
TalentLMS is the LMS built for training success making it easy to provide the right training for any team and every use, while giving expert guidance and support every step of the way.

Integrate the TalentLMS API with the Schedule API

Setup the TalentLMS API trigger to run a workflow which integrates with the Schedule API. Pipedream's integration platform allows you to integrate TalentLMS and Schedule remarkably fast. Free for developers.

Custom Interval from the Schedule API

Trigger your workflow every N hours, minutes or seconds.

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Daily schedule from the Schedule API

Trigger your workflow every day.

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Monthly Schedule from the Schedule API

Trigger your workflow on one or more days each month at a specific time (with timezone support).

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Weekly schedule from the Schedule API

Trigger your workflow on one or more days each week at a specific time (with timezone support).

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Overview of TalentLMS

Using the TalentLMS API, you can build a powerful e-learning platform with
features to help you deliver, track, and manage courses. The API provides the
capability to create, store, and serve course content, administer learners, and
monitor usage. With the API, you can design and implement a wide range of
applications and services for your users, giving them the flexibility to learn
wherever and whenever it is convenient for them.

Here are some examples of what you can build using TalentLMS API:

  • Online course delivery platforms
  • Learning management systems
  • Employee onboarding solutions
  • Virtual classrooms
  • Post-training reinforcement programs
  • Custom training portals for companies or organizations
  • Gamified education solutions
  • Mobile learning apps
  • Performance evaluation tools
  • Certification programs

Connect TalentLMS

import { axios } from "@pipedream/platform"
export default defineComponent({
  props: {
    talentlms: {
      type: "app",
      app: "talentlms",
  async run({steps, $}) {
    return await axios($, {
      url: `https://${this.talentlms.$auth.domain}.talentlms.com/api/v1/users`,
      auth: {
        username: `${this.talentlms.$auth.api_key}`,
        password: ``,

Overview of Schedule

With Schedule - A trigger provided by Pipedream - You can easily build
automated workflows that run on regular times or intervals. Some examples of
things that you can build using the Schedule API include:

  • Automated data retrieval from a third-party service, like pulling stats from
    your Salesforce account on a set schedule.
  • Uploading new data sets to a database with a predetermined interval.
  • Automatic emails to customers or leads at a certain time of the day.
  • Automating data analysis based on a set schedule.
  • Automatically optimizing social media postings according to a specified
  • Updating webpages at a certain interval with newly available content.
  • Re-running reports on a periodic basis.
  • Refreshing a cache of data at a given frequency.