Installing the CLI



brew tap pipedreamhq/pd-cli
brew install pipedreamhq/pd-cli/pipedream

From source

Run the following command:

curl | sh

This will automatically download and install the pd CLI to your Mac. You can also download the macOS build, unzip that archive, and place the pd binary somewhere in your PATH.

If this returns a permissions error, you may need to run:

curl | sudo sh

If you encounter the error bad CPU type in executable: pd, you will need to install Rosetta 2 on your Mac by running the following command:

softwareupdate --install-rosetta


Download the CLI build for your architecture below. Unzip that archive, and place the pd binary somewhere in your PATH.

Windows (native)

Download the CLI build for Windows. Unzip that archive, save pd.exe in Program Files, and add its file path to Path in your system environment variables. Use pd.exe in a terminal that supports ANSI colors, like the Windows Terminal.

Windows (WSL)

Download the appropriate Linux CLI build for your architecture. Unzip that archive, and place the pd binary somewhere in your PATH.

CLI Builds

Pipedream publishes the following builds of the CLI. If you need to use the CLI on another OS or architecture, please reach out.

Operating SystemArchitecturelink

Community Libraries


Please note that Pipedream does not verify the correctness or security of these community libraries. Use them at your own risk.


The pd binary is available via Nix flake here


Run pd to see a list of all commands, or pd help <command> to display help docs for a specific command.

See the CLI reference for detailed usage and examples for each command.