Send Github Issue Reactions for a Repo to a Google Sheet
data:privatelast updated:1 year ago
Send Github Issue Reactions for a Repo to a Google Sheet


  1. Fork the workflow by clicking on the button in the top-right of this page
  2. Forking the workflow should display the workflow's steps. In the first step, click Connect Account to connect Github. This should launch a window asking you to authorize Pipedream access to your Github account.
  3. In that same step, enter the Owner and Repo for the repo you'd like to get reactions for.
  4. Repeat this process for the two remaining Google Sheets steps: enter the Sheet Name and Spreadsheet ID for the spreadsheet where you'd like to save the data. The spreadsheet ID can be found in the URL:[SPREADSHEET ID]/edit

Ideas for analysis

See how we analyze Github issue reaction data at Pipedream in this Medium post

Questions / Issues

Reach out on our Slack community or to Pipedream Support