AcyMailing is the most complete emailing solution for WordPress and Joomla! Design newsletter or marketing campaigns easily with all our tools.
Creates a new user or updates an existing user in AcyMailing. If the user exists, will update the user's data with provided information. See the documentation
Write custom Node.js code and use any of the 400k+ npm packages available. Refer to the Pipedream Node docs to learn more.
Sends an email to a single AcyMailing user. The user must exist in the AcyMailing database. See the documentation
Subscribes a user to one or more specified lists in AcyMailing. See the documentation
import { axios } from "@pipedream/platform"
export default defineComponent({
props: {
acymailing: {
type: "app",
app: "acymailing",
async run({steps, $}) {
return await axios($, {
url: `${this.acymailing.$auth.url}/index.php?page=acymailing_front&option=com_acym&ctrl=api&task=getUsers&limit=1&offset=0`,
headers: {
"Api-Key": `${this.acymailing.$auth.api_key}`,
Develop, run and deploy your Node.js code in Pipedream workflows, using it between no-code steps, with connected accounts, or integrate Data Stores and File Stores
This includes installing NPM packages, within your code without having to manage a package.json
file or running npm install
Below is an example of installing the axios
package in a Pipedream Node.js code step. Pipedream imports the axios
package, performs the API request, and shares the response with subsequent workflow steps:
// To use previous step data, pass the `steps` object to the run() function
export default defineComponent({
async run({ steps, $ }) {
// Return data to use it in future steps
return steps.trigger.event