Take a screenshot with Browserless, save to S3
data:privatelast updated:4 years ago
Take a screenshot with Browserless, save to S3


This workflow takes a screenshot of a URL once a day, saving it to an S3 bucket. You can modify the schedule and any of the steps of this workflow. For example, if you'd like to send the screenshot to Slack or Discord, instead of S3, you can remove the S3 step and exchange it for another.

Browserless is a browser automation service that lets you drive remote browsers using tools like Puppeteer and Selenium. They expose a few APIs for capturing content from a page, taking screenshots, and more.

Browserless is a paid service and requires an API token to use. You can check out their pricing on their homepage.


  1. Click the Fork button in the top right.
  2. Press Connect Account in the take_screenshot step to add your Browserless API key.
  3. Add the URL you'd like to take a screenshot of in the URL field.
  4. In the save_to_s3 step, press Connect Account again to add your AWS access / secret keys. The user tied to these keys must have PutObject permissions on the destination S3 bucket where you'd like to save screenshots.
  5. Enter your destination bucket name in the Bucket field.