Why Isn't the New Row Added Trigger for Our Workflow Activating When Rows are Added to our Google Sheet?

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We are using the New Row Added (Shared Drive, Instant) trigger for our workflow but whenever we add rows to the Google Sheet nothing happens. We figured out if edited the trigger, selected the last event and tested the workflow that it would actually trigger it and make it work. Unfortunately that doesn’t work for us anymore. We’re trying to figure out a way to just have a trigger that we manually use to start looking at the data without going through all those steps

Hi Robert, I suggest deleting your current trigger and recreating it.

Sources (the underlying component powering your trigger) receive updates from time to time. But unfortunately unlike actions, there’s not a button within the Pipedream UI to update their source code.

Hi Pierce. We’ve had to recreate it 3 times over the past week and we still have to test the workflow before it actually triggers. Any clue on a trigger that would actually run without having to do a test run for it to trigger?

Perhaps the logs for the trigger might lead to something. You can see them under the Sources area in the dashboard

There you can find your Google Sheets source, then open the Logs tab which will give you the logs of each execution.

We’ve noticed that Google Drive events seem to work better when the account that sets up the trigger is also the owner of the files.

Sharing the file with the account as editor/viewer/commenter doesn’t seem to work as reliably. :man-shrugging:

Ah yes there are ownership quirks with Google APIs. For instance, you can’t add images to Google Photos albums unless the album is created by the same Pipedream OAuth token

Thank you for the replies and information. I’ll try to create it under my own account and see if that helps