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Send Campaign with Campaign Cleaner API

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Send Campaign with the Campaign Cleaner API
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Getting Started

Create a workflow to Send Campaign with the Campaign Cleaner API. When you configure and deploy the workflow, it will run on Pipedream's servers 24x7 for free.

  1. Configure the Send Campaign action
    1. Connect your Campaign Cleaner account
    2. Configure Campaign HTML
    3. Configure Campaign Name
    4. Optional- Configure Adjust Font Colors
    5. Optional- Configure Adjust Font Size
    6. Optional- Configure Convert H To P Tags
    7. Optional- Configure Convert Tables To Divs
    8. Optional- Configure Custom Info
    9. Optional- Configure Image Max Width
    10. Optional- Configure Min Font Size Allowed
    11. Optional- Configure Max Font Size Allowed
    12. Optional- Configure Minify HTML
    13. Optional- Configure Remove Classes And Ids
    14. Optional- Configure Remove Comments
    15. Optional- Configure Remove CSS Inheritance
    16. Optional- Configure Remove Control Non Printable
    17. Optional- Configure Remove Image Height
    18. Optional- Configure Remove Large Widths Over
    19. Optional- Configure Remove Successive Punctuation
    20. Optional- Configure Relative Links Base URL
    21. Optional- Configure Replace Diacritics
    22. Optional- Configure Replace Non Ascii Characters
    23. Optional- Configure Surrounding Div Max Witdh
    24. Optional- Select a Surrounding Div Text Align
    25. Optional- Configure Surrounding Div Font Size
    26. Optional- Configure Surrounding Div Center To Parent
    27. Optional- Configure Treat As Fragment
    28. Optional- Configure Webhook URL
  2. Select a trigger to run your workflow on HTTP requests, schedules or app events
  3. Deploy the workflow
  4. Send a test event to validate your setup
  5. Turn on the trigger


Send Campaign with Campaign Cleaner API on New Requests (Payload Only) from HTTP / Webhook API
HTTP / Webhook + Campaign Cleaner
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Send Campaign with Campaign Cleaner API on New Submission from Typeform API
Typeform + Campaign Cleaner
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Send Campaign with Campaign Cleaner API on Custom Events from Zoom API
Zoom + Campaign Cleaner
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Send Campaign with Campaign Cleaner API on New Submission (Instant) from Jotform API
Jotform + Campaign Cleaner
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Send Campaign with Campaign Cleaner API on New Scheduled Tasks from Pipedream API
Pipedream + Campaign Cleaner
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This is a pre-built, source-available component from Pipedream's GitHub repo. The component is developed by Pipedream and the community, and verified and maintained by Pipedream.

To contribute an update to an existing component or create a new component, create a PR on GitHub. If you're new to Pipedream component development, you can start with quickstarts for trigger span and action development, and then review the component API reference.

Send Campaign on Campaign Cleaner
Description:Send in a campaign to be processed and analyzed. [See the documentation](https://api-docs.campaigncleaner.com/#540a9e44-bd17-4bb4-ac8f-150ecbc8066a)


import campaignCleaner from "../../campaign_cleaner.app.mjs";
import { clearObj } from "../../common/utils.mjs";

export default {
  key: "campaign_cleaner-send-campaign",
  name: "Send Campaign",
  version: "0.0.1",
  description: "Send in a campaign to be processed and analyzed. [See the documentation](https://api-docs.campaigncleaner.com/#540a9e44-bd17-4bb4-ac8f-150ecbc8066a)",
  type: "action",
  props: {
    campaignHtml: {
      type: "string",
      label: "Campaign HTML",
      description: "The full HTML of your campaign.",
    campaignName: {
      type: "string",
      label: "Campaign Name",
      description: "The name of your campaign - campaign name must pass our sanitization checks.",
    adjustFontColors: {
      type: "boolean",
      label: "Adjust Font Colors",
      description: " If true, certain bright colors are spam triggers, like **red** or **#FF0000**, will be adjusted to a slightly different color like **#FF0101**, it will look the same, but won't trigger some spam filters.",
      optional: true,
    adjustFontSize: {
      type: "boolean",
      label: "Adjust Font Size",
      description: "If true, you will be able to define the min and max font size allowed in pixels. If your newsletter contains larger or small font's it will adjust them to the min/max you define.",
      optional: true,
    convertHToPTags: {
      type: "boolean",
      label: "Convert H To P Tags",
      description: "If true, this will change all the H tags to P tags and set the correct font-size.",
      optional: true,
    convertTablesToDivs: {
      type: "boolean",
      label: "Convert Tables To Divs",
      description: "This is an experimental feature to convert all the tables to divs, in certain instances with a complicated table structure you might need to edit the HTML. We recommend leaving this as false or not setting it.",
      optional: true,
    customInfo: {
      type: "string",
      label: "Custom Info",
      description: "This field is for you to pass any additional data you want to send us, it will also be passed back to you when you call the get_campaign API. It's limited to 500 characters. - It must pass our sanitization checks.",
      optional: true,
    imageMaxWidth: {
      type: "integer",
      label: "Image Max Width",
      description: "When this is specified, it will add an max-width style to all images. it is not desirable for the image width to exceed the default campaign width.",
      optional: true,
    minFontSizeAllowed: {
      type: "integer",
      label: "Min Font Size Allowed",
      description: "The `Min Font Size` must be smaller or equal to the `Max Font Size` in pixels.",
      max: 100,
      optional: true,
    maxFontSizeAllowed: {
      type: "integer",
      label: "Max Font Size Allowed",
      description: "The `Max Font Size` must be smaller or equal to the `Min Font Size` in pixels.",
      max: 100,
      optional: true,
    minifyHtml: {
      type: "boolean",
      label: "Minify HTML",
      description: "If true, removes all whitespace, tabs, etc. Condensing the HTML.",
      optional: true,
    removeClassesAndIds: {
      type: "boolean",
      label: "Remove Classes And Ids",
      description: "If true, removes all the class and ID attributes after CSS Inlining.",
      optional: true,
    removeComments: {
      type: "boolean",
      label: "Remove Comments",
      description: "If true, comments are stripped from both CSS and HTML. Comments are invisible in html and can trigger spam filters.",
      optional: true,
    removeCssInheritance: {
      type: "boolean",
      label: "Remove CSS Inheritance",
      description: "If true, removes all elements of CSS that are inherited. Once CSS is inlined, the inherited CSS will be removed, for example if font-size of a parent tag is 15 pixels, there is no need for the font-size of the child tag to be specified as 15 pixels because it's inherited or computed from the parent tag, this reduces the size of your HTML Campaign.",
      optional: true,
    removeControlNonPrintable: {
      type: "boolean",
      label: "Remove Control Non Printable",
      description: "If true, all non-printable and control characters are removed.",
      optional: true,
    removeImageHeight: {
      type: "boolean",
      label: "Remove Image Height",
      description: "if true, the height style is removed from all images, preventing any image distortions. Only the width property should be set on images sent in emails.",
      optional: true,
    removeLargeWidthsOver: {
      type: "integer",
      label: "Remove Large Widths Over",
      description: "Experimental: If sets removes all defined widths over the value set on non images and table tags.",
      optional: true,
    removeSuccessivePunctuation: {
      type: "boolean",
      label: "Remove Successive Punctuation",
      description: "if true, this will remove succession punctuation like ..., !!!!, $$$ to a single occurrence.",
      optional: true,
    relativeLinksBaseUrl: {
      type: "string",
      label: "Relative Links Base URL",
      description: "If set this needs to be a full base URL like \"https://campaigncleaner.com/\", if your email campaign has any relative paths, it will be converted to an absolute URL. In most instances, you won't need to set this.",
      optional: true,
    replaceDiacritics: {
      type: "boolean",
      label: "Replace Diacritics",
      description: "If true, replaces diacritic characters like á with normal characters equivalent, if you're sending emails in English emails, this is a must.",
      optional: true,
    replaceNonAsciiCharacters: {
      type: "boolean",
      label: "Replace Non Ascii Characters",
      description: "If true, replaces all non-ascii characters with their ascii equivalent. For example, ❝ will be replaced with \". Non-ascii characters is of of the major spam trigger.",
      optional: true,
    maxWitdh: {
      type: "string",
      label: "Surrounding Div Max Witdh",
      description: "The **Max Width** style applied to the surrounding \"div\" can be specified in pixels as an integer value. It is typically set to the desired maximum width of the campaign, which is commonly either 600 or 900 pixels.",
      optional: true,
    textAlign: {
      type: "string",
      label: "Surrounding Div Text Align",
      description: "All content within the surrounding \"div\" will be aligned according to your specified style. However, you can use the \"text-align\" property on inner tags within the \"div\" to customize the appearance of your email.",
      options: [
      optional: true,
    fontSize: {
      type: "string",
      label: "Surrounding Div Font Size",
      description: "The pixel size that you want everything in the surrounding div to adhere to, setting this, will add an \"!important\" to the font-size in the surrounding \"div\". Font sizes that are set on any tag in the HTML will retain their original size. While all unspecified font sizes to the size you chose.",
      optional: true,
    centerToParent: {
      type: "boolean",
      label: "Surrounding Div Center To Parent",
      description: "Using this feature will enable the surrounding \"div\" to be centered in any parent tags in which it is placed. This is particularly helpful when inserting an HTML snippet into a template.",
      optional: true,
    treatAsFragment: {
      type: "boolean",
      label: "Treat As Fragment",
      description: "If true, all information before and after and including the body tag is removed.",
      optional: true,
    webhookUrl: {
      type: "string",
      label: "Webhook URL",
      description: "An endpoint that you provide us and when your campaign is fully processed we will send the results back that is found in the Get Campaign API. You can utilize the webhook section under API Management to troubleshoot and test your endpoint.",
      optional: true,
  async run({ $ }) {
    const response = await this.campaignCleaner.sendCampaign({
      data: clearObj({
        send_campaign: {
          campaign_html: this.campaignHtml,
          campaign_name: this.campaignName,
          adjust_font_colors: this.adjustFontColors,
          adjust_font_size: this.adjustFontSize,
          convert_h_to_p_tags: this.convertHToPTags,
          convert_tables_to_divs: this.convertTablesToDivs,
          custom_info: this.customInfo,
          image_max_width: this.imageMaxWidth,
          min_font_size_allowed: this.minFontSizeAllowed,
          max_font_size_allowed: this.maxFontSizeAllowed,
          minify_html: this.minifyHtml,
          remove_classes_and_ids: this.removeClassesAndIds,
          remove_comments: this.removeComments,
          remove_css_inheritance: this.removeCssInheritance,
          remove_control_non_printable: this.removeControlNonPrintable,
          remove_image_height: this.removeImageHeight,
          remove_large_widths_over: this.removeLargeWidthsOver,
          remove_successive_punctuation: this.removeSuccessivePunctuation,
          relative_links_base_url: this.relativeLinksBaseUrl,
          replace_diacritics: this.replaceDiacritics,
          replace_non_ascii_characters: this.replaceNonAsciiCharacters,
          surrounding_div: {
            max_witdh: this.maxWitdh,
            text_align: this.textAlign,
            font_size: this.fontSize,
            center_to_parent: this.centerToParent,
          treat_as_fragment: this.treatAsFragment,
          webhook_url: this.webhookUrl,

    if (response.error) throw new Error(response.error);

    $.export("$summary", `A new campaign with Id: ${response.campaign?.id} was successfully sent!`);
    return response;


This component may be configured based on the props defined in the component code. Pipedream automatically prompts for input values in the UI and CLI.
Campaign CleanercampaignCleanerappThis component uses the Campaign Cleaner app.
Campaign HTMLcampaignHtmlstring

The full HTML of your campaign.

Campaign NamecampaignNamestring

The name of your campaign - campaign name must pass our sanitization checks.

Adjust Font ColorsadjustFontColorsboolean

If true, certain bright colors are spam triggers, like red or #FF0000, will be adjusted to a slightly different color like #FF0101, it will look the same, but won't trigger some spam filters.

Adjust Font SizeadjustFontSizeboolean

If true, you will be able to define the min and max font size allowed in pixels. If your newsletter contains larger or small font's it will adjust them to the min/max you define.

Convert H To P TagsconvertHToPTagsboolean

If true, this will change all the H tags to P tags and set the correct font-size.

Convert Tables To DivsconvertTablesToDivsboolean

This is an experimental feature to convert all the tables to divs, in certain instances with a complicated table structure you might need to edit the HTML. We recommend leaving this as false or not setting it.

Custom InfocustomInfostring

This field is for you to pass any additional data you want to send us, it will also be passed back to you when you call the get_campaign API. It's limited to 500 characters. - It must pass our sanitization checks.

Image Max WidthimageMaxWidthinteger

When this is specified, it will add an max-width style to all images. it is not desirable for the image width to exceed the default campaign width.

Min Font Size AllowedminFontSizeAllowedinteger

The Min Font Size must be smaller or equal to the Max Font Size in pixels.

Max Font Size AllowedmaxFontSizeAllowedinteger

The Max Font Size must be smaller or equal to the Min Font Size in pixels.

Minify HTMLminifyHtmlboolean

If true, removes all whitespace, tabs, etc. Condensing the HTML.

Remove Classes And IdsremoveClassesAndIdsboolean

If true, removes all the class and ID attributes after CSS Inlining.

Remove CommentsremoveCommentsboolean

If true, comments are stripped from both CSS and HTML. Comments are invisible in html and can trigger spam filters.

Remove CSS InheritanceremoveCssInheritanceboolean

If true, removes all elements of CSS that are inherited. Once CSS is inlined, the inherited CSS will be removed, for example if font-size of a parent tag is 15 pixels, there is no need for the font-size of the child tag to be specified as 15 pixels because it's inherited or computed from the parent tag, this reduces the size of your HTML Campaign.

Remove Control Non PrintableremoveControlNonPrintableboolean

If true, all non-printable and control characters are removed.

Remove Image HeightremoveImageHeightboolean

if true, the height style is removed from all images, preventing any image distortions. Only the width property should be set on images sent in emails.

Remove Large Widths OverremoveLargeWidthsOverinteger

Experimental: If sets removes all defined widths over the value set on non images and table tags.

Remove Successive PunctuationremoveSuccessivePunctuationboolean

if true, this will remove succession punctuation like ..., !!!!, $$$ to a single occurrence.

Relative Links Base URLrelativeLinksBaseUrlstring

If set this needs to be a full base URL like "https://campaigncleaner.com/", if your email campaign has any relative paths, it will be converted to an absolute URL. In most instances, you won't need to set this.

Replace DiacriticsreplaceDiacriticsboolean

If true, replaces diacritic characters like á with normal characters equivalent, if you're sending emails in English emails, this is a must.

Replace Non Ascii CharactersreplaceNonAsciiCharactersboolean

If true, replaces all non-ascii characters with their ascii equivalent. For example, ❝ will be replaced with ". Non-ascii characters is of of the major spam trigger.

Surrounding Div Max WitdhmaxWitdhstring

The Max Width style applied to the surrounding "div" can be specified in pixels as an integer value. It is typically set to the desired maximum width of the campaign, which is commonly either 600 or 900 pixels.

Surrounding Div Text AligntextAlignstringSelect a value from the drop down menu:leftcenterright
Surrounding Div Font SizefontSizestring

The pixel size that you want everything in the surrounding div to adhere to, setting this, will add an "!important" to the font-size in the surrounding "div". Font sizes that are set on any tag in the HTML will retain their original size. While all unspecified font sizes to the size you chose.

Surrounding Div Center To ParentcenterToParentboolean

Using this feature will enable the surrounding "div" to be centered in any parent tags in which it is placed. This is particularly helpful when inserting an HTML snippet into a template.

Treat As FragmenttreatAsFragmentboolean

If true, all information before and after and including the body tag is removed.

Webhook URLwebhookUrlstring

An endpoint that you provide us and when your campaign is fully processed we will send the results back that is found in the Get Campaign API. You can utilize the webhook section under API Management to troubleshoot and test your endpoint.


Campaign Cleaner uses API keys for authentication. When you connect your Campaign Cleaner account, Pipedream securely stores the keys so you can easily authenticate to Campaign Cleaner APIs in both code and no-code steps.

About Campaign Cleaner

The Ultimate Tool for Optimized, High-Performance Email Campaigns

More Ways to Use Campaign Cleaner


Get Campaign Status with the Campaign Cleaner API

Check the status of your campaign. See the documentation

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