
Solutions & Tools to Grow Your Business

Integrate the Square API with the Python API

Setup the Square API trigger to run a workflow which integrates with the Python API. Pipedream's integration platform allows you to integrate Square and Python remarkably fast. Free for developers.

Run Python Code with Python API on Catalog Item Updated from Square API
Square + Python
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Run Python Code with Python API on New Booking Created from Square API
Square + Python
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Run Python Code with Python API on New Customer Created from Square API
Square + Python
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Run Python Code with Python API on New Invoice Created from Square API
Square + Python
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Run Python Code with Python API on New Order Created from Square API
Square + Python
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Catalog Item Updated from the Square API

Emit new event every time a catalog item is updated. See the docs

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New Booking Created from the Square API

Emit new event for every new booking created. See the docs

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New Customer Created from the Square API

Emit new event for every new customer created. See the docs

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New Invoice Created from the Square API

Emit new event for every new invoice created. See the docs

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New Order Created from the Square API

Emit new event for every new order created. See the docs

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Run Python Code with the Python API

Write Python and use any of the 350k+ PyPi packages available. Refer to the Pipedream Python docs to learn more.

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Create Customer with the Square API

Creates a new customer for a business. Must provide at least one of the following: Given Name, Family Name, Company Name, Email Address, or Phone Number. See the docs.

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Create Invoice with the Square API

Creates a draft invoice for an order. You must send (publish) the invoice before Square can process it. See the documentation.

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Create Order with the Square API

Creates a new order that can include information about products for purchase. See docs here.

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Send Invoice with the Square API

Publishes the latest version of a specified invoice. See the docs.

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Overview of Square

The Square API opens up a realm of possibilities for merchants to effortlessly manage their sales, inventory, customers, and payments. With Pipedream, you can automate actions based on events in Square, such as new transactions, updated orders, or customer profile changes. Craft custom workflows that react in real-time, sync data across platforms, or streamline reporting. Through Pipedream's serverless platform, you can connect Square with countless other apps without writing extensive code, turning manual tasks into automated, efficient processes.

Connect Square

import { axios } from "@pipedream/platform"
export default defineComponent({
  props: {
    square: {
      type: "app",
      app: "square",
  async run({steps, $}) {
    return await axios($, {
      method: "post",
      url: `https://connect.squareup.com/oauth2/token/status`,
      headers: {
        Authorization: `Bearer ${this.square.$auth.oauth_access_token}`,

Overview of Python

Python API on Pipedream offers developers to build or automate a variety of
tasks from their web and cloud apps. With the Python API, users are able to
create comprehensive and flexible scripts, compose and manage environment
variables, and configure resources to perform a range of functions.

By using Pipedream, you can easily:

  • Create automated workflows that run on a specific schedule
  • Compose workflows across various apps and services
  • React to events in cloud services or form data
  • Automatically create content and notifications
  • Construct classifications and predictions
  • Analyze and react to sentiment, sentiment analysis and sentiment score
  • Connect backends to the frontend with serverless functions
  • Work with files and databases
  • Perform web requests and fetch data
  • Integrate third-party APIs into your apps
  • Orchestrate data processing tasks and pipelines
  • Create powerful application APIs with authentication and authorization
  • Design CI/CD pipelines and Continuous Delivery services
  • Connect databases like MongoDB and MySQL
  • Monitor connections and events
  • Generate alerts and notifications for corresponding events

Connect Python

def handler(pd: "pipedream"):
  # Reference data from previous steps
  # Return data for use in future steps
  return {"foo": {"test":True}}