The simple platform to build data stories.
Builds a graph object from scratch and publishes it. See the documentation
Builds a graph object from a template and publishes it. See the documentation
import { ChartType } from 'columns-graph-model';
import { Columns } from 'columns-sdk';
export default defineComponent({
props: {
columns_ai: {
type: "app",
app: "columns_ai",
async run({steps, $}) {
const rows = [{
"value": 312,
"state": "WA",
"parent": "US"
}];// rows is an example data set where you should organize your data in a similar way.
//Instantiates a Columns SDK object with your API Key.
const columns = new Columns(this.columns_ai.$auth.api_key);
const data =['state'], ['value'], rows);
const graph = columns.graph(data);
// switch to different chart types: BAR, PIE, DOUGHGUT, LINE, AREA, SCATTER, etc.
graph.type = ChartType.COLUMN;
// customise the graph (lots of options in its data model)
graph.settings.general.palette = ['#ff0000', '#00ff00', '#0000ff'];
graph.settings.general.background = '#00000002';
return graph;
The Schedule app in Pipedream is a powerful tool that allows you to trigger workflows at regular intervals, ranging from every minute to once a year. This enables the automation of repetitive tasks and the scheduling of actions to occur without manual intervention. By leveraging this API, you can execute code, run integrations, and process data on a reliable schedule, all within Pipedream's serverless environment.