import { parseArray } from "../../common/utils.mjs";
import getaccept from "../../";
export default {
key: "getaccept-create-document",
name: "Create Document",
version: "0.0.1",
description: "Create a document to be able to send it to a recipient. [See the documentation](",
type: "action",
props: {
name: {
type: "string",
label: "Name",
description: "The name of the document.",
type: {
type: "string",
label: "Type",
description: "Document type is used to set default values and look of a document.",
options: [
optional: true,
value: {
type: "string",
label: "Value",
description: "Monetary value of document in entity currency.",
optional: true,
fileIds: {
type: "string[]",
label: "File Ids",
description: "File Ids to previusly uploaded files, see section [\"Upload document(s)\" here](",
optional: true,
fileName: {
type: "string",
label: "File Name",
description: "Sending a file, you must to type the filename of the document, with the extension. This will be helpful for converting different file-types.",
optional: true,
fileURL: {
type: "string",
label: "File URL",
description: "Url to document file. Documents must be public available for download.",
optional: true,
recipients: {
type: "string[]",
label: "Recipients",
description: "A list of valid JSON of recipients you're sending the document to. Every object must contain first_name, last_name (or fullname) and email fields. The 'role' field is optional. If not set, a person will be assigned the role signer. [See the object here](",
optional: true,
isSigning: {
type: "boolean",
label: "Is Signing",
description: "Should the document be enabled for e-signing.",
optional: true,
isSigningOrder: {
type: "boolean",
label: "Is Signing Order",
description: "Use specific order for signers.",
optional: true,
isSigningBiometric: {
type: "boolean",
label: "Is Signing Biometric",
description: "Drawn signature when signing.",
optional: true,
isSigningInitials: {
type: "boolean",
label: "Is Signing Initials",
description: "Initials are set as default sign method.",
optional: true,
isSelfsign: {
type: "boolean",
label: "Is Self-sign",
description: "Should the sender also sign the document.",
optional: true,
expirationDate: {
type: "string",
label: "Expiration Date",
description: "Default value from entity settings but can be overrided by setting a date. Accepted formats: `yyyy-MM-dd`, `dd-MM-yyyy`, `MM/dd/yyyy`, `yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ`, `Unix timestamp in seconds`",
optional: true,
isReminderSending: {
type: "boolean",
label: "Is Reminder Sending",
description: "Should the system automatically send reminders based on the entity sending settings?",
optional: true,
isSigningForward: {
type: "boolean",
label: "Is Signing Forward",
description: "Should a recipient be able to forward the signing rights to someone else?",
optional: true,
isIdentifyRecipient: {
type: "boolean",
label: "Is Identify Recipient",
description: "Enable identification of new recipients by cookie.",
optional: true,
isSMSSending: {
type: "boolean",
label: "Is SMS Sending",
description: "Should the sending automatically include an SMS message to recipients with valid mobile numbers?",
optional: true,
isAutomaticSending: {
type: "boolean",
label: "Is Automatic Sending",
description: "Used to send documents immediately. Requires a file-parameter to import and send. **true: Send immediately** and **false: Status draft**.",
optional: true,
isScheduledSending: {
type: "boolean",
label: "Is Scheduled Sending",
description: "If the automatic sending should be scheduled.",
optional: true,
scheduledSendingTime: {
type: "string",
label: "Scheduled Sending Time",
description: "Date and time when document will be sent if scheduled.",
optional: true,
videoId: {
type: "string",
label: "Video Id",
description: "Specify a video to be presented before the document is opened.",
optional: true,
templateId: {
type: "string",
label: "Template Id",
description: "Use this to specify a template to be used for the document.",
optional: true,
replacePages: {
type: "boolean",
label: "Replace Pages",
description: "True to replace pages in template.",
optional: true,
keepFields: {
type: "boolean",
label: "Keep Fields",
description: "True to keep form fields in template.",
optional: true,
senderEmail: {
propDefinition: [
optional: true,
communicationTemplateId: {
type: "string",
label: "Communication Template Id",
description: "Use this to specify the communication template to be used for the document.",
optional: true,
emailSendSubject: {
type: "string",
label: "Email Send Subject",
description: "Use this to specify the subject line used to send out the document.",
optional: true,
emailSendMessage: {
type: "string",
label: "Email Send Message",
description: "Use this to specify a message to the recipient(s) when sending out the document.",
optional: true,
customFields: {
type: "object",
label: "Custom Fields",
description: "Enter custom data to be used identifying the field either by **name** or **id**.",
optional: true,
attachments: {
type: "string[]",
label: "Attachments",
description: "A list of attachments to include with the document. Every attachment must contain a type and a title. If the type is file, it must have the **Id** field, if the type is external, it must have **url** field. [See the object here](",
optional: true,
customPricingTables: {
type: "string[]",
label: "Custom Pricing Tables",
description: "A list of pricing-table objects. [See the object here](",
optional: true,
async run({ $ }) {
const {
} = this;
const response = await getaccept.createDocument({
data: {
file_ids: fileIds,
file_name: fileName,
file_url: fileURL,
recipients: recipients && parseArray(recipients),
is_signing: isSigning,
is_signing_order: isSigningOrder,
is_signing_biometric: isSigningBiometric,
is_signing_initials: isSigningInitials,
is_selfsign: isSelfsign,
expiration_date: expirationDate,
is_reminder_sending: isReminderSending,
is_signing_forward: isSigningForward,
is_identify_recipient: isIdentifyRecipient,
is_sms_sending: isSMSSending,
is_automatic_sending: isAutomaticSending,
is_scheduled_sending: isScheduledSending,
scheduled_sending_time: scheduledSendingTime,
video_id: videoId,
template_id: templateId,
replace_pages: replacePages,
keep_fields: keepFields,
sender_email: senderEmail,
communication_template_id: communicationTemplateId,
email_send_subject: emailSendSubject,
email_send_message: emailSendMessage,
custom_fields: customFields?.length && Object.entries(customFields).map(([
]) => ({
id: key,
attachments: attachments && parseArray(attachments),
custom_pricing_tables: customPricingTables && parseArray(customPricingTables),,
$.export("$summary", `A new document with Id: ${} was successfully created!`);
return response;