Zendesk is award-winning customer service software trusted by 200K+ customers. Make customers happy via text, mobile, phone, email, live chat, social media.
Emit new event when a ticket is added to the specified view
Emit new event when a ticket has changed to closed status
Emit new event when a ticket has changed to pending status
Emit new event when a ticket has changed to solved status
Builds a graph object from scratch and publishes it. See the documentation
Builds a graph object from a template and publishes it. See the documentation
The Zendesk API enables seamless integration of Zendesk's customer service platform with your existing business processes and third-party applications. By leveraging this API with Pipedream, you can automate ticket tracking, sync customer data, escalate issues, and streamline communication across multiple channels. This can significantly increase efficiency, accelerate response times, and enhance the overall customer experience. Automations can range from simple notifications to complex workflows involving data transformation and multi-step actions across various services.
import { axios } from "@pipedream/platform"
export default defineComponent({
props: {
zendesk: {
type: "app",
app: "zendesk",
async run({steps, $}) {
return await axios($, {
url: `https://${this.zendesk.$auth.subdomain}.zendesk.com/api/v2/users/me/`,
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${this.zendesk.$auth.oauth_access_token}`,
import { ChartType } from 'columns-graph-model';
import { Columns } from 'columns-sdk';
export default defineComponent({
props: {
columns_ai: {
type: "app",
app: "columns_ai",
async run({steps, $}) {
const rows = [{
"value": 312,
"state": "WA",
"parent": "US"
}];// rows is an example data set where you should organize your data in a similar way.
//Instantiates a Columns SDK object with your API Key.
const columns = new Columns(this.columns_ai.$auth.api_key);
const data = columns.data(['state'], ['value'], rows);
const graph = columns.graph(data);
// switch to different chart types: BAR, PIE, DOUGHGUT, LINE, AREA, SCATTER, etc.
graph.type = ChartType.COLUMN;
// customise the graph (lots of options in its data model)
graph.settings.general.palette = ['#ff0000', '#00ff00', '#0000ff'];
graph.settings.general.background = '#00000002';
return graph;