import openai from "../../";
import common from "../common/common.mjs";
import constants from "../../common/constants.mjs";
import { ConfigurationError } from "@pipedream/platform";
export default {
name: "Chat",
version: "0.2.6",
key: "openai-chat",
description: "The Chat API, using the `gpt-3.5-turbo` or `gpt-4` model. [See the documentation](",
type: "action",
props: {
alert: {
type: "alert",
alertType: "info",
content: "Looking to chat with your tools? Check out our individual actions: [Chat using Web Search](, [Chat using File Search](, and [Chat using Functions](",
modelId: {
propDefinition: [
userMessage: {
label: "User Message",
type: "string",
description: "The user messages provide instructions to the assistant. They can be generated by the end users of an application, or set by a developer as an instruction.",
systemInstructions: {
label: "System Instructions",
type: "string",
description: "The system message helps set the behavior of the assistant. For example: \"You are a helpful assistant.\" [See these docs]( for tips on writing good instructions.",
optional: true,
messages: {
label: "Prior Message History",
type: "string[]",
description: "_Advanced_. Because [the models have no memory of past chat requests](, all relevant information must be supplied via the conversation. You can provide [an array of messages]( from prior conversations here. If this param is set, the action ignores the values passed to **System Instructions** and **Assistant Response**, appends the new **User Message** to the end of this array, and sends it to the API.",
optional: true,
images: {
label: "Images",
type: "string[]",
description: "Provide one or more images to [OpenAI's vision model]( Accepts URLs or base64 encoded strings. Compatible with the `gpt4-vision-preview` model",
optional: true,
audio: {
type: "string",
label: "Audio",
description: "Provide the file path to an audio file in the `/tmp` directory. For use with the `gpt-4o-audio-preview` model. Currently supports `wav` and `mp3` files.",
optional: true,
responseFormat: {
type: "string",
label: "Response Format",
description: "Specify the format that the model must output. \n- **Text** (default): Returns unstructured text output.\n- **JSON Object**: Ensures the model's output is a valid JSON object.\n- **JSON Schema** (GPT-4o and later): Enables you to define a specific structure for the model's output using a JSON schema. Supported with models `gpt-4o-2024-08-06` and later, and `gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18` and later.",
options: Object.values(constants.CHAT_RESPONSE_FORMAT),
default: constants.CHAT_RESPONSE_FORMAT.TEXT.value,
optional: true,
reloadProps: true,
toolTypes: {
type: "string[]",
label: "Tool Types",
description: "The types of tools to enable on the assistant",
options: constants.TOOL_TYPES.filter((toolType) => toolType === "function"),
optional: true,
reloadProps: true,
additionalProps() {
const {
} = this;
const props = {};
if (responseFormat === constants.CHAT_RESPONSE_FORMAT.JSON_SCHEMA.value) {
props.jsonSchema = {
type: "string",
label: "JSON Schema",
description: "Define the schema that the model's output must adhere to. [See the documentation here](",
if (toolTypes?.includes("function")) {
props.numberOfFunctions = {
type: "integer",
label: "Number of Functions",
description: "The number of functions to define",
optional: true,
reloadProps: true,
default: 1,
for (let i = 0; i < (numberOfFunctions || 1); i++) {
props[`functionName_${i}`] = {
type: "string",
label: `Function Name ${i + 1}`,
description: "The name of the function to be called. Must be a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or contain underscores and dashes, with a maximum length of 64.",
props[`functionDescription_${i}`] = {
type: "string",
label: `Function Description ${i + 1}`,
description: "A description of what the function does, used by the model to choose when and how to call the function.",
optional: true,
props[`functionParameters_${i}`] = {
type: "object",
label: `Function Parameters ${i + 1}`,
description: "The parameters the functions accepts, described as a JSON Schema object. See the [guide]( for examples, and the [JSON Schema reference]( for documentation about the format.",
optional: true,
return props;
methods: {
_buildTools() {
const tools = this.toolTypes?.filter((toolType) => toolType !== "function")?.map((toolType) => ({
type: toolType,
})) || [];
if (this.toolTypes?.includes("function")) {
const numberOfFunctions = this.numberOfFunctions || 1;
for (let i = 0; i < numberOfFunctions; i++) {
type: "function",
function: {
name: this[`functionName_${i}`],
description: this[`functionDescription_${i}`],
parameters: this[`functionParameters_${i}`],
return tools.length
? tools
: undefined;
async run({ $ }) {
if ( && !this.modelId.includes("gpt-4o-audio-preview")) {
throw new ConfigurationError("Use of audio files requires using the `gpt-4o-audio-preview` model.");
const args = this._getChatArgs();
const response = await this.openai.createChatCompletion({
data: {
tools: this._buildTools(),
if (response) {
$.export("$summary", `Successfully sent chat with id ${}`);
const { messages } = args;
return {
original_messages: messages,
original_messages_with_assistant_response: messages.concat(response.choices[0]?.message),