import notion from "../../";
import base from "../common/base-page-builder.mjs";
export default {
key: "notion-append-block",
name: "Append Block to Parent",
"Append new and/or existing blocks to the specified parent. [See the documentation](",
version: "0.3.1",
type: "action",
props: {
pageId: {
propDefinition: [
label: "Parent Block ID",
description: "Select a parent block/page or provide its ID",
blockTypes: {
type: "string[]",
label: "Block Type(s)",
description: "Select which type(s) of block you'd like to append",
reloadProps: true,
options: [
label: "Append existing blocks",
value: "blockIds",
label: "Provide Markdown content to create new blocks with",
value: "markdownContents",
label: "Provide Image URLs to create new image blocks",
value: "imageUrls",
blockIds: {
propDefinition: [
type: "string[]",
label: "Existing Block IDs",
description: "Select one or more block(s) or page(s) to append (selecting a page appends its children). You can also provide block or page IDs.",
hidden: true,
markdownContents: {
type: "string[]",
label: "Markdown Contents",
"Each entry is the content of a new block to append, using Markdown syntax. [See the documentation]( for more information",
hidden: true,
imageUrls: {
type: "string[]",
label: "Image URLs",
description: "One or more Image URLs to append new image blocks with. [See the documentation]( for more information",
hidden: true,
additionalProps(currentProps) {
const { blockTypes } = this;
for (let prop of [
]) {
currentProps[prop].hidden = !blockTypes.includes(prop);
return {};
methods: {
chunkArray(array, chunkSize = 100) {
const chunks = [];
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i += chunkSize) {
chunks.push(array.slice(i, i + chunkSize));
return chunks;
async run({ $ }) {
const { blockTypes } = this;
const children = [];
if (blockTypes.includes("blockIds") && this.blockIds?.length > 0) {
for (const id of this.blockIds) {
const block = await this.notion.retrieveBlock(id);
block.children = await this.notion.retrieveBlockChildren(block);
const formattedChildren = await this.formatChildBlocks(block);
if (blockTypes.includes("markdownContents") && this.markdownContents?.length > 0) {
for (const content of this.markdownContents) {
const block = this.createBlocks(content);
if (blockTypes.includes("imageUrls") && this.imageUrls?.length) {
for (const url of this.imageUrls) {
type: "image",
image: {
type: "external",
external: {
if (children.length === 0) {
$.export("$summary", "Nothing to append");
const results = [];
const chunks = this.chunkArray(children);
for (const chunk of chunks) {
const { results: payload } = await this.notion.appendBlock(
const totalAppended = results.reduce((sum, res) => sum + res.length, 0);
$.export("$summary", `Appended ${totalAppended} block(s) successfully`);
return results.flat();