
QuickEmailVerification is an email validation and verification service with 99% accuracy that helps marketers improve their email data quality and reduce hard bounce.

Integrate the QuickEmailVerification API with the Google Drive API

Setup the QuickEmailVerification API trigger to run a workflow which integrates with the Google Drive API. Pipedream's integration platform allows you to integrate QuickEmailVerification and Google Drive remarkably fast. Free for developers.

Verify Email Address with QuickEmailVerification API on Changes to Specific Files (Shared Drive) from Google Drive API
Google Drive + QuickEmailVerification
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Verify Email Address with QuickEmailVerification API on Changes to Specific Files from Google Drive API
Google Drive + QuickEmailVerification
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Verify Email Address with QuickEmailVerification API on New Files (Instant) from Google Drive API
Google Drive + QuickEmailVerification
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Verify Email Address with QuickEmailVerification API on New or Modified Comments from Google Drive API
Google Drive + QuickEmailVerification
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Verify Email Address with QuickEmailVerification API on New or Modified Files from Google Drive API
Google Drive + QuickEmailVerification
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Changes to Specific Files from the Google Drive API

Watches for changes to specific files, emitting an event any time a change is made to one of those files. To watch for changes to shared drive files, use the Changes to Specific Files (Shared Drive) source instead.

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Changes to Specific Files (Shared Drive) from the Google Drive API

Watches for changes to specific files in a shared drive, emitting an event any time a change is made to one of those files

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New Files (Instant) from the Google Drive API

Emit new event any time a new file is added in your linked Google Drive

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New or Modified Comments from the Google Drive API

Emits a new event any time a file comment is added, modified, or deleted in your linked Google Drive

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New or Modified Files from the Google Drive API

Emit new event any time any file in your linked Google Drive is added, modified, or deleted

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Verify Email Address with the QuickEmailVerification API

Verify an email address See docs here

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Add File Sharing Preference with the Google Drive API

Add a sharing permission to the sharing preferences of a file or folder and provide a sharing URL. See the docs for more information

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Copy File with the Google Drive API

Create a copy of the specified file. See the docs for more information

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Create a New File with the Google Drive API

Create a new file from a URL or /tmp/filepath. See the docs for more information

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Create Folder with the Google Drive API

Create a new empty folder. See the docs for more information

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Overview of QuickEmailVerification

QuickEmailVerification (QEV) is a powerful API that enables businesses to
quickly and easily verify the accuracy of email addresses. The API reduces the
risk of bouncebacks caused by mistyped or incorrect email addresses, and
ensures that only correct emails are sent out. With QEV, you can build tools
that authenticate email addresses with confidence and accuracy.

QEV is great for any organization that needs to send emails to customers and
prospects. Here are just a few of the ways that you can use the QEV API to
build powerful and useful applications:

  • Email Address Validation: Quickly and accurately validate email addresses
    entered by users, or stored in your customer database, to eliminate bad
    addresses and reduce bouncebacks.
  • Email Domain Verification: Verify the domain names or extensions of email
    addresses, such as .com, .net, .org, etc., to ensure that they are genuine.
  • Email Authentication: Perform SMTP checks to authenticate incoming emails and
    ensure that they actually come from who they say they do.
  • Real-Time Validation: Validate email addresses in real-time, to ensure that
    no bad addresses sneak through.
  • Bulk Email Verification: Verify a list of email addresses all at once to save
    time and increase accuracy.
  • Email List Cleaning: Detect and remove incorrect email addresses from your
    customer database, drastically cutting down on bouncebacks.
  • Risk Analysis: Analyze the risk of online fraud associated with certain email
    addresses, helping you to protect your business and customers.

Connect QuickEmailVerification

import { axios } from "@pipedream/platform"
export default defineComponent({
  props: {
    quickemailverification: {
      type: "app",
      app: "quickemailverification",
  async run({steps, $}) {
    return await axios($, {
      url: `https://api.quickemailverification.com/v1/verify`,
      params: {
        email: `richard@quickemailverification.com`,
        apikey: `${this.quickemailverification.$auth.api_key}`,

Overview of Google Drive

Using the Google Drive API, you can build applications that:

  • Create and manage files and folders
  • Download and upload files
  • Share and organize files
  • Search for files
  • Track changes to files
  • And much more!

Connect Google Drive

import { axios } from "@pipedream/platform"
export default defineComponent({
  props: {
    google_drive: {
      type: "app",
      app: "google_drive",
  async run({steps, $}) {
    return await axios($, {
      url: `https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/userinfo`,
      headers: {
        Authorization: `Bearer ${this.google_drive.$auth.oauth_access_token}`,