Find Cities & Towns with GeoDB Cities API.
Emit new event when a new column is added to a table. See the documentation
Emit new event when a row is added or modified. See the documentation
Emit new event when a new row is added to a table. See the documentation
Emit new event when new rows are returned from a custom query that you provide. See the documentation
Emit new event when a new table is added to the database. See the documentation
Find cities, filtering by optional criteria. If no criteria are set, you will get back all known cities with a population of at least 1000. See the docs
Get the details for a specific country, including number of regions. See the docs
Get the details of a specific country region, including number of cities. See the docs
The GeoDB Cities API lets you tap into a rich dataset of worldwide cities, their attributes, and related data. On Pipedream, you can use this API to create workflows that automate location-based tasks, enrich data with geographical context, or power apps with location intelligence. For instance, you could trigger a workflow whenever a new city is added to a database, gather demographic information based on city names, or even integrate with travel platforms to plan itineraries.
import { axios } from "@pipedream/platform"
export default defineComponent({
props: {
geodb_cities: {
type: "app",
app: "geodb_cities",
async run({steps, $}) {
const data = {
"query": `{country(id:"US"){name region(code:"CA"){name populatedPlaces(first:10){totalCount pageInfo{startCursor endCursor hasNextPage}edges{node{name}}}}}}`,
return await axios($, {
method: "post",
url: ``,
headers: {
"x-rapidapi-key": `${this.geodb_cities.$auth.api_key}`,
"Content-Type": `application/json`,
On Pipedream, you can leverage the PostgreSQL app to create workflows that automate database operations, synchronize data across platforms, and react to database events in real-time. Think handling new row entries, updating records from webhooks, or even compiling reports on a set schedule. Pipedream's serverless platform provides a powerful way to connect PostgreSQL with a variety of apps, enabling you to create tailored automation that fits your specific needs.
import postgresql from "@pipedream/postgresql"
export default defineComponent({
props: {
async run({ steps, $ }) {
// Component source code:
const queryObj = {
text: "SELECT NOW()",
values: [], // Ignored since query does not contain placeholders
return await this.postgresql.executeQuery(queryObj);