Why Isn't the 'Path' Element Displaying Folders from My Dropbox Account in the Workflow?

Hi Simon - can you navigate to your project settings, and enable sharing with Support? That way we can take a closer look.



Project URL Sign Up - Pipedream

Thanks for sharing the project, I’ll take a look

Hi Simon, we’ll need to refactor our Dropbox integration to be compatible with Dropbox Business accounts, as there are slightly different requirements to be able to use the same endpoints. I’ve scoped the work here:

I’ve reached out to the Dropbox team to get provisioned with a sandbox so we can develop, and will follow up once the integration is complete.

Sounds like a plan, really appreciate you looking into it. Look forward to the next steps:+1:

Posted thread to Discourse: Why am I Unable to Select a Folder Using the 'Path' Element in Dropbox Trigger?

Hi Simon, I’ve created a Dropbox Business Sandbox and am unable to replicate the behavior you described - I don’t think that this issue is specifically related to having a Dropbox Business vs. personal account.

Can you confirm how many folders you have within your Dropbox Business account (Login - Dropbox), and if these folders contain a large number of subfolders and files within them?

I’m wondering if this is not working due to a large number of files and folders, at which the call to list the folders is failing or timing out due to the folder structures with a large number of items.