
Supabase is an open source Firebase alternative.
MySQL is an open-source relational database management system.
PostgreSQL is a free and open-source relational database management system emphasizing extensibility and SQL compliance.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers reliable, scalable, and inexpensive cloud computing services.
Twilio SendGrid
Twilio SendGrid
Send marketing and transactional email through the Twilio SendGrid platform with the Email API, proprietary mail transfer agent, and infrastructure for scalable delivery.
Amazon SES
Amazon SES
Amazon SES is a cloud-based email service provider that can integrate into any application for high volume email automation
Email Marketing and SMS Marketing Platform
Zendesk is award-winning customer service software trusted by 200K+ customers. Make customers happy via text, mobile, phone, email, live chat, social media.
The smarter way to workflow
Notion is a new tool that blends your everyday work apps into one. It's the all-in-one workspace for you and your team.
Slack is a channel-based messaging platform. With Slack, people can work together more effectively, connect all their software tools and services, and find the information they need to do their best work — all within a secure, enterprise-grade environment.
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams has communities, events, chats, channels, meetings, storage, tasks, and calendars in one place.