The distributed serverless database combining the flexibility of NoSQL with the relational querying capabilities of SQL systems.
Emit new event each time you add or remove a document from a specific collection, with the details of the document.
Emit new event for each message posted to one or more channels
Emit new event for each forum thread message posted. Note that your bot must have the MESSAGE_CONTENT
privilege intent to see the message content. See the documentation
Emit new event for every member added to a guild. See docs here
Emit new event when a new tag is added to a thread
Performs an arbitrary authorized GraphQL query. See docs here
Assign a role to a user. Remember that your bot requires the MANAGE_ROLES
permission. See the docs here
Reads all documents from a given Fauna collection. See docs here
Fauna API offers a powerful serverless database solution for modern applications. Its unique capabilities allow for highly scalable, secure, and flexible data management. With Pipedream, you can harness the power of Fauna to create intricate serverless workflows that react to various triggers, manage data efficiently, and connect seamlessly with other services and APIs to automate complex tasks.
module.exports = defineComponent({
props: {
faunadb: {
type: "app",
app: "faunadb",
async run({steps, $}) {
const faunadb = require('faunadb')
const q = faunadb.query
const client = new faunadb.Client({ secret: this.faunadb.$auth.secret })
// Lists collections in the database tied to your secret key
const collectionsPaginator = await client.paginate(q.Collections())
this.collections = []
await collectionsPaginator.each(page => {
for (const collection of page) {
The Discord Bot API unlocks the power to interact with Discord users and channels programmatically, making it possible to automate messages, manage servers, and integrate with other services. With Pipedream's serverless platform, you can create complex workflows that respond to events in Discord, process data, and trigger actions in other apps. This opens up opportunities for community engagement, content moderation, analytics, and more, without the overhead of managing infrastructure.
import { axios } from "@pipedream/platform"
export default defineComponent({
props: {
discord_bot: {
type: "app",
app: "discord_bot",
async run({steps, $}) {
return await axios($, {
url: ``,
headers: {
"Authorization": `Bot ${this.discord_bot.$auth.bot_token}`,