Utilizing Images Generated in TMP Directory for Workflow Continuity

I’ve created a workflow to generate an image using DreamStudio. Once the workflow is initiated, the image is located in the TMP directory: “1 new image was successfully generated and sent to /tmp/img_000.png”. I’d like to use this image in another step. Do you have any suggestions on how I can achieve this? Are there any tutorials you could recommend?

Thank you for your help.

Hi @Frozbee

Great question and cool use of A.I. with a Pipedream workflow.

You can use Node.js or Python to load the saved file from the /tmp directory.

We covered how to resize images using Python on our most recent weekly demo. You can rewatch it, or read how we resized DALL-E 3 generated images stored in /tmp here: File Stores Live Demo Recap and Workflows

Here’s quick links to our documentation that shows you how to open files stored in /tmp:

Hope this helps!

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Hello Pierce,

I understand that it’s possible to resize DALL-E images with Pipe Dream, but is it possible to use Pipe Dream to incorporate an image generated by DreamStudio into a new node?

ve reached the stage of using a Node.js to be able to use the image generated in another one, but I’m stuck at this point. Am I missing something?

Best regards,

Hi @Frozbee,

Yes you can access the stored DreamStudio image in /tmp with Node.js or Python.

Here’s quick links to our documentation that shows you how to open files stored in /tmp:

Again, these files are stored in /tmp, you won’t see the actual image file in the step exports. Please consider watching the video I linked to as well, because it’s the same process but with another image generation tool, but the process to resize the images is the same.

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Hi Pierce,

Thank you very much for your fast reply, i will have a look and try.

Thanks ! :slight_smile:

So, for grabbing that image, you can usually just copy it from the TMP directory to wherever you need it. If it’s a script, maybe add a copy command after the image is generated.