Convert Jotform Autocompleted Address to JSON
data:privatelast updated:3 years ago
Convert Jotform Autocompleted Address to JSON

Follow the quickstart, or scroll down to see a screenshot of the result. You can add steps to the workflow and run more code or send the data to another app (e.g., Google Sheets) or any webhook destination.


1. Add the Autocompleted Address widget in Jotform


2. Configure the widget in Jotform

  • Click on Widget Settings

  • Ensure all the address fields you want to capture are checked (in our testing, Street Name and House Number were unchecked by default)

  • Add the API key for Google Maps (at the bottom of the settings list). IMPORTANT: based on our testing, you must enable billing for your Google project in order for the Maps API to work.


3. Copy the Pipedream workflow

  • Just click the copy button at the top rightScreen-Shot-2020-08-02-at-12-27-41-PM

4. Configure the Jotform trigger

  • Connect your Jotform account in the trigger step (you'll be prompted to create a free Pipedream account if you don't already have one)
  • Select your form from the dropdown menu
  • Click Create Source. Pipedream will automatically register a webhook for your form in Jotform.
  • Submit a response to your form -- your submission should appear as a test event in your workflow. You'll use the data and event shape to configure steps.send_an_sms. If you don't see an event appear, check the logs for the source. Make sure you connected an API key that has Full Access permissions (read-only keys can't register webhooks)

5. Configure steps.convert_address_to_json

  • Complete the Address field with a reference to the field that contains the address in the trigger. The exact field you need to reference will depend on how your form is structured. You can get autocomplete if you start to type event.formData — the field you need to reference should be in that object.
  • Deploy your workflow
  • Send a test event to validate your setup. Resolve any errors.

6. Enable your trigger to run your workflow on each new form submission

  • When your tests are successful, enable the trigger step (toggle at the top right of steps.trigger). Any new form submissions will now be processed by this workflow. 2020-08-02-12-48-17


The plain-text address will be converted to a JSON object with key-value pairs: