DigitalOcean Spaces

Highly scalable and affordable object storage.

Integrate the DigitalOcean Spaces API with the Schedule API

Setup the DigitalOcean Spaces API trigger to run a workflow which integrates with the Schedule API. Pipedream's integration platform allows you to integrate DigitalOcean Spaces and Schedule remarkably fast. Free for developers.

Delete Files with DigitalOcean Spaces API on Custom Interval from Schedule API
Schedule + DigitalOcean Spaces
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Delete Files with DigitalOcean Spaces API on Daily schedule from Schedule API
Schedule + DigitalOcean Spaces
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Delete Files with DigitalOcean Spaces API on Monthly Schedule from Schedule API
Schedule + DigitalOcean Spaces
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Delete Files with DigitalOcean Spaces API on Weekly schedule from Schedule API
Schedule + DigitalOcean Spaces
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List Files with DigitalOcean Spaces API on Custom Interval from Schedule API
Schedule + DigitalOcean Spaces
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Custom Interval from the Schedule API

Trigger your workflow every N hours, minutes or seconds.

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File Deleted from the DigitalOcean Spaces API

Emit new event when a file is deleted from a DigitalOcean Spaces bucket

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Daily schedule from the Schedule API

Trigger your workflow every day.

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Monthly Schedule from the Schedule API

Trigger your workflow on one or more days each month at a specific time (with timezone support).

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New File Uploaded from the DigitalOcean Spaces API

Emit new event when a file is uploaded to a DigitalOcean Spaces bucket

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Delete Files with the DigitalOcean Spaces API

Delete files in a bucket. See the docs.

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List Files with the DigitalOcean Spaces API

List files in a bucket. See the docs.

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Upload File /tmp with the DigitalOcean Spaces API

Accepts a file path starting from /tmp, then uploads as a file to DigitalOcean Spaces. See the docs.

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Upload File Base64 with the DigitalOcean Spaces API

Accepts a base64-encoded string and a filename, then uploads as a file to DigitalOcean Spaces. See the docs.

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Upload File URL with the DigitalOcean Spaces API

Accepts a download link and a filename, downloads it, then uploads to DigitalOcean Spaces. See the docs.

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Overview of DigitalOcean Spaces

DigitalOcean Spaces API permits you to manage object storage, allowing for the storage and serving of massive amounts of data. This API is great for backing up, archiving, and providing public access to data or assets. On Pipedream, you can use this API to automate file operations like uploads, downloads, and deletions, as well as manage permissions and metadata. You can integrate it with other services for end-to-end workflow automation.

Connect DigitalOcean Spaces

import { S3 } from "@aws-sdk/client-s3";
import { ListBucketsCommand  } from "@aws-sdk/client-s3";

export default defineComponent({
  props: {
    digitalocean_spaces: {
      type: "app",
      app: "digitalocean_spaces"
  async run({ steps, $ }) {
    const s3Client = new S3({
        forcePathStyle: false, // Configures to use subdomain/virtual calling format.
        endpoint: `https://${this.digitalocean_spaces.$auth.region}`,
        region: "us-east-1",
        credentials: {
          accessKeyId: this.digitalocean_spaces.$auth.key,
          secretAccessKey: this.digitalocean_spaces.$auth.secret

    const data = await s3Client.send(new ListBucketsCommand({}));
    return data.Buckets;

Overview of Schedule

The Schedule app in Pipedream is a powerful tool that allows you to trigger workflows at regular intervals, ranging from every minute to once a year. This enables the automation of repetitive tasks and the scheduling of actions to occur without manual intervention. By leveraging this API, you can execute code, run integrations, and process data on a reliable schedule, all within Pipedream's serverless environment.