LoyJoy is the Conversational Platform That Helps You Wow Customers, Triple Conversation Rates and Cut Project Times in Half.
Emit new event each time a new order is cancelled.
Emit new event for each new customer added to a store.
Emit new event for each new draft order submitted to a store.
The LoyJoy API allows you to engage with customers through conversational marketing. You can orchestrate chats, manage users, and track customer interactions and data in real-time. With Pipedream, you can harness this API to create automated workflows that respond to customer inputs, update CRM records, send personalized notifications, and more, all using event-driven serverless architecture.
import { axios } from "@pipedream/platform"
export default defineComponent({
props: {
loyjoy: {
type: "app",
app: "loyjoy",
async run({steps, $}) {
return await axios($, {
url: `https://app-stable.loyjoy.com/api/process-definition`,
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${this.loyjoy.$auth.access_token}`,
"Content-Type": `application/json`,
The Shopify Admin REST & GraphQL API unleashes a myriad of possibilities to automate and enhance online store operations. It provides programmatic access to Shopify functionalities, allowing users to manage products, customers, orders, and more. Leveraging the Shopify Admin API within Pipedream, developers can create custom workflows that automate repetitive tasks, sync data across platforms, and respond dynamically to events in Shopify.
This integration can be used as a custom app on your store, or for automating actions on behalf of merchants through your Shopify app.
Looking for integrating into the Shopify Partner API for your apps, themes or referrals? Check out our Shopify Partner API integration.
import { axios } from "@pipedream/platform"
export default defineComponent({
props: {
shopify_developer_app: {
type: "app",
app: "shopify_developer_app",
async run({steps, $}) {
const data = {
"query": `{
shop {
return await axios($, {
method: "post",
url: `https://${this.shopify_developer_app.$auth.shop_id}.myshopify.com/admin/api/2024-04/graphql.json`,
headers: {
"X-Shopify-Access-Token": `${this.shopify_developer_app.$auth.access_token}`,
"Content-Type": `application/json`,