A serverless workflow that sends you a Slack message for any post where the title matches a list of keywords
Google Alerts let you "monitor the web for interesting new content" and I like to do the same for Hacker News. This workflow runs a free, hosted cron job that sends me a new Slack message each time a story on HN gets matches a given keyword.
Click on the Workflow tab on the left to see the code associated with this workflow.
Click the green Fork button in the top-right to create a copy of this workflow in your own account (if you haven't signed up for Pipedream, you'll be prompted to).
In the Run Node.js code step, add the HN Keywords
you'd like to receive alerts for, and the Slack Channel
you want to send them to.
Finally, connect your Slack account by pressing the Connect Account button. This will authorize Pipedream to make Slack API requests on your behalf.
Once you fork the workflow, that copy is yours to run and modify. You can replace the Slack action with an action that sends a message to Discord, or email. You can change the frequency of the cron job that checks for new stories, or modify the Node.js code to fetch a different set of stories from the HN API