How to Resolve Axios Error During Workflow Configuration Using Connect When Refresh Fields Fails and Hubspot Page is Unavailable?

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Hi, I’m trying to configure my first workflow using Connect but I keep getting an Axios error when I press Refresh Fields and it doesn’t allow me to configure anything without this refreshing. When I try following the link it sends me to Hubspot saying this page isn’t available. I’ve double checked that my trigger has an external user ID set and that the external user ID exists in Connect under Users. I don’t know how to proceed from here.

Ah yea interesting. That’s kind of a constraint with how some of those actions are built. They’re currently using additionalProps() to fetch information from that specific HubSpot account, in order to render certain inputs (props) dynamically, but that doesn’t work in this model, since the account is going to change on each execution.

Thanks. Figured it would be something like that. I want to do a search for any Contact that has any email fields matching with the email address that’s coming from the trigger. What would be the best way to go about this?

The short term workarounds to get you unblocked most quickly would be,
• You can write a code step to do exactly what you want in HubSpot in Pipedream instead of using a pre-built action
• You can fork the registry action to make whatever changes you want and publish it to your workspace
• Our team should probably take a look at some of those and adapt them to work more elegantly in the Connect model

I think what would solve this quite elegantly would be if I could write a custom query for the Hubspot API. But it seems that this is the one action that doesn’t support Connect.

Ah yea that’s more of an oversight that we plan to address, sorry about that! We appreciate you finding some of the rough edges though!

I don’t mind the rough edges if we find solutions :slightly_smiling_face: And I appreciate the fast response time :+1:

When you say you plan to address the custom Hubspot query, what kind of timeline are you talking about?

I need to sync with eng on this, but I have a feeling that’s going to be more straightforward than my other response:

Our team should probably take a look at some of those and adapt them to work more elegantly in the Connect model

Thanks. Yes I can totally see what adapting all the pre-built steps would be complex. For me it also wouldn’t be necessary if I can build my own API query. But I definitely would feel much better if I wouldn’t have to create a custom code step for that. It’s good to have a fallback though.

Will follow up after I get feedback from eng on extending support to the HTTP action

Thank you! :pray: