The name of the product.
ID of the customer to retrieve.
(params, auths) => {
const Shopify = require('shopify-api-node');
const shopify = new Shopify({
shopName: auths.shopify.shop_id,
accessToken: auths.shopify.oauth_access_token
const product_details = {
body_html: params.body_html,
handle: params.handle,
images: typeof params.images == 'undefined' ? params.images : JSON.parse(params.images),
options: typeof params.options == 'undefined' ? params.options : JSON.parse(params.options),
product_type : params.product_type,
published_at : params.published_at,
published_scope: params.published_scope,
tags: params.tags,
template_suffix: params.template_suffix,
title: params.title,
variants: typeof params.variants == 'undefined' ? params.variants : JSON.parse(params.variants),
vendor: params.vendor,
this.resp = await shopify.product.update(params.product_id,product_details);