Workflow using Outgrow webhooks as the trigger.
Pipedream is an automation platform for developers and this is an example workflow using Outgrow webhooks as the trigger.
This workflow accepts webhooks and the user can:
Here is the Outgrow documentation for Webhooks
If you click "Test Event" in the workflow, this is the event the platform will send:
"event": "LEADS",
"appId": "59100cc49ba6ba272d0e9eac",
"calcLead": "59103b083605417522cfxxxx",
"calculator": "calculator name",
"city": "-",
"companyId": "59100c729ba6ba279ea9a7a8",
"country": "-",
"email": "",
"fName": "Randy",
"fullName": "Randy Rayees",
"lName": "Rayees",
"question1title": "Question1?",
"question1answer": "Answer1",
"question2title": "Question2?",
"question2answer": "Answer2",
"question3title": "Question3?",
"question3answer": "Answer3",
"region": "-",
"result1": "",
"result2": "",
"result3": "",
"result4": "",
"source": "Outgrow",
"total_questions": 3,
"utm_campaign": "-",
"utm_content": "-",
"utm_medium": "-",
"utm_source": "-",
"utm_term": "-",
"visitorKey": "59103ae73605417522cf6f5c"