Spotify for Hackers: Run Node code to email new tracks on playlists
data:privatelast updated:3 years ago
Spotify for Hackers: Run Node code to email new tracks on playlists

How this works

This workflow will look for any new songs added to playlists you follow on Spotify, sending you an email with a link to the playlist and the new tracks:

image of email


  1. Press the Fork button in the top-right
  2. In the Workflow tab, click the Connect Account button in each of the steps to connect your Spotify account to those steps. You'll need to scroll down a bit below the code for the final step to connect your Spotify account there.
  3. Press the green Deploy button in the footer to deploy your changes live.

The workflow runs once an hour, emailing you with any new playlist tracks. If you'd like, you can modify the schedule to check playlists at a different frequency.