Send a random Star Wars character name to a Discord channel (Discord Webhooks)
data:privatelast updated:4 years ago
Send a random Star Wars character name to a Discord channel (Discord Webhooks)


  1. Press the Copy button in the top-right to copy this workflow into your account.

  2. In the send_message step of your workflow, click the Connect Account button to connect your Discord account. You'll be asked to add a Discord webhook to a server + channel.

  3. Click the Run Now button near the top-left of your workflow to run the workflow manually. This will send a random Star Wars character name to your Discord channel.

  4. Now change the workflow to send whatever data you'd like to Discord. You can remove the Star Wars step and add a new step to connect to one of hundreds of apps, or write any Node.js code. Or you can change the Cron Scheduler trigger to accept HTTP requests or webhooks from another service, run your workflow on emails, and more.

Read our docs on the Discord Webhook integration to learn more, or watch this video to learn how to build your own workflow from scratch: