Why Did an Error Occur and Lead to a Daily Limit After 5 Tries Without Generating Any Results?

I’m sorry, that amount of memory usage is not compatible with the Free Tier.

You’re free to experiment with lower memory limits, or attempt to stream the file instead of downloading the entire file into memory to help with performance.

The workflow is editable to your needs. But again, the amount of memory you’ve assigned exceeds your 25 daily credit limit.

Ok so, 4000mb is how many credits then?

Help me find the ideal usage then

Each recording is max 4h in length and 80ish mb in size, sometimes 100mb

I’d need it 5 times a week, once a day

Once I can get few transcriptions out of audio files I already have, then I’d be willing to pay for the higher tier

So far, I could not get any audio files to work, as it was either ai, maxed out memory, large audio file etc.

Could not test out pipedream functionality despite my numerous attempts

Please see the screenshot I shared above: Slack

In the green text below the memory allocation slider, it gives you feedback on how much memory the workflow could consume.

I recommend lowering this to an amount that fits the Free tier’s credit usage.

512 is my limit then

Can this process my audio file?

I can’t find out myself because “quota exceeded” for the day and I got stuff to this weekend so can’t test it myself

It sounds like this workflow was potentially built by someone else, and you’ve copied it to your account.

We cannot speculate on the performance of a 3rd party’s workflow. It’s dependent on how the workflow is structured, packages choosen, data provided as inputs, etc.

If you have questions specifically about this workflow, I suggest reaching out to the maintainer for help.

But we can help with general Pipedream questions, such as your memory setting consumption issue.

The workflow worked perfectly for that person’s audio file. I’m just not sure why it doesn’t work with my audio file. He is just a YouTuber that I have no way of reaching. Through him I came to pipedream lol

I’m trying really hard to pay you guys, but there is constant resistance. It’s not rocket science what I am trying to do. Literally trying to have a workflow, where I upload a file to google drive, transcribe it through chatgpt and upload it to my notion

That’s it

There’s no resistance at all to signing up for a Basic plan! You’ve welcome to try it out and cancel if that doesn’t work for you.

If you’re not able to contact or get help from the original workflow developer, you can contact a professional Pipedream developer here:

Is this a paid service?