Runs Node.js code to pull the best story from Hacker News, emailing you the link
This workflow runs Node.js code once a day to hit the Hacker News API, pulling the details of the current best story (, sending an email with a link to that story.
First, fork this workflow. If you haven't signed up for Pipedream, you'll be asked to sign up and choose a username. Forking this pipeline will create a copy of it in your own account that you can modify however you want.
Then, press the big green Send Test Event button to manually trigger your workflow. On the left, you should see a test event appear in our Inspector. Click on that to see how your workflow ran agains the test event, then check your email to confirm you received it.
You can only send email to the address you signed up with on Pipedream. All emails come from See the docs on the Email Destination to learn more.
If you have any trouble at all, please feel free to reach out to our team We're more than happy to help!