import openai from "../../";
import constants from "../../common/constants.mjs";
import fs from "fs";
export default {
name: "Create Image (Dall-E)",
version: "0.1.21",
key: "openai-create-image",
description: "Creates an image given a prompt returning a URL to the image. [See the documentation](",
type: "action",
props: {
model: {
label: "Model",
description: "Choose the DALL·E models to generate image(s) with.",
type: "string",
options: constants.IMAGE_MODELS,
reloadProps: true,
prompt: {
label: "Prompt",
description: "A text description of the desired image(s). The maximum length is 1000 characters for dall-e-2 and 4000 characters for dall-e-3.",
type: "string",
responseFormat: {
label: "Response Format",
description: "The format in which the generated images are returned.",
type: "string",
optional: true,
options: constants.IMAGE_RESPONSE_FORMATS,
default: "url",
reloadProps: true,
size: {
label: "Size",
description: "The size of the generated images.",
type: "string",
optional: true,
options: constants.IMAGE_SIZES,
default: "1024x1024",
async additionalProps() {
const props = {};
if (!this.model && !this.responseFormat) {
return props;
if (this.responseFormat === "tmp") {
props.filename = {
type: "string",
label: "Filename",
description: "Filename of the new file in `/tmp` directory. Make sure to include the extension.",
if (this.model && this.model !== "dall-e-3") {
props.n = {
type: "integer",
label: "N",
description: "The number of images to generate. Must be between 1 and 10.",
optional: true,
default: 1,
} else {
props.quality = {
type: "string",
label: "Quality",
description: "The quality of the image",
options: constants.IMAGE_QUALITIES,
optional: true,
default: "standard",
}; = {
type: "string",
label: "Style",
description: "The style of the image",
options: constants.IMAGE_STYLES,
optional: true,
default: "natural",
return props;
async run({ $ }) {
const response = await this.openai.createImage({
data: {
prompt: this.prompt,
n: this.n,
size: this.size,
response_format: this.responseFormat === "url"
? this.responseFormat
: "b64_json",
model: this.model,
quality: this.quality,
if (this.responseFormat === "tmp") {
const n = this.n || 1;
const fileData = [];
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const filename = i === 0
? this.filename
: this.filename.replace(/(\.[^/.]+)$/, `_${i}$1`);
const outputFilePath = filename.includes("tmp/")
? filename
: `/tmp/${filename}`;
await fs.writeFileSync(outputFilePath, Buffer.from([0].b64_json.toString(), "base64"));
tmp: [
} = fileData;
if ( {
$.export("$summary", `Successfully created ${} image${ === 1
? ""
: "s"}`);
return response;