
Online project management software

Integrate the Wrike API with the Helper Functions API

Setup the Wrike API trigger to run a workflow which integrates with the Helper Functions API. Pipedream's integration platform allows you to integrate Wrike and Helper Functions remarkably fast. Free for developers.

Country name, given code (2-letter) with Helper Functions API on New Subtask Created from Wrike API
Wrike + Helper Functions
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Base64 Decode String with Helper Functions API on New Folder Created from Wrike API
Wrike + Helper Functions
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Base64 Decode String with Helper Functions API on New Subtask Created from Wrike API
Wrike + Helper Functions
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Base64 Decode String with Helper Functions API on New Task Created from Wrike API
Wrike + Helper Functions
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Compare Arrays with Helper Functions API on New Folder Created from Wrike API
Wrike + Helper Functions
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New Folder Created from the Wrike API

Emit new event when a folder is created

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New Subtask Created from the Wrike API

Emit new event when a subtask is created

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New Task Created from the Wrike API

Emit new event when a task is created

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Base64 Decode String with the Helper Functions API

Accepts a base64-encoded string, returns a decoded UTF-8 string

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Compare Arrays with the Helper Functions API

Get the difference, intersection, union, or symetric difference of two arrays/sets.

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New Task with the Wrike API

Create a Wrike task under a specified folder ID. See the docs

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Convert Currency with the Helper Functions API

Convert an amount between currencies. See the documentation

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Convert HTML to Slack mrkdwn format with the Helper Functions API

Converts an HTML string to the Slack mrkdwn format using

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Overview of Wrike

Wrike API on Pipedream exposes the robust task and project management features of Wrike, enabling you to automate workflows across various apps and services. With it, you can programmatically access and manipulate tasks, folders, projects, and users within Wrike. This API lends itself to a multitude of automation possibilities, like synchronizing project updates across platforms, streamlining notifications and reporting, or even managing resource allocation based on project workload.

Connect Wrike

import { axios } from "@pipedream/platform"
export default defineComponent({
  props: {
    wrike: {
      type: "app",
      app: "wrike",
  async run({steps, $}) {
    return await axios($, {
      url: `https://${this.wrike.$auth.host}/api/v4/contacts`,
      headers: {
        Authorization: `Bearer ${this.wrike.$auth.oauth_access_token}`,
      params: {
        me: `true`,

Overview of Helper Functions

The Helper Functions app on Pipedream is a set of pre-built functions that streamline common tasks in your workflows. It acts like a Swiss Army knife for developers, providing essential tools such as format conversion, date manipulation, and text processing. By leveraging these functions, you can reduce the boilerplate code needed for routine operations, speeding up the development of intricate automations. The Helper Functions API can be a game changer when it comes to tasks like parsing dates in user-friendly formats, encoding and decoding data, or generating UUIDs, making them more efficient and less error-prone.