Is the 30-Minute Delay Between HTTP Request and Pipedreams Actions Due to the Newly Added 100 Credit Limit on the Free Package?

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Has anyone notice a 30 minute delay between http request and pipedreams actions (Gmail email , Discord message) ?
Also i noticed today that they added a 100 credits thing. Is the delay due to my free package ? Please help

Sorry, can you clarify both questions? Where are you seeing a 30 minute delay, and what is the 100 credits thing you’re referring to?

I use pageclip for a form in my website.
The request goes to pipedream and uses its data to send an email and a discord message.
It took 1 second max from when i clicked submit in my site (for the last 3 months). But today i noticed it takes 30 minutes.

And also saw that i had 100 credits left (3/100). So those 2 have to relate.

If i buy the basic package 30$/m , will there still be the delay ?

Can you look at the details of that event’s execution to see the elapsed time? Inspect Events

Its crucial to the operation of my business that the email doesnt take more than 30 seconds to get sent. (it took 2 seconds on average and now it takes 30 minutes, Its like pipedream forces me to buy the package)

ok i will check it now

We are not slowing anything down as a result of being on the Free plan, or adding execution time

hmm the discord messahe worked fine instantly.

I want to get the basic but i am still gathering money

one sec i am testing it again from my site

The time a workflow takes to execute will depend on a few factors:
Potential cold starts
• Calls to 3rd party services, if a 3rd party API took a long time to respond for example
• The actual code execution inside your workflow and what it’s doing

Thank you for all the info.
Hmm i tested it from my site, and still there is no discord message etc.

Its probably pageclip

Thanks for all the help.

You should be able to take a look at your the event in the workflow inspector to see which steps completed, and which ones didn’t.

Its pageclip. I cannot see any request in my pipedream

But when i check in pageclip , the request shows up in pipedream. strange

im clicking “test webhook” and the request shows up instantly in pipedream