Planyo Online Booking

Planyo is an online reservation system which can be used by any business taking bookings: for days, nights, hours or minutes, or scheduled events.

Integrate the Planyo Online Booking API with the Schedule API

Setup the Planyo Online Booking API trigger to run a workflow which integrates with the Schedule API. Pipedream's integration platform allows you to integrate Planyo Online Booking and Schedule remarkably fast. Free for developers.

Create Reservation with Planyo Online Booking API on Custom Interval from Schedule API
Schedule + Planyo Online Booking
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Create Reservation with Planyo Online Booking API on Daily schedule from Schedule API
Schedule + Planyo Online Booking
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Create Reservation with Planyo Online Booking API on Monthly Schedule from Schedule API
Schedule + Planyo Online Booking
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Create Reservation with Planyo Online Booking API on Weekly schedule from Schedule API
Schedule + Planyo Online Booking
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Create User with Planyo Online Booking API on Custom Interval from Schedule API
Schedule + Planyo Online Booking
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Custom Interval from the Schedule API

Trigger your workflow every N hours, minutes or seconds.

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Daily schedule from the Schedule API

Trigger your workflow every day.

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Monthly Schedule from the Schedule API

Trigger your workflow on one or more days each month at a specific time (with timezone support).

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Weekly schedule from the Schedule API

Trigger your workflow on one or more days each week at a specific time (with timezone support).

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Create Reservation with the Planyo Online Booking API

Enters a new reservation into the system. See Docs

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Create User with the Planyo Online Booking API

Inserts a new user associated with your Planyo site. See Docs

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Create Vacation with the Planyo Online Booking API

Adds a new one-time vacation for given resource or entire Planyo site. See Docs

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Overview of Planyo Online Booking

The Planyo Online Booking API facilitates interaction with a versatile reservation system, allowing for booking management and integration with external calendars, payment systems, and customer relationship tools. With Pipedream's serverless platform, you can wield this API to construct dynamic, event-driven workflows. Automate notifications, synchronize bookings with other services, or generate detailed reports on reservation trends. Streamline scheduling tasks, minimize manual data entry, and enhance the customer booking experience with customized automations.

Connect Planyo Online Booking

import { axios } from "@pipedream/platform"
export default defineComponent({
  props: {
    planyo_online_booking: {
      type: "app",
      app: "planyo_online_booking",
  async run({steps, $}) {
    return await axios($, {
      url: ``,
      params: {
        method: `get_site_info`,
        api_key: `${this.planyo_online_booking.$auth.api_key}`,

Overview of Schedule

The Schedule app in Pipedream is a powerful tool that allows you to trigger workflows at regular intervals, ranging from every minute to once a year. This enables the automation of repetitive tasks and the scheduling of actions to occur without manual intervention. By leveraging this API, you can execute code, run integrations, and process data on a reliable schedule, all within Pipedream's serverless environment.