How to Set Up an Incoming Webhook for Newly Added Labels in Gmail?

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How set an incoming Webhook for any added label in Gmail?

To set up an incoming webhook for any added label in Gmail using Pipedream, you would typically use a Gmail trigger that listens for new emails and then checks if they have the specific label you’re interested in. However, Gmail does not provide a direct webhook for label additions. Instead, you can create a Pipedream workflow that periodically checks for emails with a specific label and processes them accordingly. Here’s a basic approach to achieve this: 1. Use the Gmail API to search for emails with a specific label: You’ll need to use the Gmail API’s “Users.messages: list” endpoint to search for emails that match your criteria (e.g., having a specific label). This will not be a real-time webhook but a polling mechanism that checks for new emails at regular intervals. 2. Create a Pipedream workflow with a Scheduler trigger: This trigger will run your workflow at the interval you specify, allowing you to periodically check for new emails with the desired label. 3. Use the Gmail API within your workflow to check for new emails with the label: You’ll make an API call to Gmail to list messages with the specific label. Here’s an example Pipedream component code that outlines how you might structure this workflow: import { axios } from "@pipedream/platform"; export default defineComponent({ props: { gmail: { type: "app", app: "gmail", }, }, async run({ steps, $ }) { // Replace 'YOUR_LABEL_ID' with the actual ID of the label you're interested in const labelId = 'YOUR_LABEL_ID'; const response = await axios($, { url: ``, params: { labelIds: labelId, maxResults: 5, // Adjust based on how many results you want to fetch }, headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${$auth.oauth_access_token}`, }, }); // Process the response to handle the emails with the specified label // This is where you'd add your logic to handle each email, such as sending a notification or logging the email details console.log(; }, }); Please replace 'YOUR_LABEL_ID' with the actual ID of the label you’re interested in. You can find label IDs by using the Gmail API to list the user’s labels

Have you seen the trigger for the Gmail Developer App? New Labeled Email - Pipedream

You’ll need to configure your own OAuth app in Google Cloud, we have docs on that here: Gmail (Developer App) API Integrations - Pipedream