Why Did an Error Occur and Lead to a Daily Limit After 5 Tries Without Generating Any Results?

It does. Most likely you have a workflow or source that’s consuming your credits. Please see that chart for more details. Clicking on individual days should give you a breakdown of the usage per workflow or source.

Literally nothing is consuming any credits

Only open ai and Google drive is linked to the workflow. And since I can’t run the workflow, nothing is consuming credits

Like, it is kind of unfair to ask for subscription and immediately requiring payment when I cannot even get this thing to work, and it is surely not an open ai issue now

Thanks for the screenshot. Can you share one of your workflow settings?

Is it possible there’s a large amount of memory allocated to the workflow?

A credit is 30 seconds of 256 megabytes of memory. If your workflow is configured to use higher levels of memory, you might be hitting the compute limit with a single run. Therefore the gap in the usage chart.

Can you share the name of your Pipedream workspace?

How do i find that?

It should be visible left side of the dashboard. You can click the dropdown in the top left to view your workspaces.

I only have my username there. orhanmeister

Thank you. We’ll take a look.

The issue appears to be that your workflow is configured to use the maximum amount of memory possible.

This setting increases the credit cost for a single run to up to 400 credits.

Your Free plan only has a budget of 100 credits per day, which is why the workflow can’t execute fully. It exhausts the credit usage.

Please consider lowering the memory to an amount that’s compatible with your credit limit.

I have to wait day after day and it keeps saying exceed daily quota. I tried a 800mb file and it exceeded the quota, and tried 40mb and can’t do it now

Like, is there a way I can try this thing without “exceeding quota”? I literally only want to try to see if this thing is useful for me or not. I’m literally sick and tired of waiting daily for this quota

Barely have limited time in my day and this quota is really annoying

Hi Y,

Did you see my message above and reduce your workflow’s memory usage that’s compatible with your daily limit of 25 credits?

The workflow is set to use more credits than what your daily budget allows.

Also, you can upgrade to the Basic plan at any time to lift this daily quota. It only applies to Free accounts.

I paid for notion and open ai to only get stuck at the pipedream step, and I need to figure out if this thing can indeed automate some recorded lectures for me share with students

25 credits was not strong enough to process the file. I reduced the thing to 4000 mb

I will only upgrade and pay once I get this thing to work lol

Stop asking for money when it doesn’t serve my purpose first