Google Drive

Google Drive is a file storage and synchronization service which allows you to create and share your work online, and access your documents from anywhere.

Integrate the Google Drive API with the Reddit API

Setup the Google Drive API trigger to run a workflow which integrates with the Reddit API. Pipedream's integration platform allows you to integrate Google Drive and Reddit remarkably fast. Free for developers.

Add File Sharing Preference with Google Drive API on New comments by user from Reddit API
Reddit + Google Drive
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Add File Sharing Preference with Google Drive API on New comments on a post from Reddit API
Reddit + Google Drive
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Add File Sharing Preference with Google Drive API on New hot posts on a subreddit from Reddit API
Reddit + Google Drive
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Add File Sharing Preference with Google Drive API on New links by user from Reddit API
Reddit + Google Drive
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Add File Sharing Preference with Google Drive API on New Links on a subreddit from Reddit API
Reddit + Google Drive
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Changes to Specific Files from the Google Drive API

Watches for changes to specific files, emitting an event when a change is made to one of those files. To watch for changes to shared drive files, use the Changes to Specific Files (Shared Drive) source instead.

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Changes to Specific Files (Shared Drive) from the Google Drive API

Watches for changes to specific files in a shared drive, emitting an event when a change is made to one of those files

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New Comments by User from the Reddit API

Emit new event each time a user posts a new comment.

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New comments on a post from the Reddit API

Emit new event each time a new comment is added to a subreddit.

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New hot posts on a subreddit from the Reddit API

Emit new event each time a new hot post is added to the top 10 items in a subreddit.

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List Comments in a Post with the Reddit API

List comments for a specific post. See the docs here

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List Subreddits by Query with the Reddit API

List subreddits based on a search criteria. See the docs here

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Copy File with the Google Drive API

Create a copy of the specified file. See the docs for more information

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Create a New File with the Google Drive API

Create a new file from a URL or /tmp/filepath. See the docs for more information

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Create Folder with the Google Drive API

Create a new empty folder. See the docs for more information

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Overview of Google Drive

The Google Drive API on Pipedream allows you to automate various file management tasks, such as creating, reading, updating, and deleting files within your Google Drive. You can also share files, manage permissions, and monitor changes to files and folders. This opens up possibilities for creating workflows that seamlessly integrate with other apps and services, streamlining document handling, backup processes, and collaborative workflows.

Connect Google Drive

import { axios } from "@pipedream/platform"
export default defineComponent({
  props: {
    google_drive: {
      type: "app",
      app: "google_drive",
  async run({steps, $}) {
    return await axios($, {
      url: ``,
      headers: {
        Authorization: `Bearer ${this.google_drive.$auth.oauth_access_token}`,

Overview of Reddit

The Reddit API unlocks the potential to automate interactions with one of the largest online communities. With Pipedream, you can tap into the Reddit ecosystem to monitor trends, engage with audiences, or curate content. Whether it's tracking mentions of your brand, auto-posting to subreddits, or gathering data for analysis, the API offers a breadth of functionalities — from getting posts and comments to creating new threads and managing account settings.

Connect Reddit

import { axios } from "@pipedream/platform"
export default defineComponent({
  props: {
    reddit: {
      type: "app",
      app: "reddit",
  async run({steps, $}) {
    return await axios($, {
      url: ``,
      headers: {
        Authorization: `Bearer ${this.reddit.$auth.oauth_access_token}`,

Community Posts

Building a Reddit Workflow with Pipedream
Building a Reddit Workflow with Pipedream
Almost four years ago I blogged about a demo I built using Reddit's API. The demo was a multi-user application that made use of Mongo for persistence and Passport.js for user authentication. You would login, select subreddit's to subscribe to, and then once a day it would email you the new posts from that subreddit. This was built in a "traditional" Node.js style with a server running full time to process requests. I thought it would be fun to build this again (although slightly different) using Pipedream's support for working with the Reddit API. I built two different versions of a simple workflow I'd like to share below.
Updating my Reddit Workflow with Pipedream
Updating my Reddit Workflow with Pipedream
Back almost exactly a month ago, I blogged about using Pipedream to build a Reddit email report. The idea was that I wanted a daily email of posts from my subscribed subreddits for the past 24 hours of content. The implementation was a bit complex. I used one workflow to handle "get a days worth of content from subreddit" as a general "API" and another workflow connected to my authentication. It handles getting my subscriptions, hitting the API, and then generating the email. This worked well, but after a while of actually getting the email, I noticed some problems. So I decided to fix that.